hpcrun-fmt.h File Reference
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <include/uint.h>
#include "hpcio.h"
#include "hpcio-buffer.h"
#include "hpcfmt.h"
#include "lush/lush-support.h"
Include dependency graph for hpcrun-fmt.h:
This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:

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struct  hpcrun_fmt_hdr_t
struct  epoch_flags_bitfield
union  epoch_flags_t
struct  hpcrun_fmt_epochHdr_t
struct  metric_desc_properties_t
struct  hpcrun_metricFlags_fields
union  hpcrun_metricFlags_t
struct  hpcrun_metricFlags_bitfield_XXX
union  hpcrun_metricFlags_XXX_t
union  hpcrun_metricVal_u
struct  metric_desc_t
struct  metric_list_t
struct  loadmap_entry_t
struct  hpcrun_fmt_cct_node_t
struct  hpctrace_hdr_flags_bitfield
union  hpctrace_hdr_flags_t
struct  hpctrace_fmt_hdr_t
struct  hpctrace_fmt_datum_t
struct  hpcmetricDB_fmt_hdr_t


#define HPCRUN_FMT_NV_prog   "program-name"
#define HPCRUN_FMT_NV_progPath   "program-path"
#define HPCRUN_FMT_NV_envPath   "env-path"
#define HPCRUN_FMT_NV_jobId   "job-id"
#define HPCRUN_FMT_NV_mpiRank   "mpi-rank"
#define HPCRUN_FMT_NV_tid   "thread-id"
#define HPCRUN_FMT_NV_hostid   "host-id"
#define HPCRUN_FMT_NV_pid   "process-id"
#define HPCRUN_FMT_NV_traceMinTime   "trace-min-time"
#define HPCRUN_FMT_NV_traceMaxTime   "trace-max-time"
#define metric_property_time   ( (metric_desc_properties_t) { .time = 1 } )
#define metric_property_cycles   ( (metric_desc_properties_t) { .cycles = 1 } )
#define metric_property_none   ( (metric_desc_properties_t) { } )
#define HPCRUN_FMT_CCTNodeId_NULL   (0)
#define HPCRUN_FMT_RetainIdFlag   (0x1)
#define NODE_TYPE_LEAF   1
#define NODE_TYPE_ROOT   16
#define HPCRUN_FMT_LMId_NULL   (0)
#define HPCRUN_FMT_LMIp_NULL   (0)
#define HPCRUN_FMT_LMIp_Flag1   (1)
#define HPCTRACE_FMT_MagicLenX   (sizeof(HPCTRACE_FMT_Magic) - 1)
#define HPCTRACE_FMT_VersionLenX   (sizeof(HPCTRACE_FMT_Version) - 1)
#define HPCTRACE_FMT_EndianLenX   (sizeof(HPCTRACE_FMT_Endian) - 1)
#define HPCTRACE_FMT_FlagsLenX   (sizeof(hpctrace_hdr_flags_t))
#define HPCRUN_FMT_MetricId_NULL   (INT_MAX)
#define HPCMETRICDB_FMT_MagicLenX   (sizeof(HPCMETRICDB_FMT_Magic) - 1)
#define HPCMETRICDB_FMT_VersionLenX   (sizeof(HPCMETRICDB_FMT_Version) - 1)
#define HPCMETRICDB_FMT_EndianLenX   (sizeof(HPCMETRICDB_FMT_Endian) - 1)


typedef struct hpcrun_fmt_hdr_t hpcrun_fmt_hdr_t
typedef struct epoch_flags_bitfield epoch_flags_bitfield
typedef union epoch_flags_t epoch_flags_t
typedef struct hpcrun_fmt_epochHdr_t hpcrun_fmt_epochHdr_t
typedef struct metric_desc_properties_t metric_desc_properties_t
typedef struct hpcrun_metricFlags_fields hpcrun_metricFlags_fields
typedef union hpcrun_metricFlags_t hpcrun_metricFlags_t
typedef struct hpcrun_metricFlags_bitfield_XXX hpcrun_metricFlags_bitfield_XXX
typedef union hpcrun_metricFlags_XXX_t hpcrun_metricFlags_XXX_t
typedef union hpcrun_metricVal_u hpcrun_metricVal_t
typedef struct metric_desc_t metric_desc_t
typedef struct metric_list_t metric_list_t
typedef metric_desc_tmetric_desc_p_t
typedef struct loadmap_entry_t loadmap_entry_t
typedef struct hpcrun_fmt_cct_node_t hpcrun_fmt_cct_node_t
typedef struct hpctrace_hdr_flags_bitfield hpctrace_hdr_flags_bitfield
typedef union hpctrace_hdr_flags_t hpctrace_hdr_flags_t
typedef struct hpctrace_fmt_hdr_t hpctrace_fmt_hdr_t
typedef struct hpctrace_fmt_datum_t hpctrace_fmt_datum_t
typedef struct hpcmetricDB_fmt_hdr_t hpcmetricDB_fmt_hdr_t


