Each publication is listed only once below.
For publications that have appeared in multiple versions,
such as in a conference proceedings and later in a journal,
the different versions are grouped together below in one entry.
- Sotiris Nikoletseas, Bogdan Chlebus,
David B. Johnson, and Bhaskar Krishnamachari, editors,
Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems:
4th IEEE International Conference, DCOSS 2008,
Santorini Island, Greece, June 11-14, 2008, Proceedings,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), volume 5067,
Springer, 2008.
- Hongke Zhang, Stephan Olariu, Jiannong Cao,
and David B. Johnson, editors,
Mobile Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks:
Third International Conference, MSN~2007,
Beijing, China, December 12-14, 2007, Proceedings,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), volume 4864,
Springer, 2007.
Chapters in Books
- David B. Johnson, David A. Maltz, and Josh Broch,
The Dynamic Source Routing Protocol for Multi-Hop
Wireless Ad Hoc Networks",
in Ad Hoc Networking, edited by Charles E. Perkins,
Chapter 5, pp. 139-172, Addison-Wesley, 2001.
Invited paper.
- David B. Johnson and David A. Maltz,
"Dynamic Source Routing
in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks",
in Mobile Computing, edited by Tomasz Imielinski and Hank Korth,
Chapter 5, pp. 153-181, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996.
Invited paper.
- David B. Johnson,
"Scalable Support
for Transparent Mobile Host Internetworking",
in Mobile Computing,
edited by Tomasz Imielinski and Hank Korth, Chapter 3,
pp. 103-128, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996.
Revised from
a version published in
Wireless Networks,
special issue on "Recent Advances in Wireless Networking Technology",
ACM and Baltzer Science Publishers, 1(3):311-321, October 1995.
Invited paper.
Revised from
a version published in
Proceedings of the Ninth Annual IEEE Workshop
on Computer Communications,
pp. 105-114, IEEE Communications Society,
Duck Key, Marathon, FL, October 1994.
Invited paper.
Refereed Journal Papers
- Shu Du, Ahamed Khan, Santashil PalChaudhuri, Ansley Post,
Amit Kumar Saha, Peter Druschel,
David B. Johnson, and Rudolf Riedi,
A Self-Organizing, Hierarchical Architecture
for Scalable Ad Hoc Networking",
in Ad Hoc Networks,
6(4):485-507, June 2008.
- Amit Kumar Saha, Khoa Anh To, Santashil PalChaudhuri,
Shu Du, and David B. Johnson,
"Design and Performance of PRAN:
A System for Physical Implementation
of Ad Hoc Network Routing Protocols",
in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing,
6(4):463-479, April 2007.
Revised from
a version published as
"Physical Implementation and Evaluation of Ad Hoc Network Routing
Protocols using Unmodified Simulation Models",
in Proceedings of the First ACM SIGCOMM Asia Workshop,
pp. 115-124, ACM, Beijing, China, April 2005.
Revised from
a version published as
"Design and Performance of PRAN:
A System for Physical Implementation of Ad Hoc
Network Routing Protocols",
Technical Report TR05-449,
Department of Computer Science, Rice University, February 2005.
- Jorjeta Jetcheva and David B. Johnson,
"Routing Characteristics
of Ad Hoc Networks with Unidirectional Links",
in Ad Hoc Networks, 4(3):303-325, Elsevier, May 2006.
- Yih-Chun Hu, Adrian Perrig, and David B. Johnson,
"Wormhole Attacks in Wireless Networks",
in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications,
24(2):370-380, February 2006.
Revised from
a version published as
"Packet Leashes: A Defense against Wormhole Attacks
in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks",
in Proceedings of the Twenty-Second
Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and
Communications Societies (INFOCOM 2003),
vol. 3, pp. 1976-1986,
IEEE, San Francisco, CA, April 2003.
Revised from
a version published as
Technical Report TR01-384,
Department of Computer Science, Rice University,
December 2001, revised June 2002.
- Yih-Chun Hu, Adrian Perrig, and David B. Johnson,
A Secure On-Demand Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks",
in Wireless Networks (WINET),
ACM and Springer,
11(1-2):21-38, January 2005.
Invited paper.
Revised from
a version published in
Proceedings of the Eighth ACM International Conference
on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom 2002),
pp. 12-23,
ACM, Atlanta, GA, September 2002.
