CS students Jason Ludmir and Jason Han won first prizes at SC24 and SIGMETRICS; professor Tirthak Patel was awarded an Honorable Mention at SC24
Rice computer science professor recognized for his work on DOE’s 7-year, $1.8B Exascale Computing Project
Faculty exemplify excellence in research across engineering and computing disciplines
Shrivastava and team present three papers on LLM advancements at NeurIPS

Mellor-Crummey Participates in Supercomputer Design Wed, 08/15/2018 - 13:03
John Mellor-Crummey is participating in the design the 2021 exascale supercomputer Aurora with Argonne National Laboratory, Intel and other Department of Energy (DOE) partners.

Undergraduates cross-train in data science Fri, 08/10/2018 - 13:04
A diverse group of eleven undergraduates eager for “cross-training” took part in the 2018 Rice University Data Science Summer Program (RUDSSP).

NSF backs strategy to reconstruct cancer cells’ evolution Tue, 07/31/2018 - 13:06
Rice University’s Luay Nakhleh earns grants to bolster genomic tools, probe roots of disease

Scientists to tap data networks' hidden powers Sun, 07/15/2018 - 13:15
Rice University researchers win NSF funds to develop distributed programming for speedier analysis

CS Department Connects, Celebrates Alumni Wed, 07/11/2018 - 13:17
The Department of Computer Science is connecting with alumni, celebrating their achievements and sharing the department’s vision for the future.

Nakhleh, Vargas named endowed chairs Tue, 07/03/2018 - 13:20
Luay Nakhleh and Francisco “Paco” Vargas, have been named to endowed chairs, effective July 1.

Vardi honored for introducing 'a new paradigm' in computing Tue, 07/03/2018 - 13:19
Vardi received two honorary doctorates from European universities.

Lydia Kavraki featured in Nomadic Monument for Women in Robotics Tue, 06/19/2018 - 13:23
Lydia Kavraki is among the eight women featured in the Nomadic Monument for Women in Robotics.

‘A system purely for developing high-performance, big data codes’ Tue, 06/12/2018 - 13:24
Rice U. team to unveil PlinyCompute this week at SIGMOD conference

A better statistical estimation of known Syrian war victims Tue, 06/05/2018 - 13:26
Data ‘hashing’ improves estimate of the number of victims in databases