enum  MetricFlags_Ty_t { MetricFlags_Ty_NULL = 0, MetricFlags_Ty_Raw, MetricFlags_Ty_Final, MetricFlags_Ty_Derived }
enum  MetricFlags_ValTy_t { MetricFlags_ValTy_NULL = 0, MetricFlags_ValTy_Incl, MetricFlags_ValTy_Excl }
enum  MetricFlags_ValFmt_t { MetricFlags_ValFmt_NULL = 0, MetricFlags_ValFmt_Int, MetricFlags_ValFmt_Real, MetricFlags_ValFmt_Address }


int hpcrun_fmt_hdr_fread (hpcrun_fmt_hdr_t *hdr, FILE *infs, hpcfmt_alloc_fn alloc)
int hpcrun_fmt_hdr_fwrite (FILE *outfs,...)
int hpcrun_fmt_hdr_fprint (hpcrun_fmt_hdr_t *hdr, FILE *outf)
void hpcrun_fmt_hdr_free (hpcrun_fmt_hdr_t *hdr, hpcfmt_free_fn dealloc)
int hpcrun_fmt_epochHdr_fread (hpcrun_fmt_epochHdr_t *ehdr, FILE *fs, hpcfmt_alloc_fn alloc)
int hpcrun_fmt_epochHdr_fwrite (FILE *out, epoch_flags_t flags, uint64_t measurementGranularity,...)
int hpcrun_fmt_epochHdr_fprint (hpcrun_fmt_epochHdr_t *ehdr, FILE *out)
void hpcrun_fmt_epochHdr_free (hpcrun_fmt_epochHdr_t *ehdr, hpcfmt_free_fn dealloc)
static bool hpcrun_metricVal_isZero (hpcrun_metricVal_t x)
 HPCFMT_List_declare (metric_desc_t)
typedef HPCFMT_List (metric_desc_t) metric_tbl_t
int hpcrun_fmt_metricTbl_fread (metric_tbl_t *metric_tbl, metric_aux_info_t **aux_info, FILE *in, double fmtVersion, hpcfmt_alloc_fn alloc)
int hpcrun_fmt_metricTbl_fwrite (metric_desc_p_tbl_t *metric_tbl, metric_aux_info_t *aux_info, FILE *out)
int hpcrun_fmt_metricTbl_fprint (metric_tbl_t *metrics, metric_aux_info_t *aux_info, FILE *out)
void hpcrun_fmt_metricTbl_free (metric_tbl_t *metric_tbl, hpcfmt_free_fn dealloc)
int hpcrun_fmt_metricDesc_fread (metric_desc_t *x, metric_aux_info_t *aux_info, FILE *infs, double fmtVersion, hpcfmt_alloc_fn alloc)
int hpcrun_fmt_metricDesc_fwrite (metric_desc_t *x, metric_aux_info_t *aux_info, FILE *outfs)
int hpcrun_fmt_metricDesc_fprint (metric_desc_t *x, metric_aux_info_t *aux_info, FILE *outfs, const char *pre)
void hpcrun_fmt_metricDesc_free (metric_desc_t *x, hpcfmt_free_fn dealloc)
double hpcrun_fmt_metric_get_value (metric_desc_t metric_desc, hpcrun_metricVal_t metric)
void hpcrun_fmt_metric_set_value (metric_desc_t metric_desc, hpcrun_metricVal_t *metric, double value)
void hpcrun_fmt_metric_set_value_int (hpcrun_metricFlags_t *flags, hpcrun_metricVal_t *metric, int value)
void hpcrun_fmt_metric_set_value_real (hpcrun_metricFlags_t *flags, hpcrun_metricVal_t *metric, double value)
