package edu.rice.linpack.Matrix.FMatrix; import edu.rice.linpack.util.*; import edu.rice.linpack.Vector.*; import edu.rice.linpack.LNumber.*; public class FSiFull extends FFull { public FSiFull() { super(); } public FSiFull(int n, int j) { super(n,j); } public FSiFull(float[][] f) { super(f); } public FSiFull(FSiFull F) { super(F); } public FSiPack pack() { FSiPack S = new FSiPack(this.Mat); return S; } public void transpose() { } public float getElem(int i, int j) { if(i > j) return super.getElem(j,i); return super.getElem(i,j); } public float[] getRow(int i) { return getRow(i,0); } public float[] getColumn(int i) { return getRow(i,0); } public float[] getColumn(int i, int j) { return getRow(i,j); } public float[] getRow(int i, int j) { float[] F = new float[rows - j]; for(int k=0;k c) super.setElem(c,i,L); else super.setElem(i,c,L); } protected float oneNorm() { float[] Z = new float[cols]; for(int j=0;j=0;k-=kstep) { if (k == 0) { pivot[0] = 1; if(this.Mat[0][0] == 0) throw new SingularMatrixException(1); } else { int km = k - 1; float absakk = Math.abs(this.Mat[k][k]); int imax = this.i_amax(k,1,0,k); float colmax = Math.abs(this.Mat[imax][k]); if(absakk >= alpha*colmax) { kstep = 1; swap = false; } else { float rowmax = 0; for(int j=imax+1;j<=k;j++) { rowmax = Math.max(rowmax,Math.abs(this.Mat[imax][j])); } if(imax != 0) { int jmax = this.i_amax(imax,1,0,imax); rowmax = Math.max(rowmax,Math.abs(this.Mat[jmax][imax])); } if(Math.abs(this.Mat[imax][imax]) >= alpha*rowmax) { kstep = 1; swap = true; } else { if(absakk >= alpha*colmax*(colmax/rowmax)) { kstep = 1; swap = false; } else { kstep = 2; swap = (imax != km); } } } if(Math.max(absakk,colmax) == 0) { pivot[k] = k+1; info = k+1; } else { if(kstep == 1) { if(swap) { this.swap(imax+1,1,0,imax,this,1,0,k); for(int j=k;j>=imax;j--) this.swapElem(j,k,imax,j); } for(int j=km;j>=0;j--) { float mulk = -this.Mat[j][k]/this.Mat[k][k]; this.axpy(j+1,mulk,1,0,k,this,1,0,j); this.Mat[j][k] = mulk; } if(swap) pivot[k] = imax+1; else pivot[k] = k+1; } else { if(swap) { this.swap(imax+1,1,0,imax,this,1,0,km); for(int j=km;j >= imax;j--) this.swapElem(j,km,imax,j); this.swapElem(km,k,imax,k); } if(k > 1) { float ak = this.Mat[k][k]/this.Mat[km][k]; float akm = this.Mat[km][km]/this.Mat[km][k]; float dnom = 1 - ak*akm; for(int j=km-1;j>=0;j--) this.mulk(k,j,ak,akm,dnom); } if(swap) pivot[k] = -imax - 1; else pivot[k] = -k; pivot[km] = pivot[k]; } } } } if(info != 0) throw new SingularMatrixException(info); } private void mulk(int k, int j, float ak, float akm, float dnom) { int km = k-1; float Bk = this.Mat[j][k]/this.Mat[km][k]; float Bkm = this.Mat[j][km]/this.Mat[km][k]; float Mulk = (akm*Bk - Bkm)/dnom; float Mulkm = (ak*Bkm - Bk)/dnom; this.axpy(j+1,Mulk,1,0,k,this,1,0,j); this.axpy(j+1,Mulkm,1,0,km,this,1,0,j); this.Mat[j][k] = Mulk; this.Mat[j][km] = Mulkm; } public LNumber condition() throws SingularMatrixException, WrongDataTypeException { Vector Z = new FVector(cols); return this.condition(Z); } public LNumber condition(Vector Ze) throws SingularMatrixException, WrongDataTypeException { float[] Z = Ze.getFloatArray(); float S; float anorm = this.oneNorm(); float ynorm; // Factor // try { this.factor(); } finally { // Compute the inverse of the condition // for(int j=0;j=0;k-=ks) { ks = 1; if(pivot[k] < 0) ks = 2; if(k != ks-1) { int kp = Math.abs(pivot[k]) - 1; int kps = k - ks + 1; if(kp != kps) FUtil.swapElems(Z,kp,kps); this.axpy(k-ks+1,Z[k],1,0,k,Z,1,0); if(ks == 2) this.axpy(k-ks+1,Z[k-1],1,0,k-1,Z,1,0); } if(ks == 1) { if(Math.abs(Z[k]) > Math.abs(this.Mat[k][k])) { float S = Math.abs(this.Mat[k][k])/Math.abs(Z[k]); FUtil.scal(cols,S,Z,1); ynorm *= S; } if(this.Mat[k][k] == 0) Z[k] = 1; else Z[k] = Z[k]/this.Mat[k][k]; } else this.Zfixer(k, Z); } float S = 1/FUtil.asum(cols,Z,1); FUtil.scal(cols,S,Z,1); ynorm *= S; return ynorm; } private void solveUDW(float[] Z) { int ks = 1; float ek = 1; for(int k=cols-1;k>=0;k-=ks) { ks = 1; if(pivot[k] < 0) ks = 2; int kp = Math.abs(pivot[k]) - 1; int kps = k + 1 - ks; if(kp != kps) FUtil.swapElems(Z,kp,kps); if(Z[k] != 0) ek = FUtil.signOf(ek,Z[k]); Z[k] += ek; this.axpy(k-ks+1,Z[k],1,0,k,Z,1,0); if(ks == 1) { if(Math.abs(Z[k]) > Math.abs(this.Mat[k][k])) { float S = Math.abs(this.Mat[k][k])/Math.abs(Z[k]); FUtil.scal(cols,S,Z,1); ek *= S; } if(this.Mat[k][k] == 0) Z[k] = 1; else Z[k] = Z[k]/this.Mat[k][k]; } else { if(Z[k-1] != 0) ek = FUtil.signOf(ek,Z[k-1]); Z[k-1] += ek; axpy(k-ks+1, Z[k-1], 1,0,k-1,Z,1,0); this.Zfixer(k,Z); } } float S = 1/FUtil.asum(cols,Z,1); FUtil.scal(cols,S,Z,1); } private void Zfixer(int k, float[] Z) { int km = k-1; float ak = this.Mat[k][k]/this.Mat[km][k]; float akm = this.Mat[km][km]/this.Mat[km][k]; float bk = Z[k]/this.Mat[km][k]; float bkm = Z[km]/this.Mat[km][k]; float denom = ak*akm - 1; Z[k] = (akm*bk - bkm)/denom; Z[km] = (ak*bkm - bk)/denom; } public void solve(Vector B, int Job) throws WrongDataTypeException { this.solve(B); } public void solve(Vector Be) throws WrongDataTypeException { float[] B = Be.getFloatArray(); // Loop backward applying the transformations and D inv to B // this.loopback(B); // Loop forward applying the transformations // this.loopforward(B); } private void loopback(float[] B) { int kstep = 1; for(int k=cols-1;k>=0;k-=kstep) { if(pivot[k] >= 0) { if(k != 0) { int kp = pivot[k] - 1; if(kp != k) FUtil.swapElems(B,k,kp); this.axpy(k,B[k],1,0,k,B,1,0); } B[k] = B[k]/this.Mat[k][k]; kstep = 1; } else { int km = k-1; if(k != 1) { int kp = Math.abs(pivot[k]) - 1; if(kp != km) FUtil.swapElems(B,km,kp); this.axpy(km,B[k],1,0,k,B,1,0); this.axpy(km,B[km],1,0,km,B,1,0); } this.Zfixer(k,B); kstep = 2; } } } private void loopforward(float[] B) { int kstep = 1; for(int k=0;k= 0) kstep = 1; else kstep = 2; if(k != 0) { B[k] +=,1,0,k,B,1,0); if(kstep == 2) B[k+1] +=,1,0,k+1,B,1,0); int kp = Math.abs(pivot[k]) - 1; if(kp != k) FUtil.swapElems(B,k,kp); } } } public Vector determ() { float[] Det = new float[2]; Det[0] = 1; Det[1] = 0; TD G = new TD(); for(int k=0;k 0) iner[0] += 1; else if(A.D < 0) iner[1] += 1; else iner[2] += 1; } return iner; } private void TDer(TD A, int k) { A.D = this.Mat[k][k]; if(pivot[k] < 0) { if(A.T == 0) { A.T = Math.abs(this.Mat[k][k+1]); A.D = (A.D/A.T)*this.Mat[k+1][k+1] - A.T; } else { A.D = A.T; A.T = 0; } } } public void inverse() { float[] Work = new float[cols]; int kstep; for(int k=0;k= 0) { this.Mat[k][k] = 1/this.Mat[k][k]; if(k > 0) { this.copy(k,1,0,k,Work,1); for(int j=0;j 0) { this.copy(k,1,0,kp,Work,1); for(int j=0;j=ks;j--) this.swapElem(j,k,ks,j); if(kstep != 1) this.swapElem(k,kp,ks,kp); } } } private void invAdj(int k, int kp) { float T = Math.abs(this.Mat[k][kp]); float ak = this.Mat[k][k]/T; float akp = this.Mat[kp][kp]/T; float akkp = this.Mat[k][kp]/T; float D = T*(ak*akp - 1); this.Mat[k][k] = akp/D; this.Mat[kp][kp] = ak/D; this.Mat[k][kp] = -akkp/D; } }