Revised from a version published as
Technical Report TR01-383,
Department of Computer Science, Rice University, December 2001.
- Yih-Chun Hu, Adrian Perrig, and David B. Johnson,
Secure Efficient Distance Vector Routing for Mobile
Wireless Ad Hoc Networks",
in Ad Hoc Networks, 1(1):175-192, Elsevier, July 2003.
Revised from
a version published
in Proceedings of the 4th IEEE Workshop on Mobile
Computing Systems & Applications (WMCSA 2002),
pp. 3-13, IEEE Computer Society, Callicoon, NY, June 2002.
- E.N. (Mootaz) Elnozahy, Lorenzo Alvisi, Yi-Min Wang, and
David B. Johnson,
"A Survey of
Rollback-Recovery Protocols in Message-Passing Systems",
in ACM Computing Surveys, 34(3):375-408, September 2002.
Revised from
a version published as
Technical Report CMU-CS-99-148,
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, June 1999.
Revised from
a version published as
Elmootazbellah N. Elnozahy, David B. Johnson, and Y. M. Wang,
Technical Report CMU-CS-96-181,
School of Computer Science,
Carnegie Mellon University, September 1996.
- David A. Maltz, Josh Broch, and David B. Johnson,
from a Full-Scale Multihop Wireless Ad Hoc Network Testbed",
in IEEE Personal Communications, 8(1):8-15,
February 2001.
Invited paper.
Revised from a version published as
Lessons from a Full-Scale Multi-Hop Wireless
Ad Hoc Network Testbed",
in Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications
and Networking Conference 2000 (WCNC 2000),
IEEE Communications Society,
Chicago, IL, September 23-28, 2000.
Invited paper.
- David A. Maltz, Josh Broch, Jorjeta Jetcheva, and David B. Johnson,
"The Effects
of On-Demand Behavior in Routing Protocols for Multi-Hop
Wireless Ad Hoc Networks",
in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (J-SAC),
Special Issue on Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,
17(8):1439-1453, August 1999.
- Charles E. Perkins and David B. Johnson,
"Route Optimization for Mobile IP",
in Cluster Computing,
Special Issue on Mobile Computing, 1(2):161-176, June 1998.
Invited paper.
- David B. Johnson and David A. Maltz,
for Adaptive Wireless and Mobile Networking",
in IEEE Personal Communications, 3(1):34-42, February 1996.
- Alex Hills and David B. Johnson,
Wireless Data Network Infrastructure at Carnegie Mellon University",
in IEEE Personal Communications, 3(1):56-63, February 1996.
- Andrew Myles, David B. Johnson, and Charles Perkins,
Mobile Host Protocol Supporting Route Optimization and Authentication",
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (J-SAC),
special issue on "Mobile and Wireless Computing Networks",
13(5):839-849, June 1995.
Best Paper.
- Charles Perkins, Andrew Myles, and David B. Johnson,
"IMHP: A Mobile Host Protocol for the Internet",
Computer Networks and ISDN Systems,
special issue on "Selected papers of the
Annual Conference of the Internet Society/5th Joint European
Networking Conference",
27(3):479-491, Elsevier Science, December 1994.
Revised from
a version published as
"The Internet Mobile Host Protocol (IMHP)",
in Proceedings of INET'94/JENC5:
The Annual Conference of the Internet Society,
held in conjunction with 5th Joint European Networking Conference,
pp. 642-1 - 642-9, ISOC,
Prague, Czech Republic, June 1994.
Invited paper.
Revised from a version published in
Proceedings of the IEEE International
Conference on Universal Wireless Access, Melbourne, Australia,
pp. 197-202, April 1994.
- David B. Johnson and Willy Zwaenepoel,
"The Peregrine
High-Performance RPC System",
Software - Practice & Experience, 23(2):201-221,
February 1993.
Revised from
a version published as Technical Report
Rice COMP TR91-151,
Department of Computer Science, Rice University,
March 1991, revised December 1991.
- David B. Johnson and Willy Zwaenepoel,
"Recovery in Distributed Systems Using
Optimistic Message Logging and Checkpointing",
Journal of Algorithms, 11(3):462-491, September 1990.
Invited paper.
Revised from
a version published in
Proceedings of the Seventh Annual ACM
Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC 1988),
pp. 171-181, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August 1988.