 HPCFMT_List_declare (loadmap_entry_t)
typedef HPCFMT_List (loadmap_entry_t) loadmap_t
int hpcrun_fmt_loadmap_fread (loadmap_t *loadmap, FILE *infs, hpcfmt_alloc_fn alloc)
int hpcrun_fmt_loadmap_fwrite (loadmap_t *loadmap, FILE *outfs)
int hpcrun_fmt_loadmap_fprint (loadmap_t *loadmap, FILE *outfs)
void hpcrun_fmt_loadmap_free (loadmap_t *loadmap, hpcfmt_free_fn dealloc)
int hpcrun_fmt_loadmapEntry_fread (loadmap_entry_t *x, FILE *infs, hpcfmt_alloc_fn alloc)
int hpcrun_fmt_loadmapEntry_fwrite (loadmap_entry_t *x, FILE *outfs)
int hpcrun_fmt_loadmapEntry_fprint (loadmap_entry_t *x, FILE *outfs, const char *pre)
void hpcrun_fmt_loadmapEntry_free (loadmap_entry_t *x, hpcfmt_free_fn dealloc)
static bool hpcrun_fmt_doRetainId (uint32_t id)
static void hpcrun_fmt_cct_node_init (hpcrun_fmt_cct_node_t *x)
int hpcrun_fmt_cct_node_fread (hpcrun_fmt_cct_node_t *x, epoch_flags_t flags, FILE *fs)
int hpcrun_fmt_cct_node_fwrite (hpcrun_fmt_cct_node_t *x, epoch_flags_t flags, FILE *fs)
int hpcrun_fmt_cct_node_fprint (hpcrun_fmt_cct_node_t *x, FILE *fs, epoch_flags_t flags, const metric_tbl_t *metricTbl, const char *pre)
static bool hpcrun_fmt_node_type_root (uint16_t type)
static bool hpcrun_fmt_node_type_allocation (uint16_t type)
int hpcrun_fmt_lip_fread (lush_lip_t *x, FILE *fs)
int hpcrun_fmt_lip_fwrite (lush_lip_t *x, FILE *fs)
int hpcrun_fmt_lip_fprint (lush_lip_t *x, FILE *fs, const char *pre)
int hpctrace_fmt_hdr_fread (hpctrace_fmt_hdr_t *hdr, FILE *infs)
int hpctrace_fmt_hdr_outbuf (hpctrace_hdr_flags_t flags, hpcio_outbuf_t *outbuf)
int hpctrace_fmt_hdr_fwrite (hpctrace_hdr_flags_t flags, FILE *fs)
int hpctrace_fmt_hdr_fprint (hpctrace_fmt_hdr_t *hdr, FILE *fs)
int hpctrace_fmt_datum_fread (hpctrace_fmt_datum_t *x, hpctrace_hdr_flags_t flags, FILE *fs)
int hpctrace_fmt_datum_outbuf (hpctrace_fmt_datum_t *x, hpctrace_hdr_flags_t flags, hpcio_outbuf_t *outbuf)
int hpctrace_fmt_datum_fwrite (hpctrace_fmt_datum_t *x, hpctrace_hdr_flags_t flags, FILE *outfs)
int hpctrace_fmt_datum_fprint (hpctrace_fmt_datum_t *x, hpctrace_hdr_flags_t flags, FILE *fs)
int hpcmetricDB_fmt_hdr_fread (hpcmetricDB_fmt_hdr_t *hdr, FILE *infs)
int hpcmetricDB_fmt_hdr_fwrite (hpcmetricDB_fmt_hdr_t *hdr, FILE *outfs)
int hpcmetricDB_fmt_hdr_fprint (hpcmetricDB_fmt_hdr_t *hdr, FILE *outfs)


