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COMP 402: Production Programming



Please send all questions and comments to: corky.cartwright at gmail dot com (replace the "at" with "@" and the "dot" with "." — this was necessary to reduce spam).


This is a tentative schedule for the topics to be covered in the lectures. This schedule will be revised as necessary and is given only as a reference for past topics and a guideline for future topics.

After the first four or five weeks, we will probably have lectures once a week, and work in the lab the other two days. If there is no lecture listed on the schedule, you can assume that we will meet in the PLT lab (DH 3108).

Assignments are given on the day after the previous assignment was due. Assignments are due by the BEGINNING of class on the due date, i.e. at 1:59 PM.

Date Lecture Readings and Assignments
M 01/09/2012 Welcome & A Glimpse of Scala Read Everything I know about programming, I learned in kindergarten (pdf)
W 01/11/2012 Scala Mechanics  
F 01/13/2012 Functional Programming in Scala vs. Write Programming Assignment 1, due Friday, January 20, individually.
M 01/16/12 MLK Day — no classes  
W 01/18/2012 Scala Pattern Matching vs Java Visitor Processing See a Java Solution to Assignment 1 using visitors: BoolSimpSolution.dj, Parser.java, BoolSimpSolutionTest.java
F 01/20/2012 Scala Inheritance and the Scala Type System Programming Assignment 1 Due
M 01/23/2012 Introduction to Concurrency Readings:
  • Chapters 1-3 of Java Concurrency in Practice
  • The Java Tutorial on Concurrency
  • [Optional]Java Concurrency Animated (requires software download)
  • [Optional]Concurrency From the Perspective of Unit Testing
  • W 01/25/2012 Building Acumen  
    F 01/27/2012 Building DrJava HW01: Concurrency Exercises
    M 01/30/2012 Concurrency Constructs  
    W 02/01/2012 Concurrency Homework Discussion  
    F 02/03/2012 DrJava Build Process and Code Coverage Tools HW01: Concurrency Exercises Due
    M 02/06/2012 Code Coverage Tools (cont'd) and Unit Test Discussion  
    W 02/08/2012    
    F 02/10/2012 Small Projects Discussion  
    M 02/13/2012 Profiling  
    W 02/15/2012    
    F 02/17/2012    
    M 02/20/2012    
    W 02/22/2012    
    F 02/24/2012    
    Spring Break    
    M 03/05/2012    
    W 03/07/2012    
    F 03/09/2012    
    M 03/12/12; Good Programming Design  
    M 03/04/2012    
    W 03/06/2012    
    F 03/08/2012    
    M 03/11/2012    
    W 03/13/2012    
    F 03/15/2012    
    M 03/18/2012    
    W 03/20/2012    
    F 03/22/2012 Midterm Recess — no classes  
    M 03/25/2012    
    W 03/26/2012    
    M 04/06/2012    
    W 04/08/2012    
    F 04/10/2012    
    M 04/16/2012   Final Report Assigned
    W 04/18/2012    
    F 04/20/2012 Last day of classes  
    W 05/02/2012   Final Report Due

    Last Revised Thursday, 01-Mar-2012 10:17:30 CST

    Documents Discussed in Class

    Recommended Texts

    The first five texts are important; We recommend that you buy the last two. The first three texts are available online and the latter two are reasonably inexpensive in Kindle form.


    Other Relevant Documents

    Historical References


    URL: http://www.cs.rice.edu/~javaplt/402/12-spring/index.shtml