I have taught a variety of courses at Rice, including the following
(the most recent semester that I taught each course is in parentheses):
- ENGI 128 Introduction to Engineering Systems (Fall 2010)
- COMP 140: Computational Thinking (Fall 2020)
- COMP 160: Introduction to Computer Gaming (Fall 2012)
- COMP 182: Algorithmic Thinking (Spring 2013)
- COMP 215: Introduction to Program Design (Fall 2011)
- COMP 310: Advanced Object-Oriented Programming (Fall 2010)
- COMP 321: Introduction to Computer Systems (Spring 2019)
- COMP/ELEC 519: Network Systems Architecture (Spring 2008)
- COMP/ELEC 525: Advanced Microprocessor Architecture (Spring 2007)
- COMP 528: System-level Virtualization (Spring 2018)
- COMP 620: Graduate Seminar in Computer Systems (Spring 2020)
- ELEC 693: Advanced Topics - Computer Systems (Fall 2009)
- ELEC 696: Computer Architecture Seminar (Spring 2011)