static const char HPCRUN_ProfileFnmSfx [] = "hpcrun"
static const char HPCRUN_TraceFnmSfx [] = "hpctrace"
static const char HPCRUN_LogFnmSfx [] = "log"
static const char HPCPROF_MetricDBSfx [] = "metric-db"
static const char HPCPROF_TmpFnmSfx [] = "tmp"
static const char HPCRUN_FMT_Magic [] = "HPCRUN-profile____"
static const char HPCRUN_FMT_Version [] = "02.00"
static const char HPCRUN_FMT_Endian [] = "b"
static const int HPCRUN_FMT_MagicLen = (sizeof(HPCRUN_FMT_Magic) - 1)
static const int HPCRUN_FMT_VersionLen = (sizeof(HPCRUN_FMT_Version) - 1)
static const int HPCRUN_FMT_EndianLen = (sizeof(HPCRUN_FMT_Endian) - 1)
static const double HPCRUN_FMT_Version_20 = 2.0
static const char HPCRUN_FMT_EpochTag [] = "EPOCH___"
static const int HPCRUN_FMT_EpochTagLen = (sizeof(HPCRUN_FMT_EpochTag) - 1)
const hpcrun_metricFlags_t hpcrun_metricFlags_NULL
hpcrun_metricVal_t hpcrun_metricVal_ZERO
const metric_desc_t metricDesc_NULL
static const char HPCTRACE_FMT_Magic [] = "HPCRUN-trace______"
static const char HPCTRACE_FMT_Version [] = "01.01"
static const char HPCTRACE_FMT_Endian [] = "b"
const hpctrace_hdr_flags_t hpctrace_hdr_flags_NULL
static const int HPCTRACE_FMT_MagicLen = HPCTRACE_FMT_MagicLenX
static const int HPCTRACE_FMT_VersionLen = HPCTRACE_FMT_VersionLenX
static const int HPCTRACE_FMT_EndianLen = HPCTRACE_FMT_EndianLenX
static const int HPCTRACE_FMT_FlagsLen = HPCTRACE_FMT_FlagsLenX
static const int HPCTRACE_FMT_HeaderLen
static const char HPCMETRICDB_FMT_Magic [] = "HPCPROF-metricdb__"
static const char HPCMETRICDB_FMT_Version [] = "00.10"
static const char HPCMETRICDB_FMT_Endian [] = "b"
static const int HPCMETRICDB_FMT_MagicLen = HPCMETRICDB_FMT_MagicLenX
static const int HPCMETRICDB_FMT_VersionLen = HPCMETRICDB_FMT_VersionLenX
static const int HPCMETRICDB_FMT_EndianLen = HPCMETRICDB_FMT_EndianLenX
static const int HPCMETRICDB_FMT_HeaderLen

Macro Definition Documentation


#define HPCMETRICDB_FMT_EndianLenX   (sizeof(HPCMETRICDB_FMT_Endian) - 1)

Definition at line 732 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.


#define HPCMETRICDB_FMT_MagicLenX   (sizeof(HPCMETRICDB_FMT_Magic) - 1)

Definition at line 730 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.


#define HPCMETRICDB_FMT_VersionLenX   (sizeof(HPCMETRICDB_FMT_Version) - 1)

Definition at line 731 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.


#define HPCRUN_FMT_CCTNodeId_NULL   (0)

Definition at line 497 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.


#define HPCRUN_FMT_LMId_NULL   (0)

Definition at line 523 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.


#define HPCRUN_FMT_LMIp_Flag1   (1)

Definition at line 526 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.


#define HPCRUN_FMT_LMIp_NULL   (0)

Definition at line 525 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.


#define HPCRUN_FMT_MetricId_NULL   (INT_MAX)

Definition at line 691 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.


#define HPCRUN_FMT_NV_envPath   "env-path"

Definition at line 155 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.

◆ HPCRUN_FMT_NV_hostid

#define HPCRUN_FMT_NV_hostid   "host-id"

Definition at line 159 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.


#define HPCRUN_FMT_NV_jobId   "job-id"

Definition at line 156 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.


#define HPCRUN_FMT_NV_mpiRank   "mpi-rank"

Definition at line 157 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.


#define HPCRUN_FMT_NV_pid   "process-id"

Definition at line 160 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.


#define HPCRUN_FMT_NV_prog   "program-name"

Definition at line 153 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.

◆ HPCRUN_FMT_NV_progPath

#define HPCRUN_FMT_NV_progPath   "program-path"

Definition at line 154 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.


#define HPCRUN_FMT_NV_tid   "thread-id"

Definition at line 158 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.

◆ HPCRUN_FMT_NV_traceMaxTime

#define HPCRUN_FMT_NV_traceMaxTime   "trace-max-time"

Definition at line 163 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.

◆ HPCRUN_FMT_NV_traceMinTime

#define HPCRUN_FMT_NV_traceMinTime   "trace-min-time"

Definition at line 162 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.

◆ HPCRUN_FMT_RetainIdFlag

#define HPCRUN_FMT_RetainIdFlag   (0x1)

Definition at line 499 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.


#define HPCTRACE_FMT_EndianLenX   (sizeof(HPCTRACE_FMT_Endian) - 1)

Definition at line 646 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.


#define HPCTRACE_FMT_FlagsLenX   (sizeof(hpctrace_hdr_flags_t))

Definition at line 647 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.


