COMP 515: Advanced Compilation for Vector and Parallel Processors


  1. Lecture 1 (01/06/2009): Compiler Challenges for High Performance Architectures (Chapter 1)

  2. Lecture 2 (01/08/2009): Dependence: Theory and Practice (Chapter 2)

  3. Lecture 3 (01/13/2009): Dependence Testing (Chapter 3)

  4. Lecture 4 (01/15/2009): Dependence Testing (Chapter 3 contd), Preliminary Transformations (Chapter 4)

  5. Lecture 5 (01/22/2009): Preliminary Transformations (Chapter 4 contd), Enhancing Fine-grained Parallelism (Chapter 5) 

  6. Lecture 6 (01/27/2009): Enhancing Fine-grained Parallelism (Chapter 5 contd), Array SSA Form

  7. Lecture 7 (01/29/2009): Array SSA Form (contd), More Transformations for Fine-grained Parallelism (Chapter 5 contd)

  8. Lecture 8 (02/03/2009): Enhancing Fine-grained Parallelism (contd), Coarse-Grain Parallelism (Chapter 6)

  9. Lecture 9 (02/05/2009): Coarse-Grain Parallelism (Chapter 6 contd)

  10. Lecture 10 (02/10/2009): Coarse-Grain Parallelism (Chapter 6 contd), Handling Control Flow (Chapter 7)

  11. Lecture 11 (02/12/2009): Control Dependence (Chapter 7, contd)

  12. Lecture 12 (02/19/2009): Control Dependence (Chapter 7, contd), Compiler Improvement of Register Usage (Chapter 8)

  13. Lecture 13 (02/20/2009): Scalar Replacement (Chapter 8, contd)

  14. Lecture 14 (03/04/2009): Scalar Replacement (Chapter 8, contd)

  15. Lecture 15 (03/05/2009): Cache Management (Chapter 9)

  16. Lecture 16 (03/10/2009): Cache Management (Chapter 9, contd)

  17. Lecture 17 (03/12/2009): Automatic Selection of High-Order Transformations in the IBM XL Fortran Compilers

  18. Lecture 18 (03/24/2009): Instruction Scheduling (Chapter 10)

  19. Lecture 19 (03/31/2009): Don't Waste Those Cycles: An In-Depth Look at Scheduling Instructions in Basic Blocks and Loops, University Video Communication's Distinguished Lecture Series IX (August 1994).

  20. Lecture 20 (04/02/2009): Instruction Scheduling (Chapter 10, contd)

  21. Lecture 21 (04/09/2009): Interprocedural Analysis and Optimization (Chapter 11)

  22. Lecture 22 (04/14/2009): Interprocedural Analysis and Optimization (Chapter 11, contd)

  23. Lecture 23 (04/16/2009): Interprocedural Analysis and Optimization (Chapter 11, contd), Dependence Analysis for C Programs (Chapter 12)

  24. Lecture 24 (04/21/2009): Compiling Array Assignments (Chapter 13)