Package com.graphbuilder.math.func


class  AbsFunction
 The absolute function. More...
class  AvgFunction
 The average function. More...
class  CeilFunction
 The ceiling function. More...
class  CombinFunction
 The combination function. More...
class  EFunction
 Euler's number, e, also called the base of natural logarithms. More...
class  ExpFunction
 The exp function. More...
class  FactFunction
 The factorial function. More...
class  FloorFunction
 The floor function. More...
interface  Function
 The Function interface represents a function that takes a number of inputs and returns a value. More...
class  IfFunction
class  LgFunction
 The log base 2 function. More...
class  LnFunction
 The natural logarithm function. More...
class  LogFunction
 The log function. More...
class  MaxFunction
 The max function. More...
class  MinFunction
 The min function. More...
class  ModFunction
 The mod function. More...
class  PowFunction
 The power function. More...
class  RoundFunction
 The round function. More...
class  SignFunction
 The sign function. More...
class  SqrtFunction
 The square root function. More...
class  SumFunction
 The sum function. More...

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