#define HPCTRACE_FMT_MagicLenX   (sizeof(HPCTRACE_FMT_Magic) - 1)

Definition at line 644 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.


#define HPCTRACE_FMT_VersionLenX   (sizeof(HPCTRACE_FMT_Version) - 1)

Definition at line 645 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.

◆ metric_property_cycles

#define metric_property_cycles   ( (metric_desc_properties_t) { .cycles = 1 } )

Definition at line 201 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.

◆ metric_property_none

#define metric_property_none   ( (metric_desc_properties_t) { } )

Definition at line 202 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.

◆ metric_property_time

#define metric_property_time   ( (metric_desc_properties_t) { .time = 1 } )

Definition at line 200 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.



Definition at line 517 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.



Definition at line 518 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.


#define NODE_TYPE_LEAF   1

Definition at line 516 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.



Definition at line 519 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.



Definition at line 515 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.


#define NODE_TYPE_ROOT   16

Definition at line 520 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ epoch_flags_bitfield

◆ epoch_flags_t

◆ hpcmetricDB_fmt_hdr_t

◆ hpcrun_fmt_cct_node_t

◆ hpcrun_fmt_epochHdr_t

◆ hpcrun_fmt_hdr_t

◆ hpcrun_metricFlags_bitfield_XXX

◆ hpcrun_metricFlags_fields

◆ hpcrun_metricFlags_t

◆ hpcrun_metricFlags_XXX_t

◆ hpcrun_metricVal_t

◆ hpctrace_fmt_datum_t

◆ hpctrace_fmt_hdr_t

◆ hpctrace_hdr_flags_bitfield

◆ hpctrace_hdr_flags_t

◆ loadmap_entry_t

◆ metric_desc_p_t

Definition at line 398 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.

◆ metric_desc_properties_t

◆ metric_desc_t

typedef struct metric_desc_t metric_desc_t

◆ metric_list_t

typedef struct metric_list_t metric_list_t

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ MetricFlags_Ty_t


Definition at line 229 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.

◆ MetricFlags_ValFmt_t


Definition at line 248 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.

◆ MetricFlags_ValTy_t


Definition at line 239 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.

Function Documentation

◆ HPCFMT_List() [1/2]

typedef HPCFMT_List ( metric_desc_t  )

◆ HPCFMT_List() [2/2]

typedef HPCFMT_List ( loadmap_entry_t  )

◆ HPCFMT_List_declare() [1/2]

HPCFMT_List_declare ( metric_desc_t  )

◆ HPCFMT_List_declare() [2/2]

HPCFMT_List_declare ( loadmap_entry_t  )

◆ hpcmetricDB_fmt_hdr_fprint()

int hpcmetricDB_fmt_hdr_fprint ( hpcmetricDB_fmt_hdr_t hdr,
FILE *  outfs 

Definition at line 1057 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpcmetricDB_fmt_hdr_fread()

int hpcmetricDB_fmt_hdr_fread ( hpcmetricDB_fmt_hdr_t hdr,
FILE *  infs 

Definition at line 1000 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpcmetricDB_fmt_hdr_fwrite()

int hpcmetricDB_fmt_hdr_fwrite ( hpcmetricDB_fmt_hdr_t hdr,
FILE *  outfs 

Definition at line 1036 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpcrun_fmt_cct_node_fprint()

int hpcrun_fmt_cct_node_fprint ( hpcrun_fmt_cct_node_t x,
FILE *  fs,
epoch_flags_t  flags,
const metric_tbl_t *  metricTbl,
const char *  pre 

Definition at line 688 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpcrun_fmt_cct_node_fread()

int hpcrun_fmt_cct_node_fread ( hpcrun_fmt_cct_node_t x,
epoch_flags_t  flags,
FILE *  fs 

Definition at line 631 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpcrun_fmt_cct_node_fwrite()

int hpcrun_fmt_cct_node_fwrite ( hpcrun_fmt_cct_node_t x,
epoch_flags_t  flags,
FILE *  fs 

Definition at line 660 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpcrun_fmt_cct_node_init()

static void hpcrun_fmt_cct_node_init ( hpcrun_fmt_cct_node_t x)

Definition at line 566 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ hpcrun_fmt_doRetainId()

static bool hpcrun_fmt_doRetainId ( uint32_t  id)

