package edu.rice.hj.example.applications.barneshut; import edu.rice.hj.api.SuspendableException; import java.util.Random; import static edu.rice.hj.Module1.*; /** * BarnessHut class of the Barnes Hut application. * * @author Shams Imam ( */ public final class BarnessHut { private static int nbodies; // number of bodies in system private static int ntimesteps; // number of time steps to run private static double dtime; // length of one time step private static double eps; // potential softening parameter private static double tol; // tolerance for stopping recursion, should be less than 0.57 for 3D case to bound error private static double dthf, epssq, itolsq; private static OctTreeLeafNodeData body[]; // the n bodies private static double diameter, centerx, centery, centerz; private static int curr; static final long[] nodesTraversed_100K = {71891025, 147078212}; static final double[] posX_100K = {0.4989361610840987, 0.5114754484309701}; static final double[] posY_100K = {0.5003786980143968, 0.5128978196831631}; static final double[] posZ_100K = {0.5005633448563184, 0.5130668272583695}; static final long[] nodesTraversed_50K = {31731122, 64845694}; static final double[] posX_50K = {0.49890703243720386, 0.5114613898364733}; static final double[] posY_50K = {0.5015303882283104, 0.5140502713460989}; static final double[] posZ_50K = {0.5025002040538423, 0.5149475631876476}; static final long[] nodesTraversed_10K = {4586829, 9345701}; static final double[] posX_10K = {0.4995124926425938, 0.5120021242194736}; static final double[] posY_10K = {0.4971952727192604, 0.5097297518450723}; static final double[] posZ_10K = {0.5038525463784792, 0.5163728449901297}; private static void RandomInput(final int num, final boolean print) { double vx, vy, vz; final Random rand = new Random(0); nbodies = num; ntimesteps = 1; dtime = 0.025; eps = 0.05; tol = 0.5; dthf = 0.5 * dtime; epssq = eps * eps; itolsq = 1.0 / (tol * tol); if (print) { System.err.println("configuration: " + nbodies + " bodies, " + ntimesteps + " time steps"); System.err.println(); } body = new OctTreeLeafNodeData[nbodies]; for (int i = 0; i < nbodies; i++) { body[i] = new OctTreeLeafNodeData(); } for (int i = 0; i < nbodies; i++) { body[i].mass = 1.0E-04; body[i].posx = rand.nextDouble(); body[i].posy = rand.nextDouble(); body[i].posz = rand.nextDouble(); vx = rand.nextDouble(); vy = rand.nextDouble(); vz = rand.nextDouble(); body[i].setVelocity(vx, vy, vz); } } /* * Computes a bounding box around all the bodies. */ private static void ComputeCenterAndDiameter() { double minx, miny, minz; double maxx, maxy, maxz; double posx, posy, posz; minx = miny = minz = Double.MAX_VALUE; maxx = maxy = maxz = Double.MIN_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < nbodies; i++) { posx = body[i].posx; posy = body[i].posy; posz = body[i].posz; if (minx > posx) { minx = posx; } if (miny > posy) { miny = posy; } if (minz > posz) { minz = posz; } if (maxx < posx) { maxx = posx; } if (maxy < posy) { maxy = posy; } if (maxz < posz) { maxz = posz; } } diameter = maxx - minx; if (diameter < (maxy - miny)) { diameter = (maxy - miny); } if (diameter < (maxz - minz)) { diameter = (maxz - minz); } centerx = (maxx + minx) * 0.5; centery = (maxy + miny) * 0.5; centerz = (maxz + minz) * 0.5; } /* * Recursively inserts a body into the octree. */ private static void Insert(final NodeBarnessHut root, final OctTreeLeafNodeData b, final double r) { double x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0; final OctTreeNodeData n = root.getData(); int i = 0; if (n.posx < b.posx) { i = 1; x = r; } if (n.posy < b.posy) { i += 2; y = r; } if (n.posz < b.posz) { i += 4; z = r; } final NodeBarnessHut child = root.getChild(i); if (child == null) { final NodeBarnessHut newnode = new NodeBarnessHut(b); root.setChild(i, newnode); } else { final double rh = 0.5 * r; final OctTreeNodeData ch = child.getData(); if (!