Comp202: Principles of Object-Oriented Programming II
Fall 2007 -- Exam
This list should be considered
a partial list at best! Check back often to see if new items
are added. You are responsible for all topics covered in class, labs
and assignments, even if they do not appear here.
This list only contains only material covered after the
previous exam.
- Be sure you review higher order functions.
- Parsing -- be able to completely code a parser, given
a grammar
- object representation,
- factory representation
- parsing visitors made by the factories
- Sorting
- Know how to code all the sorters done so far,
e.g. merge, bubble, selection, insertion, quicksort, heap.
- Be able to work with the sorting framework well
enough to add a new sorter to it.
- Data structures
- binary
- heaps
- B-trees (N-Trees, 2-3-4 trees)
- Java 5.0 features
- Know how to instantiate and use a parameterized
(generic) class or interface.
- Know how to write and use a parameterized method.
- Know how to declare and use variable argument lists.
- Know how to write and use the new for-loop syntax:
for(AClass x : aContainerOfAClass) {...}
Last Revised
Monday, 25-Jan-2010 16:14:00 CST
©2007 Stephen Wong and Dung Nguyen