Revised from
a version published as
Technical Report Rice COMP TR88-68,
Department of Computer Science, Rice University,
May 1988.
Refereed Conference/Workshop Papers
- Lei Tang, Yanjun Sun, Omer Gurewitz, and, David B. Johnson,,
for Route Discovery in Asynchronous Duty-Cycling
Wireless Networks",
in Proceedings of the
9th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad hoc
and Sensor Systems
(MASS 2012),
IEEE, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, October 2012.
- Lei Tang, Yanjun Sun, Omer Gurewitz, and, David B. Johnson,,
A Dynamic Multichannel Energy-Efficient MAC
Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks",
in Proceedings of the Twelfth ACM International Symposium on
Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing
(MobiHoc 2011),
ACM, Paris, France, May 2011.
Winner of the MobiHoc 2011 Best Paper Award
(out of 127 papers submitted to the conference).
- Lei Tang, Yanjun Sun, Omer Gurewitz, and, David B. Johnson,,
An Energy-Efficient Predictive-Wakeup MAC Protocol
for Wireless Sensor Networks",
in Proceedings of the 30th Annual IEEE Conference on
Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2011),
pp. 1305-1313, IEEE, Shanghai, China, April 2011.
- Shu Du, Yanjun Sun, and David B. Johnson,
An Asynchronous Routing-Enhanced MAC Protocol
in Multi-hop Wireless Networks",
in Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Global Communications Conference
(GLOBECOM 2010),
Miami, Florida, USA, December 2010.
- Yanjun Sun, Omer Gurewitz, Shu Du, Lei Tang, and David B. Johnson,
An Efficient Multihop Broadcast Protocol based on
Asynchronous Duty-Cycling in Wireless Sensor Networks",
in Proceedings of the
Seventh ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems
(SenSys 2009),
pp. 43-56, ACM, Berkeley, California, USA, November 2009.
- Yanjun Sun, Omer Gurewitz, and David B. Johnson,
A Receiver Initiated Asynchronous Duty Cycle MAC Protocol
for Dynamic Traffic Loads in Wireless Sensor Networks",
in Proceedings of the
Sixth ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems
(SenSys 2008),
pp. 1-14, ACM, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, November 2008.
- Yanjun Sun, Shu Du, Omer Gurewitz, and David B. Johnson,
"DW-MAC: A Low Latency, Energy Efficient
Demand-Wakeup MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks",
in Proceedings of the
Ninth ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking
and Computing
(MobiHoc 2008),
pp. 53-62, ACM, Hong Kong SAR, China, May 2008.
- Santashil PalChaudhuri and David B. Johnson,
"An Adaptive Scheduling Protocol for
Multi-Scale Sensor Network Architecture",
in Proceedings of the Third IEEE International Conference on
Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS 2007),
pp. 386-403, IEEE, Santa Fe, NM, June 2007.
Proceedings published as
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 4549,
Springer, 2007.
- Shu Du, David B. Johnson, and Amit Kumar Saha,
A Routing-Enhanced Duty-Cycle MAC Protocol
for Wireless Sensor Networks",
in Proceedings of the 26th Annual IEEE Conference on
Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2007),
pp. 1478-1486, Anchorage, AK, May 2007.
- Raymond S. Wagner, Richard Baraniuk, Shu Du,
David B. Johnson, and Albert Cohen,
"An Architecture
for Wavelet Analysis and Processing in Sensor Networks",
in Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference
on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2006),
pp. 243-250, ACM and IEEE, Nashville, TN, April 2006.
- Santashil PalChaudhuri, Rajnish Kumar,
Richard Baraniuk, and David B. Johnson,
of Adaptive Overlays for Multi-scale Communication
in Sensor Networks",
in Proceedings of the International Conference on
Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS 2005),
IEEE, Marina Del Ray, CA, June 2005.
- Amit Kumar Saha and David B. Johnson,
Improvement using Directional Antennas
in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks",
in Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Global Telecommunications
Conference (GLOBECOM 2004),
IEEE, Dallas, TX, November 2004.
Revised from
a version published as
Technical Report TR03-420,
Department of Computer Science, Rice University, July 2003.
