You have 5.0 hours to complete the exam from the
time you open the exam download file.
The signed paper version must be returned to
in class Friday 10/19/07.
Any electronic versions must be uploaded by 10 PM
as well.
Only the paper version of the exam will be used for
grading purposes.
Dr. Wong will monitor his e-mail and Window Live
Messenger on Wed. 10/17/07 and Thurs. 10/18/07 from 7 PM - 12 AM. You may not communicate
with anyone else during the exam!
Do not discuss the exam with anyone until it is
graded and handed back as there are some students who cannot take the exam
during its regularly scheduled time.
You will have 6 hours to
complete the exam from the
time you open the exam download file.
The exam is officially due by 11:59 PM Wed.,
12/12/07. The signed paper version must be returned to
Dr. Wong's office by 11:59 PM Wed. 12/12/2007 .
The electronic versions must be uploaded by the due
date and
time as well.
Only the paper version of the exam will be used for
grading purposes.
You may not communicate
with anyone else during the exam!
Do not discuss the exam with anyone until it is
graded and handed back as there are some students who cannot take the exam
during its regularly scheduled time.