Definition at line 502 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpcrun_fmt_epochHdr_fprint()

int hpcrun_fmt_epochHdr_fprint ( hpcrun_fmt_epochHdr_t ehdr,
FILE *  out 

Definition at line 227 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpcrun_fmt_epochHdr_fread()

int hpcrun_fmt_epochHdr_fread ( hpcrun_fmt_epochHdr_t ehdr,
FILE *  fs,
hpcfmt_alloc_fn  alloc 

Definition at line 172 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpcrun_fmt_epochHdr_free()

void hpcrun_fmt_epochHdr_free ( hpcrun_fmt_epochHdr_t ehdr,
hpcfmt_free_fn  dealloc 

Definition at line 242 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpcrun_fmt_epochHdr_fwrite()

int hpcrun_fmt_epochHdr_fwrite ( FILE *  out,
epoch_flags_t  flags,
uint64_t  measurementGranularity,

Definition at line 201 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpcrun_fmt_hdr_fprint()

int hpcrun_fmt_hdr_fprint ( hpcrun_fmt_hdr_t hdr,
FILE *  outf 

Definition at line 144 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpcrun_fmt_hdr_fread()

int hpcrun_fmt_hdr_fread ( hpcrun_fmt_hdr_t hdr,
FILE *  infs,
hpcfmt_alloc_fn  alloc 

Definition at line 93 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpcrun_fmt_hdr_free()

void hpcrun_fmt_hdr_free ( hpcrun_fmt_hdr_t hdr,
hpcfmt_free_fn  dealloc 

Definition at line 159 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpcrun_fmt_hdr_fwrite()

int hpcrun_fmt_hdr_fwrite ( FILE *  outfs,

Definition at line 126 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpcrun_fmt_lip_fprint()

int hpcrun_fmt_lip_fprint ( lush_lip_t x,
FILE *  fs,
const char *  pre 

Definition at line 770 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpcrun_fmt_lip_fread()

int hpcrun_fmt_lip_fread ( lush_lip_t x,
FILE *  fs 

Definition at line 748 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpcrun_fmt_lip_fwrite()

int hpcrun_fmt_lip_fwrite ( lush_lip_t x,
FILE *  fs 

Definition at line 759 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpcrun_fmt_loadmap_fprint()

int hpcrun_fmt_loadmap_fprint ( loadmap_t *  loadmap,
FILE *  outfs 

Definition at line 561 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpcrun_fmt_loadmap_fread()

int hpcrun_fmt_loadmap_fread ( loadmap_t *  loadmap,
FILE *  infs,
hpcfmt_alloc_fn  alloc 

Definition at line 531 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpcrun_fmt_loadmap_free()

void hpcrun_fmt_loadmap_free ( loadmap_t *  loadmap,
hpcfmt_free_fn  dealloc 

Definition at line 575 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpcrun_fmt_loadmap_fwrite()

int hpcrun_fmt_loadmap_fwrite ( loadmap_t *  loadmap,
FILE *  outfs 

Definition at line 548 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ hpcrun_fmt_loadmapEntry_fprint()

int hpcrun_fmt_loadmapEntry_fprint ( loadmap_entry_t x,
FILE *  outfs,
const char *  pre 

Definition at line 610 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpcrun_fmt_loadmapEntry_fread()

int hpcrun_fmt_loadmapEntry_fread ( loadmap_entry_t x,
FILE *  infs,
hpcfmt_alloc_fn  alloc 

Definition at line 589 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpcrun_fmt_loadmapEntry_free()

void hpcrun_fmt_loadmapEntry_free ( loadmap_entry_t x,
hpcfmt_free_fn  dealloc 

Definition at line 619 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpcrun_fmt_loadmapEntry_fwrite()

int hpcrun_fmt_loadmapEntry_fwrite ( loadmap_entry_t x,
FILE *  outfs 

Definition at line 600 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpcrun_fmt_metric_get_value()

double hpcrun_fmt_metric_get_value ( metric_desc_t  metric_desc,
hpcrun_metricVal_t  metric 

Definition at line 464 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpcrun_fmt_metric_set_value()

void hpcrun_fmt_metric_set_value ( metric_desc_t  metric_desc,
hpcrun_metricVal_t metric,
double  value 

Definition at line 482 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpcrun_fmt_metric_set_value_int()

void hpcrun_fmt_metric_set_value_int ( hpcrun_metricFlags_t flags,
hpcrun_metricVal_t metric,
int  value 

Definition at line 501 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

◆ hpcrun_fmt_metric_set_value_real()

void hpcrun_fmt_metric_set_value_real ( hpcrun_metricFlags_t flags,
hpcrun_metricVal_t metric,
double  value 