- Yih-Chun Hu and David B. Johnson,
"Securing Quality-of-Service Route Discovery in
On-Demand Routing for Ad Hoc Networks",
in Proceedings of the 2004 ACM Workshop on Security
of Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (SASN 2004),
pp. 106-117, ACM, Washington, DC, October 2004.
- Santashil PalChaudhuri, Amit Kumar Saha, and David B. Johnson,
Clock Synchronization in Sensor Networks",
in Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on
Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2004),
pp. 340-348, IEEE, Berkeley, CA, April 2004.
Revised from
a version published as
"Probabilistic Clock Synchronization Service in Sensor Networks",
Technical Report TR03-418,
Department of Computer Science, Rice University, February 2003.
- Santashil PalChaudhuri, Shu Du, Amit K. Saha, and David B. Johnson,
A Stateless Addressing and Routing Architecture
for Sensor Networks",
in Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE Workshop on
Algorithms for Wireless, Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
(WMAN 2004),
part of the Proceedings of the 18th International
Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2004),
IEEE, Santa Fe, NM, April 2004.
- Amit Kumar Saha and David B. Johnson,
"Modeling Mobility
for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks",
poster paper, in
Proceedings of the First ACM
International Workshop on Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET 2004),
pp. 91-92, ACM, Philadelphia, PA, October 1, 2004.
- Yih-Chun Hu and David B. Johnson,
Congestion Information in Network and Higher Layer
Protocols in Multihop Wireless Ad Hoc Networks",
in Proceedings of the 24th International Conference
on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2004),
pp. 301-310, IEEE, Tokyo, Japan, March 2004.
- Jorjeta G. Jetcheva, Yih-Chun Hu,
Santashil PalChaudhuri, Amit Kumar Saha, and David B. Johnson,
and Evaluation of a Metropolitan Area Multitier
Wireless Ad Hoc Network Architecture",
in Proceedings of the 5th IEEE Workshop on
Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (WMCSA 2003),
pp. 32-43, IEEE, Monterey, CA, October 2003.
- Yih-Chun Hu, Adrian Perrig, and David B. Johnson,
"Rushing Attacks
and Defense in Wireless Ad Hoc
Network Routing Protocols",
in Proceedings of the Second ACM Workshop on
Wireless Security (WiSe 2003),
pp. 30-40, ACM, San Diego, CA, September 2003.
- Yih-Chun Hu, Adrian Perrig, and David B. Johnson,
Security Mechanisms for Routing Protocols",
in Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Network and
Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS 2003),
pp. 57-73, ISOC,
San Diego, CA, February 2003.
- Santashil PalChaudhuri and David B. Johnson,
"Power Mode Scheduling
for Ad Hoc Networks (Extended Abstract)",
in Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International
Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP 2002),
IEEE, Paris France,
November 2002.
Also presented as a poster at the conference.
- Yih-Chun Hu and David B. Johnson,
"Ensuring Cache Freshness
in On-Demand Ad Hoc Network Routing Protocols",
in Proceedings of the 2002 Workshop on Principles of
Mobile Computing (POMC 2002), pp. 25-30, ACM,
Toulouse, France, October 2002.
- Yih-Chun Hu and David B. Johnson,
"Design and Demonstration of Live Audio and Video
over Multihop Wireless Ad Hoc Networks",
in Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE Military
Communications Conference (MILCOM 2002), IEEE,
pp. 1211-1216, vol. 2,
Anaheim, CA, October 2002.
- Yih-Chun Hu and David B. Johnson,
"Implicit Source Routes
for On-Demand Ad Hoc Network Routing",
in Proceedings of the 2001 ACM
International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing
(MobiHoc 2001), pp. 1-10, ACM, Long Beach, CA,
October 2001.
- Jorjeta G. Jetcheva and David B. Johnson,
"Adaptive Demand-Driven
Multicast Routing in Multi-Hop
Wireless Ad Hoc Networks",
in Proceedings of the 2001 ACM International Symposium
on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc 2001),
pp. 33-44, ACM, Long Beach, CA, October 2001.
- Qifa Ke, David A. Maltz, and David B. Johnson,
"Emulation of Multi-Hop
Wireless Ad Hoc Networks",
in Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on
Mobile Multimedia Communications (MOMUC 2000),
IEEE Communications Society, Tokyo, Japan, October 2000.
