Rice CS
Todd Treangen promoted to associate professor with tenure Mon, 07/10/2023 - 21:48
His research lies at the intersection of computer science, public health, and genomics
Ferreira & Schreib named finalists for Phi Beta Kappa Teaching Award Tue, 06/27/2023 - 19:18
The honor highlights top-rated early-career faculty across the university
Rice and Houston Health Department publish wastewater SARS-CoV-2 research in Nature Communications Mon, 06/26/2023 - 15:18
Rice CS, STAT, and CEVE researchers develop tool for early identification of SARS-COV-2 mutations in wastewater
Liu, Chen & team advance cloud security in USENIX Security paper Thu, 06/22/2023 - 22:30
Rice CS Ph.D. student uses novel approach to deploy cloud devices as security enforcers
Rice CS team helps robots rearrange objects without gripping them Thu, 06/22/2023 - 17:30
The research is one of five papers presented at ICRA 2023
Kyrillidis uses Microsoft Research Award to tackle ‘forgetful’ AI in ML systems Tue, 06/20/2023 - 17:08
Rice Computer Science faculty member aims to improve efficiency and performance in continual learning with neural networks
Six Rice CS students win engineering scholarships and awards Tue, 06/13/2023 - 17:07
Students were recognized for research excellence, leadership and creativity
Nai-Hui Chia receives Google Scholar Award to study quantum simulations Tue, 06/13/2023 - 11:04
Rice University quantum computer scientist will present results connecting cryptography and Hamiltonians at CCC2023
At NSDI '23, Rice CS Ph.D. student presents eighth research paper Tue, 05/30/2023 - 16:55
Yiming Qiu explores runtime improvements for programmable network devices
Rice and Edinburgh computer scientists explore algorithm optimization for quantum computing Wed, 05/24/2023 - 16:56
Anastasios Kyrillidis and Petros Wallden collaborate on QAOA research