Startup and Shutdown


void __kmpc_begin (ident_t *loc, kmp_int32 flags)
void __kmpc_end (ident_t *loc)

Detailed Description

These functions are for library initialization and shutdown.

Function Documentation

void __kmpc_begin ( ident_t loc,
kmp_int32  flags 
loc in source location information
flags in for future use (currently ignored)

Initialize the runtime library. This call is optional; if it is not made then it will be implicilty called by attempts to use other library functions.

Definition at line 73 of file kmp_csupport.c.

References __kmp_ignore_mppbeg(), __kmp_internal_begin(), FALSE, KC_TRACE, and ompt_init().

void __kmpc_end ( ident_t loc  ) 
loc source location information

Shutdown the runtime library. This is also optional, and even if called will not do anything unless the `KMP_IGNORE_MPPEND` environment variable is set to zero.

Definition at line 94 of file kmp_csupport.c.

References __kmp_ignore_mppend(), __kmp_internal_end_thread(), FALSE, KA_TRACE, and KC_TRACE.

Generated on 25 Aug 2013 for libomp_oss by  doxygen 1.6.1