- Yih-Chun Hu and David B. Johnson,
"Caching Strategies
in On-Demand Routing Protocols for
Wireless Ad Hoc Networks",
in Proceedings of the Sixth Annual International Conference
on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom 2000),
pp. 231-242, ACM, in cooperation with IEEE Communications Society,
Boston, MA, August 2000.
- David B. Johnson and Bernard J. Bennington,
Internet Protocol Performance and Enhancements over ACTS",
in Proceedings of the 6th Ka Band Utilization Conference,
pp. 105-112, Instituto Internazionale delle Comunicazioni (IIC)
and NASA Glenn Research Center,
Cleveland, OH, May 31-June 2, 2000.
Invited paper.
- Josh Broch, David A. Maltz, and David B. Johnson,
Hierarchy and Heterogeneous Interfaces in
Multi-Hop Wireless Ad Hoc Networks",
in Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium
on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms, and Networks (I-SPAN 1999),
Workshop on Mobile Computing,
pp. 370-375, IEEE, Perth, Western Australia, June 1999.
- David B. Johnson,
of Wireless and Mobile Network Models and Simulation",
in Proceedings of the DARPA/NIST Workshop on Validation of
Large-Scale Network Models and Simulation, Fairfax, VA, May 1999.
- Josh Broch, David A. Maltz, David B. Johnson,
Yih-Chun Hu, and Jorjeta Jetcheva,
"A Performance Comparison
of Multi-Hop Wireless Ad Hoc
Network Routing Protocols",
in Proceedings of the Fourth Annual ACM/IEEE International
Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom 1998),
pp. 85-97, ACM, Dallas, TX,
October 1998.
- Charles E. Perkins and David B. Johnson,
"Mobility Support in IPv6",
in Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM/IEEE International
Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking
(MobiCom 1996), pp. 27-37, ACM, Rye, NY, November 1996.
- Sean W. Smith and David B. Johnson,
"Minimizing Timestamp Size for Completely
Asynchronous Optimistic Recovery with Minimal Rollback",
in Proceedings of 15th IEEE Symposium on
Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS 1996), pp. 66-75,
IEEE Computer Society, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada,
October 1996.
- Sean W. Smith, David B. Johnson, and J. D. Tygar,
Asynchronous Optimistic Recovery with Minimal Rollbacks",
in The 25th Annual International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant
Computing: Digest of Papers (FTCS 1995),
pp. 361-370, IEEE Computer Society, Pasadena, CA, June 1995.
- David B. Johnson,
"Routing in Ad Hoc
Networks of Mobile Hosts",
in Proceedings of the Workshop on Mobile
Computing Systems and Applications (WMCSA 1994),
pp. 158-163, IEEE Computer Society, Santa Cruz, CA,
December 1994.
- David B. Johnson,
and Robust Internetwork Routing for Mobile Hosts",
in Proceedings of the 14th International
Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 1994),
pp. 2-11, IEEE Computer Society, Poznan, Poland, June 1994.
- David B. Johnson,
"Ubiquitous Mobile Host Internetworking",
in Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop
on Workstation Operating Systems (WWOS 1993),
pp. 85-90, IEEE Computer Society, Napa, CA, October 1993.
- David B. Johnson,
Transparent Optimistic Rollback Recovery for
Distributed Application Programs",
in Proceedings of the 12th Symposium on
Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS 1993),
pp. 86-95, IEEE Computer Society, Princeton, NJ, October 1993.
Revised from
a version published as
Technical Report CMU-CS-93-127,
School of Computer Science,
Carnegie Mellon University, December 1992.
- John B. Carter, Alan L. Cox, Sandhya Dwarkadas,
Elmootazbellah N. Elnozahy, David B. Johnson,
Pete Keleher, Steven Rodrigues, Weimin Yu, and Willy Zwaenepoel,
"Network Multicomputing
Using Recoverable Distributed Shared Memory",
in Digest of Papers: COMPCON Spring 1993,
The Thirty-Eighth IEEE Computer Society International Conference,
pp. 519-527, San Francisco, CA, February 1993.
- Elmootazbellah Nabil Elnozahy, David B. Johnson, and Willy Zwaenepoel,
"The Performance
of Consistent Checkpointing",
in Proceedings of the 11th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems
(SRDS 1992), pp. 39-47, IEEE Computer Society, Houston, TX,
October 1992.
