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1 // -*-Mode: C++;-*-
3 // * BeginRiceCopyright *****************************************************
4 //
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7 //
8 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 // Part of HPCToolkit (hpctoolkit.org)
10 //
11 // Information about sources of support for research and development of
12 // HPCToolkit is at 'hpctoolkit.org' and in 'README.Acknowledgments'.
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15 // Copyright ((c)) 2002-2019, Rice University
16 // All rights reserved.
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45 // ******************************************************* EndRiceCopyright *
47 //***************************************************************************
48 //
49 // PointerStack.h:
50 //
51 // Author: John Mellor-Crummey October 1993
52 //
53 // rjf 2-21-98 Replaced previous versions of PointerStack with
54 // a self-contained implementaion for efficiency and
55 // to avoid using templates when building runtime libraries
56 // on machines on which the compiler itself does not run.
57 //***************************************************************************
59 #ifndef PointerStack_h
60 #define PointerStack_h
62 //************************** System Include Files ***************************
64 //*************************** User Include Files ****************************
66 //*************************** Forward Declarations **************************
68 //***************************************************************************
70 class PointerStack {
72  int lastSlot;
73  void **theStack;
74  void ExtendAndPush( void* item);
75 public:
76  PointerStack(unsigned int initialSize = 32);
77  ~PointerStack();
79  void Push(void *item) { // push a new item on the top of the stack
80  if ( topElement < lastSlot ) {
81  theStack[++topElement] = item;
82  }
83  else
84  ExtendAndPush(item);
85  };
87  void *Pop() {
88  return (topElement >=0) // pop and return the top item (0 when empty)
89  ? theStack[topElement--]
90  : (void *) 0 ;
91  };
93  void *Top(){
94  return (topElement >=0) // return the top item (0 when empty)
95  ? theStack[topElement]
96  : (void *) 0 ;
97  };
99  // return the item that is "depth" elements from the top of the stack
100  // Get(0) returns the top of the stack (0 when empty)
101  void *Get(unsigned int depth) {
102  // eraxxon: changed to eliminate comparison between unsigned/signed
103  if (topElement >= 0) {
104  return (depth <= (unsigned int)topElement)
105  ? theStack[topElement - depth]
106  : (void *) 0 ;
107  } else {
108  return (void *) 0 ;
109  }
110  };
112  unsigned int Depth() { // 0 when empty
113  return (topElement + 1) ;
114  } ;
116 };
118 #endif
void ** theStack
PointerStack(unsigned int initialSize=32)
void * Top()
void ExtendAndPush(void *item)
void Push(void *item)
unsigned int Depth()
void * Get(unsigned int depth)
void * Pop()