Definition at line 511 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

◆ hpcrun_fmt_metricDesc_fprint()

int hpcrun_fmt_metricDesc_fprint ( metric_desc_t x,
metric_aux_info_t aux_info,
FILE *  outfs,
const char *  pre 

Definition at line 432 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpcrun_fmt_metricDesc_fread()

int hpcrun_fmt_metricDesc_fread ( metric_desc_t x,
metric_aux_info_t aux_info,
FILE *  infs,
double  fmtVersion,
hpcfmt_alloc_fn  alloc 

◆ hpcrun_fmt_metricDesc_free()

void hpcrun_fmt_metricDesc_free ( metric_desc_t x,
hpcfmt_free_fn  dealloc 

Definition at line 451 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpcrun_fmt_metricDesc_fwrite()

int hpcrun_fmt_metricDesc_fwrite ( metric_desc_t x,
metric_aux_info_t aux_info,
FILE *  outfs 

Definition at line 412 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpcrun_fmt_metricTbl_fprint()

int hpcrun_fmt_metricTbl_fprint ( metric_tbl_t *  metrics,
metric_aux_info_t aux_info,
FILE *  out 

Definition at line 334 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpcrun_fmt_metricTbl_fread()

int hpcrun_fmt_metricTbl_fread ( metric_tbl_t *  metric_tbl,
metric_aux_info_t **  aux_info,
FILE *  in,
double  fmtVersion,
hpcfmt_alloc_fn  alloc 

Definition at line 283 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpcrun_fmt_metricTbl_free()

void hpcrun_fmt_metricTbl_free ( metric_tbl_t *  metric_tbl,
hpcfmt_free_fn  dealloc 

Definition at line 348 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpcrun_fmt_metricTbl_fwrite()

int hpcrun_fmt_metricTbl_fwrite ( metric_desc_p_tbl_t *  metric_tbl,
metric_aux_info_t aux_info,
FILE *  out 

Definition at line 307 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpcrun_fmt_node_type_allocation()

static bool hpcrun_fmt_node_type_allocation ( uint16_t  type)

Definition at line 593 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ hpcrun_fmt_node_type_root()

static bool hpcrun_fmt_node_type_root ( uint16_t  type)

Definition at line 587 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpcrun_metricVal_isZero()

static bool hpcrun_metricVal_isZero ( hpcrun_metricVal_t  x)

Definition at line 355 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpctrace_fmt_datum_fprint()

int hpctrace_fmt_datum_fprint ( hpctrace_fmt_datum_t x,
hpctrace_hdr_flags_t  flags,
FILE *  fs 

Definition at line 979 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpctrace_fmt_datum_fread()

int hpctrace_fmt_datum_fread ( hpctrace_fmt_datum_t x,
hpctrace_hdr_flags_t  flags,
FILE *  fs 

Definition at line 901 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpctrace_fmt_datum_fwrite()

int hpctrace_fmt_datum_fwrite ( hpctrace_fmt_datum_t x,
hpctrace_hdr_flags_t  flags,
FILE *  outfs 

Definition at line 965 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpctrace_fmt_datum_outbuf()

int hpctrace_fmt_datum_outbuf ( hpctrace_fmt_datum_t x,
hpctrace_hdr_flags_t  flags,
hpcio_outbuf_t outbuf 

Definition at line 927 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpctrace_fmt_hdr_fprint()

int hpctrace_fmt_hdr_fprint ( hpctrace_fmt_hdr_t hdr,
FILE *  fs 

Definition at line 882 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpctrace_fmt_hdr_fread()

int hpctrace_fmt_hdr_fread ( hpctrace_fmt_hdr_t hdr,
FILE *  infs 

Definition at line 795 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpctrace_fmt_hdr_fwrite()

int hpctrace_fmt_hdr_fwrite ( hpctrace_hdr_flags_t  flags,
FILE *  fs 

Definition at line 862 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hpctrace_fmt_hdr_outbuf()

int hpctrace_fmt_hdr_outbuf ( hpctrace_hdr_flags_t  flags,
hpcio_outbuf_t outbuf 

Definition at line 833 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation


const char HPCMETRICDB_FMT_Endian[] = "b"

Definition at line 728 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.