Revised from
a version published as
Technical Report Rice COMP TR91-172,
Department of Computer Science, Rice University,
November 1991.
- John K. Bennett, John B. Carter, Alan L. Cox,
Elmootazbellah N. Elnozahy, David B. Johnson, Pete Keleher,
and Willy Zwaenepoel,
"Distributed Shared Memory:
Experience with Munin",
in Proceedings of the Fifth ACM SIGOPS European Workshop:
Models and Paradigms for Distributed Systems Structuring,
Mont Saint-Michel, France, September 1992.
- John B. Carter, David B. Johnson,
Alan L. Cox, and Willy Zwaenepoel,
"Distributed Operating Systems Based on a Protected
Global Virtual Address Space",
in Proceedings of the Third Workshop on
Workstation Operating Systems (WWOS 1992),
pp. 75-79, IEEE Computer Society, Key Biscayne, FL, April 1992.
- David B. Johnson and Willy Zwaenepoel,
"Transparent Optimistic Rollback Recovery",
in Proceedings of the Fourth ACM SIGOPS European Workshop:
Fault Tolerance Support in Distributed Systems,
Bologna, Italy, September 1990.
Reprinted in ACM SIGOPS
Operating Systems Review,
25(2):99-102, April 1991.
- David B. Johnson and Willy Zwaenepoel,
"Sender-Based Message Logging",
in The Seventeenth Annual International
Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing: Digest of Papers (FTCS 1987),
IEEE Computer Society, pp. 14-19, Pittsburgh, PA, July 1987.
Revised from
a version published as
Technical Report Rice COMP TR87-52, Department of Computer
Science, Rice University, June 1987.
Technical Reports
(in addition to those already listed above)
- Shu Du, Ahamed Khan, Santashil PalChaudhuri, Ansley Post,
Amit Kumar Saha, Peter Druschel, David B. Johnson, and Rudolf Riedi,
Hierarchical Routing for Scalable Ad Hoc Networking",
Technical Report Rice COMP TR04-433,
Department of Computer Science, Rice University, February 2005.
- Rajnish Kumar, Santashil PalChaudhuri, David B. Johnson,
and Umakishore Ramachandran,
Stack Architecture for Future Sensors",
Technical Report Rice COMP TR04-447,
Department of Computer Science, Rice University, January 2005.
- Jorjeta G. Jetcheva and David B. Johnson,
"A Performance Comparison of On-Demand Multicast
Routing Protocols for Ad Hoc Networks",
Technical Report CMU-CS-04-176, School of Computer Science,
Carnegie Mellon University, December 2004.
- Jorjeta G. Jetcheva and David B. Johnson,
"On-Demand Multicast Routing in Ad Hoc Networks
with Unidirectional Links",
Technical Report CMU-CS-04-175, School of Computer Science,
Carnegie Mellon University, December 2004.
- David A. Maltz, Josh Broch, and David B. Johnson,
"Experiences Designing and Building
a Multi-Hop Wireless Ad Hoc Network Testbed",
Technical Report CMU-CS-99-116, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon
University, March 1999.
- Sean W. Smith, David B. Johnson, and J. D. Tygar,
"Asynchronous Optimistic Rollback Recovery
Using Secure Distributed Time",
Technical Report CMU-CS-94-130, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon
University, March 1994.
- David B. Johnson,
"Mobile Host Internetworking Using IP Loose
Source Routing",
Technical Report CMU-CS-93-128, School of Computer Science,
Carnegie Mellon University, February 1993.
- David B. Johnson, Peter J. Keleher, and Willy Zwaenepoel,
"A Simple Algorithm for Finding
the Maximum Recoverable System State
in Optimistic Rollback Recovery Methods",
Technical Report Rice COMP TR90-125, Department of
Computer Science, Rice University, July 1990.
- David B. Johnson and Willy Zwaenepoel,
"Distributed System
Fault Tolerance Using Sender-Based Message Logging",
Technical Report Rice COMP TR90-119,
Department of Computer Science, Rice University, May 1990.
- David B. Johnson and Willy Zwaenepoel,
"Output-Driven Distributed Optimistic
Message Logging and Checkpointing",
Technical Report Rice COMP TR90-118,
Department of Computer Science, Rice University,
May 1990.
