Go to the documentation of this file.
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4 //
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7 //
8 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 // Part of HPCToolkit (hpctoolkit.org)
10 //
11 // Information about sources of support for research and development of
12 // HPCToolkit is at 'hpctoolkit.org' and in 'README.Acknowledgments'.
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15 // Copyright ((c)) 2002-2019, Rice University
16 // All rights reserved.
17 //
18 // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
19 // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
20 // met:
21 //
22 // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
23 // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
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26 // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
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29 // * Neither the name of Rice University (RICE) nor the names of its
30 // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
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33 // This software is provided by RICE and contributors "as is" and any
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47 //***************************************************************************
48 //
49 // File:
50 // DCPIProfileFilter.h
51 //
52 // Purpose:
53 // [The purpose of this file]
54 //
55 // Description:
56 // See, in particular, the comments associated with 'DCPIProfile'.
57 //
58 //***************************************************************************
60 #ifndef DCPIProfileFilter_H
61 #define DCPIProfileFilter_H
63 //************************* System Include Files ****************************
65 //*************************** User Include Files ****************************
67 #include <include/uint.h>
69 #include "PCProfileFilter.hpp"
70 #include "DCPIMetricDesc.hpp"
72 #include <lib/isa/ISATypes.hpp>
74 #include <lib/binutils/LM.hpp>
76 //*************************** Forward Declarations ***************************
78 class DCPIMetricFilter;
80 //****************************************************************************
82 // GetPredefinedDCPIFilter: Given a metric name, returns a DCPI filter
83 // if available, or NULL. The user is responsible for unallocating
84 // the returned object.
86 GetPredefinedDCPIFilter(const char* metric, binutils::LM* lm);
88 //****************************************************************************
89 // DCPIMetricExpr
90 //****************************************************************************
92 // 'DCPIMetricExpr' extensions to 'DCPIMetricDesc' for representing
93 // DCPI metric query expressions. DCPIMetricDesc bits should be used
94 // to construct an expression.
95 //
96 // The following expressions are allowed:
97 // * Non-ProfileMe expressions
98 // * ProfileMe expressions
99 // Following is a description of valid query expressions. Expressions
100 // are not checked for validity; invalid expressions will report
101 // non-sensical matches or none at all. See documentation for
102 // DCPIMetricDesc bits for more information on bits and their
103 // meanings.
104 //
105 // Non-ProfileMe expressions: <type> && <counter>
106 //
107 // A conjuction between <type> and <counter> subexpressions. <type>
108 // must be DCPI_MTYPE_RM. One and only one counter should be referenced
109 // within <counter>. E.g.:
110 // valid: DCPI_MTYPE_RM | DCPI_RM_cycles
111 // invalid: DCPI_MTYPE_RM | DCPI_RM_cycles | DCPI_RM_retires
112 //
113 // ProfileMe expressions: <type> && <counter> && <attribute> && <trap>
114 //
115 // A conjuction between <type>, <counter>, <attribute> and <trap>
116 // subexpressions. <type> must be DCPI_MTYPE_PM. <counter> should
117 // reference one ProfileMe counter. <attribute> is itself a
118 // conjunction of ProfileMe instruction attributes and may be empty.
119 // Note that setting both the T and F bit for the same attribute will
120 // produce no matches. Because only one ProfileMe trap bit is set for
121 // any sample, the <trap> subexpression is a *disjunction* of trap
122 // bits; it may be empty.
123 // valid: DCPI_MTYPE_PM | DCPI_PM_CNTR_count | DCPI_PM_ATTR_retired_T
125 public:
127  : DCPIMetricDesc(bv) { }
130  DCPIMetricExpr(const DCPIMetricExpr& x) { *this = x; }
132  {
134  return *this;
135  }
137  // IsSatisfied: Test to see if this query expression is satisfied by
138  // the DCPI metric 'm'.
140  return IsSatisfied(DCPIMetricDesc(bv));
141  }
142  bool IsSatisfied(const DCPIMetricDesc& m) {
143  // FIXME: This works for now, but it is technically incorrect
144  // becuase regular metrics do not have the <trap> subexpression.
146  // The <trap> subexpression is a disjuction, so we test it separately
147  bool expr = m.IsSet(bits & ~DCPI_PM_TRAP_MASK);
148  bitvec_t trapbv = bits & DCPI_PM_TRAP_MASK;
149  if (trapbv != 0) {
150  return expr && m.IsSetAny(trapbv);
151  } else {
152  return expr;
153  }
154  }
156 protected:
157 private:
159 };
161 //****************************************************************************
162 // DCPIMetricFilter
163 //****************************************************************************
165 // DCPIMetricFilter: A DCPIMetricFilter divides metrics into two sets
166 // sets, 'in' and 'out'.
168 public:
169  DCPIMetricFilter(DCPIMetricExpr expr_) : expr(expr_) { }
170  virtual ~DCPIMetricFilter() { }
172  // Returns true if 'm' satisfies 'expr'; false otherwise.
173  virtual bool operator()(const PCProfileMetric* m);
175 private:
177 };
179 //****************************************************************************
180 // PredefinedDCPIMetricTable
181 //****************************************************************************
184 public:
186  struct Entry {
187  const char* name;
188  const char* description;
190  uint32_t avail; // condition that must be true for metric to be available
191  const char* availStr; // optional extension to above condition
193  DCPIMetricExpr mexpr; // the metric filter expr
194  InsnClassExpr iexpr; // the instruction filter expr
195  };
197  // Note: these availability tags refer to the raw DCPI metrics (not
198  // derived) (We use enum instead of #define b/c symbolic info is
199  // nice and we know they only need to fit in 32 bits.) RM should
200  // never be used at the same time as PM0-PM3.
201  enum AvailTag {
202  RM = 0x00000001, // the given non ProfileMe (regular) metric must be available
203  PM0 = 0x00000002, // ProfileMe mode 0
204  PM1 = 0x00000004, // ProfileMe mode 1
205  PM2 = 0x00000008, // ProfileMe mode 2
206  PM3 = 0x00000010 // ProfileMe mode 3
207  };
209 public:
213  static Entry* FindEntry(const char* token);
214  static Entry* Index(unsigned int i);
215  static unsigned int GetSize() { return size; }
217 private:
218  // Should not be used
222 private:
223  static Entry table[];
224  static unsigned int size;
225  static bool sorted;
226 };
228 //****************************************************************************
230 #endif
DCPIMetricFilter(DCPIMetricExpr expr_)
static struct perf_mem_metric metric
Definition: pmu_x86.c:114
bool IsSatisfied(const DCPIMetricDesc &m)
DCPIMetricDesc & operator=(const DCPIMetricDesc &x)
DCPIMetricExpr(const DCPIMetricExpr &x)
DCPIMetricExpr & operator=(const DCPIMetricExpr &x)
PredefinedDCPIMetricTable(const PredefinedDCPIMetricTable &p)
bool IsSet(const bitvec_t bv) const
bool IsSetAny(const bitvec_t bv) const
bool IsSatisfied(const DCPIMetricDesc::bitvec_t bv)
DCPIMetricExpr(DCPIMetricDesc::bitvec_t bv)
static unsigned int GetSize()
DCPIMetricDesc(bitvec_t bv=0)
PredefinedDCPIMetricTable & operator=(const PredefinedDCPIMetricTable &p)
PCProfileFilter * GetPredefinedDCPIFilter(const char *metric, binutils::LM *lm)