Definition at line 736 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.


const int HPCMETRICDB_FMT_HeaderLen
Initial value:
Definition: hpcrun-fmt.h:730
#define HPCMETRICDB_FMT_VersionLenX
Definition: hpcrun-fmt.h:731
#define HPCMETRICDB_FMT_EndianLenX
Definition: hpcrun-fmt.h:732

Definition at line 738 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.


const char HPCMETRICDB_FMT_Magic[] = "HPCPROF-metricdb__"

Definition at line 726 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.



Definition at line 734 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.


const char HPCMETRICDB_FMT_Version[] = "00.10"

Definition at line 727 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.


const int HPCMETRICDB_FMT_VersionLen = HPCMETRICDB_FMT_VersionLenX

Definition at line 735 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.


const char HPCPROF_MetricDBSfx[] = "metric-db"

Definition at line 102 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.


const char HPCPROF_TmpFnmSfx[] = "tmp"

Definition at line 104 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.


const char HPCRUN_FMT_Endian[] = "b"

Definition at line 115 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.

◆ HPCRUN_FMT_EndianLen

const int HPCRUN_FMT_EndianLen = (sizeof(HPCRUN_FMT_Endian) - 1)

Definition at line 119 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.


const char HPCRUN_FMT_EpochTag[] = "EPOCH___"

Definition at line 170 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.

◆ HPCRUN_FMT_EpochTagLen

const int HPCRUN_FMT_EpochTagLen = (sizeof(HPCRUN_FMT_EpochTag) - 1)

Definition at line 171 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.


const char HPCRUN_FMT_Magic[] = "HPCRUN-profile____"

Definition at line 113 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.


const int HPCRUN_FMT_MagicLen = (sizeof(HPCRUN_FMT_Magic) - 1)

Definition at line 117 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.

◆ HPCRUN_FMT_Version

const char HPCRUN_FMT_Version[] = "02.00"

Definition at line 114 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.

◆ HPCRUN_FMT_Version_20

const double HPCRUN_FMT_Version_20 = 2.0

Definition at line 123 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.

◆ HPCRUN_FMT_VersionLen

const int HPCRUN_FMT_VersionLen = (sizeof(HPCRUN_FMT_Version) - 1)

Definition at line 118 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.

◆ HPCRUN_LogFnmSfx

const char HPCRUN_LogFnmSfx[] = "log"

Definition at line 99 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.

◆ hpcrun_metricFlags_NULL

const hpcrun_metricFlags_t hpcrun_metricFlags_NULL

Definition at line 265 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

◆ hpcrun_metricVal_ZERO

hpcrun_metricVal_t hpcrun_metricVal_ZERO

Definition at line 278 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

◆ HPCRUN_ProfileFnmSfx

const char HPCRUN_ProfileFnmSfx[] = "hpcrun"

Definition at line 93 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.

◆ HPCRUN_TraceFnmSfx

const char HPCRUN_TraceFnmSfx[] = "hpctrace"

Definition at line 96 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.


const char HPCTRACE_FMT_Endian[] = "b"

Definition at line 627 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.


const int HPCTRACE_FMT_EndianLen = HPCTRACE_FMT_EndianLenX

Definition at line 651 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.


const int HPCTRACE_FMT_FlagsLen = HPCTRACE_FMT_FlagsLenX

Definition at line 652 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.


const int HPCTRACE_FMT_HeaderLen
Initial value:
#define HPCTRACE_FMT_VersionLenX
Definition: hpcrun-fmt.h:645
#define HPCTRACE_FMT_FlagsLenX
Definition: hpcrun-fmt.h:647
#define HPCTRACE_FMT_MagicLenX
Definition: hpcrun-fmt.h:644
#define HPCTRACE_FMT_EndianLenX
Definition: hpcrun-fmt.h:646

Definition at line 654 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.


const char HPCTRACE_FMT_Magic[] = "HPCRUN-trace______"

Definition at line 625 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.


const int HPCTRACE_FMT_MagicLen = HPCTRACE_FMT_MagicLenX

Definition at line 649 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.


const char HPCTRACE_FMT_Version[] = "01.01"

Definition at line 626 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.


const int HPCTRACE_FMT_VersionLen = HPCTRACE_FMT_VersionLenX

Definition at line 650 of file hpcrun-fmt.h.

◆ hpctrace_hdr_flags_NULL

const hpctrace_hdr_flags_t hpctrace_hdr_flags_NULL

Definition at line 789 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.

◆ metricDesc_NULL

const metric_desc_t metricDesc_NULL

Definition at line 254 of file hpcrun-fmt.c.