- David B. Johnson,
"Distributed System Fault Tolerance Using
Message Logging and Checkpointing",
Technical Report Rice COMP TR89-101,
Department of Computer Science, Rice University, December 1989.
Also published as
Ph.D. thesis,
Rice University, December 1989.
- David B. Johnson,
"Sender-Based Message Logging: Low-Overhead
Fault Tolerance for Distributed Systems",
Ph.D. Thesis Proposal,
Technical Report Rice COMP TR86-43,
Department of Computer Science, Rice University, December 1986.
Standards Organization Publications
The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is the principal
protocol standards development organization for the Internet.
All official Internet standards are documented in the
Request for Comments (RFC) document series.
Internet-Drafts are working documents of the IETF,
its areas, and its working groups.
- David B. Johnson, Yih-Chun Hu, and David A. Maltz,
"The Dynamic Source Routing Protocol (DSR)
for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks for IPv4",
Internet Request for Comments RFC 4728,
February 2007.
Revised from
a version published as
Internet-Draft, Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF),
July 2004.
Earlier revisions
April 2003,
March 2003,
February 2002,
November 2001,
March 2001,
November 2000,
October 1999,
June 1999,
December 1998, and
March 1998.
- David B. Johnson, Charles E. Perkins, and Jari Arkko,
"Mobility Support in IPv6",
Internet Request for Comments RFC 3775,
June 2004.
Revised from
a version published as
Internet-Draft, Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF),
June 2003.
Earlier revisions
May 2003,
May 2003,
February 2003,
January 2003,
October 2002,
June 2002,
May 2002,
March 2002,
July 2001,
July 2000,
November 2000,
April 2000,
March 2000,
February 2000,
October 1999,
June 1999,
November 1998,
August 1998,
March 1998,
November 1997,
July 1997,
November 1996,
June 1996,
January 1996,
July 1995,
June 1995, and
September 1994.
- Charles E. Perkins, editor,
"IP Mobility Support for IPv4",
Internet Request for Comments RFC 3220.
January 2002.
Major contributing author to this edited document.
Revised from a version published as
Internet Request for Comments RFC 2002.
October 1996.
Major contributing author to this edited document.
- Charles E. Perkins and David B. Johnson,
"Route Optimization
in Mobile IP",
Internet-Draft, Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF),
September 2001.
Earlier revisions published
November 2000,
February 2000,
February 1999,
November 1977,
July 1997,
November 1996,
February 1996,
November 1995,
July 1995,
March 1995,
November 1994, and
July 1994.
- Jorjeta G. Jetcheva and David B. Johnson,
"The Adaptive
Demand-Driven Multicast Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
(ADMR)", Internet-Draft,
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), July 2001.
- Jorjeta G. Jetcheva, Yih-Chun Hu, David A. Maltz,
and David B. Johnson,
Simple Protocol for Multicast and Broadcast in Mobile Ad Hoc
Internet-Draft, Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF),
July 2001.
Earlier revision published
November 2000.
- Yih-Chun Hu, David B. Johnson, and David A. Maltz,
State in the Dynamic Source Routing Protocol for
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks",
Internet-Draft, Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF),
February 2001.
- David B. Johnson and Stephen E. Deering,
"Reserved IPv6 Subnet Anycast Addresses",
Internet Request for Comments RFC 2526,
March 1999.
Revised from
a version published as
Internet-Draft, Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF),
January 1999.
Earlier revisions published
October 1998 and
August 1998.
- Charles E. Perkins and David B. Johnson,
Keys for Route Optimization",
Internet-Draft, Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF),
July 2000.
Earlier revisions published
July 2000,
February 2000, and
November 1997.
- Charles E. Perkins and David B. Johnson,
Tunnels for Mobile IP",
Internet-Draft, Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF),
November 1997.
- David B. Johnson, Andrew Myles, and Charles E. Perkins,
"The Internet
Mobile Host Protocol",
Internet-Draft, Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF),
January 1994.
- David B. Johnson,
"Transparent Internet Routing
for IP Mobile Hosts",
Internet-Draft, Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), July 1993.
Other Publications
- David B. Johnson,
FY'09 Annual Report: July 2008-June 2009",
available from http://www.sigmobile.org/about/report2009.html.
- David B. Johnson,
FY'08 Annual Report: July 2007-June 2008",
available from http://www.sigmobile.org/about/report2008.html.
