Unconventional Computing
Advancing the frontiers of computing through research, education, and service.
Inside Rice CS
CS students Jason Ludmir and Jason Han won first prizes at SC24 and SIGMETRICS; professor Tirthak Patel was awarded an Honorable Mention at SC24
Rice computer science professor recognized for his work on DOE’s 7-year, $1.8B Exascale Computing Project
Faculty exemplify excellence in research across engineering and computing disciplines
Shrivastava and team present three papers on LLM advancements at NeurIPS
Rice CS faculty members Anshumali Shrivastava and Xia Ben Hu discuss the future of AI
PRISM helps identify hidden research risks and ensures compliance with federal security standards
Robotics professor nominated for three-year appointment by RAS’s Technical Committee on Motion Planning
The OMCS program advanced four spots to No. 10