(ch.isLeaf())) { Insert(child, b, rh); } else { final NodeBarnessHut newnode = new NodeBarnessHut(new OctTreeNodeData(n.posx - rh + x, n.posy - rh + y, n.posz - rh + z)); Insert(newnode, b, rh); Insert(newnode, (OctTreeLeafNodeData) ch, rh); root.setChild(i, newnode); } } } /* * Traverses the tree bottom up to compute the total mass and the center of * mass of all the bodies in the subtree rooted in each internal octree node. */ private static void ComputeCenterOfMass(final NodeBarnessHut root) { double m, px = 0.0, py = 0.0, pz = 0.0; final OctTreeNodeData n = root.getData(); int j = 0; n.mass = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { final NodeBarnessHut child = root.getChild(i); if (child != null) { if (i != j) { root.setChild(i, null); root.setChild(j, child); } j++; final OctTreeNodeData ch = child.getData(); if (ch.isLeaf()) { body[curr++] = (OctTreeLeafNodeData) ch; } else { ComputeCenterOfMass(child); } m = ch.mass; n.mass += m; px += ch.posx * m; py += ch.posy * m; pz += ch.posz * m; } } m = 1.0 / n.mass; n.posx = px * m; n.posy = py * m; n.posz = pz * m; } /* * Calculates the force acting on a body */ private static void ComputeForce(final OctTreeLeafNodeData nd, final NodeBarnessHut root, final double size, final double itolsq, final int step, final double dthf, final double epssq) { final double ax; final double ay; final double az; ax = nd.accx; ay = nd.accy; az = nd.accz; nd.accx = 0.0; nd.accy = 0.0; nd.accz = 0.0; RecurseForce(nd, root, size * size * itolsq, epssq); if (step > 0) { nd.velx += (nd.accx - ax) * dthf; nd.vely += (nd.accy - ay) * dthf; nd.velz += (nd.accz - az) * dthf; } } /* * Helper method to compute the force acting on a body (recursively walks the * tree) */ /** *


* * @param nd a {@link edu.rice.hj.example.applications.barneshut.OctTreeLeafNodeData} object. * @param nn a {@link edu.rice.hj.example.applications.barneshut.NodeBarnessHut} object. * @param dsq a double. * @param epssq a double. */ public static void RecurseForce(final OctTreeLeafNodeData nd, final NodeBarnessHut nn, final double dsq, final double epssq) { if (nn == null) { return; } final double drx; final double dry; final double drz; double drsq; final double nphi; final double scale; final double idr; final OctTreeNodeData n = nn.getData(); drx = n.posx - nd.posx; dry = n.posy - nd.posy; drz = n.posz - nd.posz; drsq = drx * drx + dry * dry + drz * drz; nd.nodesTraversed.incrementAndGet(); if (drsq < dsq) { if (!(n.isLeaf())) { // n is a cell RecurseForce(nd, nn.child0, dsq * 0.25, epssq); RecurseForce(nd, nn.child1, dsq * 0.25, epssq); RecurseForce(nd, nn.child2, dsq * 0.25, epssq); RecurseForce(nd, nn.child3, dsq * 0.25, epssq); RecurseForce(nd, nn.child4, dsq * 0.25, epssq); RecurseForce(nd, nn.child5, dsq * 0.25, epssq); RecurseForce(nd, nn.child6, dsq * 0.25, epssq); RecurseForce(nd, nn.child7, dsq * 0.25, epssq); } else { // n is a body if (n != nd) { drsq += epssq; idr = 1 / Math.sqrt(drsq); nphi = n.mass * idr; scale = nphi * idr * idr; nd.lock.lock(); nd.accx += drx * scale; nd.accy += dry * scale; nd.accz += drz * scale; nd.lock.unlock(); } } } else { // node is far enough away, don't recurse any deeper drsq += epssq; idr = 1 / Math.sqrt(drsq); nphi = n.mass * idr; scale = nphi * idr * idr; nd.lock.lock(); nd.accx += drx * scale; nd.accy += dry * scale; nd.accz += drz * scale; nd.lock.unlock(); } } /* * Advances a body's velocity and position by one time step */ private static void Advance(final double dthf, final double dtime) { double dvelx, dvely, dvelz; double velhx, velhy, velhz; for (int i = 0; i < nbodies; i++) { final OctTreeLeafNodeData nd = body[i]; body[i] = nd; dvelx = nd.accx * dthf; dvely = nd.accy * dthf; dvelz = nd.accz * dthf; velhx = nd.velx + dvelx; velhy = nd.vely + dvely; velhz = nd.velz + dvelz; nd.posx += velhx * dtime; nd.posy += velhy * dtime; nd.posz += velhz * dtime; nd.velx = velhx + dvelx; nd.vely = velhy + dvely; nd.velz = velhz + dvelz; } } /** * BarnessHut method to launch the binary search tree code. * * @param args an array of {@link String} objects. */ public static void main(final String[] args) { System.out.println("USAGE: java BarnessHut "); final int size = args.length > 0 ? Integer.parseInt(args[0]) : 100000; final long[] harnessTime = {0}; launchHabaneroApp(() -> { System.out.println("HJ Threads=" + numWorkerThreads()); System.out.println("Input: size = " + size); RandomInput(size, true); OctTreeNodeData res = null; int step = 0; int inner = 5; int outter = 3; if (args.length > 1) { inner = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); } if (args.length > 2) { outter = Integer.parseInt(args[2]); } final long start = System.nanoTime(); boolean harness = false; for (int ii = 0; ii < outter; ii++) { if (ii + 1 == outter) { System.gc(); harness = true; } for (int jj = 0; jj < inner; jj++) { System.out.println("========================== ITERATION (" + ii + "." + jj + ") =================================="); final long startTime = System.nanoTime(); final int s = step; ComputeCenterAndDiameter(); final NodeBarnessHut root = new NodeBarnessHut(new OctTreeNodeData(centerx, centery, centerz)); // create the final double radius = diameter * 0.5; for (int i = 0; i < nbodies; i++) { Insert(root, body[i], radius); // grow the tree by inserting each body } curr = 0; // summarize subtree info in each internal node (plus restructure tree and sort bodies for performance reasons) ComputeCenterOfMass(root); ParallelFor(root, step); Advance(dthf, dtime); // advance the position and velocity of each body // print center of mass for this timestep res = root.getData(); long totalNodesTraversed = 0; for (int i = 0; i < body.length; i++) { totalNodesTraversed += body[i].nodesTraversed.get(); } System.out.println("totalNodesTraversed: " + totalNodesTraversed); String status = "PASSED"; if (nbodies == 100000 && s < 2) { // check expected values if (totalNodesTraversed != nodesTraversed_100K[s]) { System.out.println("FAILED: Exptected nodes = " + nodesTraversed_100K[s] + " But obtained = " + totalNodesTraversed); status = "FAILED"; } if (res.posx != posX_100K[s]) { System.out.println("FAILED: Exptected posX = " + posX_100K[s] + " But obtained = " + res.posx); status = "FAILED"; } if (res.posy != posY_100K[s]) { System.out.println("FAILED: Exptected posY = " + posY_100K[s] + " But obtained = " + res.posy); status = "FAILED"; } if (res.posz != posZ_100K[s]) { System.out.println("FAILED: Exptected posZ = " + posZ_100K[s] + " But obtained = " + res.posz); status = "FAILED"; } } else if (nbodies == 50000 && s < 2) { // check expected values if (totalNodesTraversed != nodesTraversed_50K[s]) { System.out.println("FAILED: Exptected nodes = " + nodesTraversed_50K[s] + " But obtained = " + totalNodesTraversed); status = "FAILED"; } if (res.posx != posX_50K[s]) { System.out.println("FAILED: Exptected posX = " + posX_50K[s] + " But obtained = " + res.posx); status = "FAILED"; } if (res.posy != posY_50K[s]) { System.out.println("FAILED: Exptected posY = " + posY_50K[s] + " But obtained = " + res.posy); status = "FAILED"; } if (res.posz != posZ_50K[s]) { System.out.println("FAILED: Exptected posZ = " + posZ_50K[s] + " But obtained = " + res.posz); status = "FAILED"; } } else if (nbodies == 10000 && s < 2) { // check expected values if (totalNodesTraversed != nodesTraversed_10K[s]) { System.out.println("FAILED: Exptected nodes = " + nodesTraversed_10K[s] + " But obtained = " + totalNodesTraversed); status = "FAILED"; } if (res.posx != posX_10K[s]) { System.out.println("FAILED: Exptected posX = " + posX_10K[s] + " But obtained = " + res.posx); status = "FAILED"; } if (res.posy != posY_10K[s]) { System.out.println("FAILED: Exptected posY = " + posY_10K[s] + " But obtained = " + res.posy); status = "FAILED"; } if (res.posz != posZ_10K[s]) { System.out.println("FAILED: Exptected posZ = " + posZ_10K[s] + " But obtained = " + res.posz); status = "FAILED"; } } final long time = System.nanoTime() - startTime; final double secs = ((double) time) / 1e9; System.out.println("BarnessHut: (Timestep " + step + ") " + status + ". Time: " + secs + " secs"); step++; if (harness) { harnessTime[0] += time; } } } }); System.out.println("Harness ended..."); System.out.println("============================ MMTk Statistics Totals ============================"); System.out.println(""); System.out.println(harnessTime[0]); System.out.println("Total time: " + harnessTime[0] + " ms"); System.out.println("------------------------------ End MMTk Statistics -----------------------------"); System.out.println("===== TEST PASSED in 0 msec ====="); } /** *


* * @param i a int. * @param root a {@link edu.rice.hj.example.applications.barneshut.NodeBarnessHut} object. * @param s a int. */ public static void ComputeForceAll(final int i, final NodeBarnessHut root, final int s) { ComputeForce(body[i], root, diameter, itolsq, s, dthf, epssq); } // a substitute for parallel for annotations on for statements, which are not supported in Java 6 /** *


* * @param root a {@link edu.rice.hj.example.applications.barneshut.NodeBarnessHut} object. * @param s a int. */ public static void ParallelFor(final NodeBarnessHut root, final int s) throws SuspendableException { forallChunked(0, body.length - 1, (i) -> { ComputeForceAll(i, root, s); }); } }