- David B. Johnson,
FY'07 Annual Report: July 2006-June 2007",
available from http://www.sigmobile.org/about/report2007.html.
Reprinted in
ACM Mobile Computing and Communications Review,
11(4):72-79, October 2007.
- David B. Johnson,
FY'06 Annual Report: July 2005-June 2006",
available from http://www.sigmobile.org/about/report2006.html.
- David B. Johnson,
FY'05 Annual Report: July 2004-June 2005",
available from http://www.sigmobile.org/about/report2005.html.
Reprinted in
ACM Mobile Computing and Communications Review,
9(3):1-6, July 2005.
- David B. Johnson,
"Multihop Wireless Ad Hoc Networking:
Current Challenges and Future Opportunities",
in Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on
Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications (ISPA 2004),
p. 3, Hong Kong, China, December 2004.
Abstract from a Keynote Talk presented at the conference.
- David B. Johnson and Jean-Pierre Hubaux,
on the Third ACM International Symposium on Mobile
Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc 2002)",
ACM Mobile Computing and Communications Review,
6(3):7-9, July 2002.
Invited conference summary.
- Zygmunt J. Haas, Mario Gerla, David B. Johnson,
Charles E. Perkins, Michael B. Pursley, Martha Steenstrup, C.-K. Toh,
"Guest Editorial:
Wireless Ad Hoc Networks",
in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (J-SAC),
Special Issue on Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,
17(8):1329-1332, August 1999.
Introduction to Special Issue of the journal edited.
- David B. Johnson,
"Report on the Third Annual ACM/IEEE
International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom'97)",
ACM Mobile Computing and Communications Review,
2(1):6-7, January 1998.
Invited conference summary.
- Charles Perkins and David B. Johnson,
Mobile Networking in the Internet",
Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET),
3(4):317-318, December 1998,
ACM and Baltzer Science Publishers.
Introduction to Special Issue of the journal edited.
- David B. Johnson,
Support for Wireless and Mobile Networking",
in Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual ACM
Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC 1997),
pp. 9-10, Santa Barbara, CA, August 1997.
Abstract from a tutorial presented at the conference.
- National Science Foundation,
Division of Networking and Communications Research and Infrastructure,
Priorities in Wireless and Mobile Communications and Networking",
Report of a Workshop Held March 24-26, 1997, Airlie House, VA.
One of 32 authors of the report.
Available from
- David B. Johnson and John Drum,
"Preliminary CDPD Performance Testing Results",
Information Networking Institute, Carnegie Mellon University,
prepared for
AEG Transportation Systems, Inc. (later part of Adtranz),
October 1995.
- Adam J. Gudat, Bernard J. Bennington, Daniel D. Stancil,
and David B. Johnson,
"Method and Apparatus
for Dynamically Updating Representation
of a Work Site and a Propagation Model",
U.S. Patent Number 6,771,609.
Patent application filed November 30, 1999;
patent issued August 3, 2004.
- David B. Johnson, Dan Stancil, and B. J. Bennington,
"Method and Apparatus
for Incorporating Environmental Information
for Mobile Communications",
U.S. Patent Number 6,625,135.
Provisional application filed May 11, 1998,
patent application filed April 28, 1999;
patent issued September 23, 2003.
- David B. Johnson, Bernard J. Bennington, and Daniel D. Stancil,
"Method and Apparatus
for Incorporating Environmental Information
for Mobile Communications",
United Kingdom Patent Number GB 2 352 137.
Patent issued May 14, 2003.
- David B. Johnson, Bernard J. Bennington, and Daniel D. Stancil,
"Method and Apparatus
for Incorporating Environmental Information
for Mobile Communications",
Australian Patent Number 751840.
Patent issued December 12, 2002.
- David B. Johnson, Bernard J. Bennington, and Daniel D. Stancil,
(Method and Apparatus
for Incorporating Environmental Information
for Mobile Communications),
Japanese Patent Number 2002-515712.
Patent issued May 28, 2002.
- David B. Johnson, Bernard J. Bennington, and Daniel D. Stancil,
"Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Einbeziehen von Umweltinformation für
mobile Kommunikation"
(Method and Apparatus
for Incorporating Environmental Information
for Mobile Communications),
German Patent Number DE 199 83 163.
Patent issued November 18, 1999;
German translation published June 28, 2001.
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