Package com.graphbuilder.math


package  func


class  AddNode
 A node of an expression tree, represented by the symbol "+". More...
class  DivNode
 A node of an expression tree, represented by the symbol "/". More...
class  EqualNode
 check the value of comparison sign = or == More...
class  Expression
 The class from which all nodes of an expression tree are descendents. More...
class  ExpressionParseException
 Exception thrown if expression cannot be parsed correctly. More...
class  ExpressionTree
class  FuncMap
class  FuncNode
 A node of an expression tree that represents a function. More...
class  MultNode
 A node of an expression tree, represented by the symbol "*". More...
class  OpNode
 A node of an expression tree that has exactly 2 children, a left child and a right child. More...
class  PascalsTriangle
 PascalsTriangle can be used for O(1) lookup of the nCr function. More...
class  PowNode
 A node of an expression tree, represented by the symbol "^". More...
class  SubNode
 A node of an expression tree, represented by the symbol "-". More...
class  TermNode
 A node of an expression tree that represents a variable or a function. More...
class  ValNode
 A node of an expression tree that represents a value. More...
class  VarMap
class  VarNode
 A node of an expression tree that represents a variable. More...

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