#ifndef EXPRESSION_H #define EXPRESSION_H #include "ExpressionAsDAG.h" #include "DAGSimplifier.h" #include "helping_functions.h" #include #include using namespace std; #define CONSTANT_VALUE_LABEL "CONSTANT_EVALUATED" class t_ExpressionEvaluator; class t_InvalidBitManager; class t_Expression { private: bool m_simplified; // Current expression is simplified or not flag t_ExpressionAsDag *m_dagExpression; // To store expression as a dag expression string m_tempName; // To store temporary name of the expression while printing int m_inferredWidth; // Inferred width for the current expression bool m_validValue; // This expression is having assigned a value or not // Static logfile for printing the log messages based on verbosity level // Used only from the t_Logger static ofstream *m_logFile; static int constLabelCount; bool m_isRestructured; // Constructor of the expression class // Only used by the friend class t_ExpresssionManager t_Expression(); // Destructor for deallocation of the resources allocated for the current expression ~t_Expression(); // Create a leaf expression with given label t_Expression * createExpression ( string &label, TypeOfExpressionTuple &typeInfo, t_TypeOfValueStoredInExpressionLabel &labelType, int Expressionimplementationtype, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *&expressionImplementationManagerInstance ); // Create an operator expression // Inferred type should already be present. t_Expression *createExpression ( string &label, t_TypeOfValueStoredInExpressionLabel &labelType, TypeOfExpressionTuple &typeInfo, vector &operandExpressions, int Expressionimplementationtype, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *&expressionImplementationmanagerinstance, t_ExpressionEvaluator* &evaluator, bool doSelectConcatSimplification=true //if true and update expression, performs the update optimization specified in PENDING.TXT ); /** * Simplifies the current expression. This is used because new rules simplification might not work on bit vectors of unspecified * length. * @param label the label of the expression * @param operands the operands of the expression * @param typeInfo * @param Expressionimplementationtype * @param expressionImplementationManagerInstance * @param evaluator * @return returns the new simplified expression or NULL if there's no simplification possible */ t_Expression* doSimplification(const string &label, vector &operands, TypeOfExpressionTuple typeInfo, int Expressionimplementationtype, t_ExpressionImplementationManager* expressionImplementationManagerInstance, t_ExpressionEvaluator *evaluator); /** * Equates the width of the operands of expressions. * If the width of operands of operators like arithmatic, bitwise and logical operators, is not same * we add a zero extn operation on the smaller operand to match its width with the larger operand. * @param label * @param operands * @param exprImplType * @param eimInstance * @param evaluator * @return The width of the operands. This could be used to verify /infer the width of operator
* -2 : width calculation for this operator not supported * -3 : width mismatch in operands. */ int equalizeOperandWidths(const std::string& label, std::vector &operands, int exprImplType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *eimInstance, t_ExpressionEvaluator *evaluator); /** * Resizes the index expr (using zeroextn or select) to the size of the index * that is required according to the dimension of the array expr; * @param array_expr * @param index * @return new index expression */ t_Expression* resizeIndex(t_Expression* array_expr, t_Expression* index, int exprImplType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *eimInstance, t_ExpressionEvaluator *evaluator); t_Expression* extendExpr(t_Expression* expr, int width, int exprImplType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *eimInstance, t_ExpressionEvaluator *evaluator); /** * This function returns a new array expression (first operand) for update expression. * This optimizes the update expression. In this function, if the array expression is an * update expression and the index of that expression is the same as the current index, * then we can simply remove the inner update as that will not affect the result. * For example. the expression: * update( update( A,i,j), i,y) can be simplified as * update( A,i,y ) * This function takes the array expr and the index and removes the occurrences of modification * at that index from the array expr and returns a new one. * The pair contains true, if the value was modified. and the new value or false and the * original value. */ pair getArrayExprForUpdate( t_Expression* array_expr, t_Expression* index,int expressionImplementationType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *eimInstamce, t_ExpressionEvaluator *evaluator); /** *This function returns a new expression for read. This optimizes the expression by comparing the array_expr with the index. If the index matches the * index value of the inner update, then we can simply set the result of read as the value set by the update. */ t_Expression* getExprForRead( t_Expression* array_expr, t_Expression* index, t_TypeOfValueStoredInExpressionLabel labelType, TypeOfExpressionTuple typeInfo, int exprImplType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *eimInstance, t_ExpressionEvaluator *evaluator); //Cache for the unknown index. We will use this symbol as our own unknown symbol. static t_Expression* unknownIndexExpression; static t_Expression* unknownIndexInvalidBitExpression;//invalid bit for the unknown symbol /** * This function returns the unknown index expression. If the value is already generated, * it returns that value otherwise, the index is generated, cached and returned * @param exprImplType expression Implementation Type * @param eimInstance * @return the unknown index expression */ t_Expression* getUnknownIndexExpression(int exprImplType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager* eimInstance); //cache for symbol used in ite for update at unknown index static const std::string updateUnknownSymbol; /** * This function returns the symbol for update at the unknown index. When there is a read on the * update expression, This symbol will be replaced by read at the index of read. * see MEMORY_SIMPLIFY.TXT for more details * @param exprImplType * @param eimInstance * @param sizeExpr the resultant expression will have the same size as sizeExpr expression * @return the symbol to be used in update expression */ t_Expression* getUpdateSymbol(int exprImplType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager* eimInstance, t_Expression* sizeExpr); /** * This function returns the name of the symbol that is used when simplifying for updates at unknown index. This is the * name of the symbol generated by getUpdateSymbol when generating the update expression. This symbol will be replaced by * read at the given index when you apply a read in the update expression. This also returns the array we are working on. * If the update expression does not contain update at unknown index, we return make_pair("",array_expr) * @param exprImplType * @param eimInstance * @return tuple containing name of the update symbol and the expression for the array we are working on. */ pair getUpdateSymbolNameAndMemoryInExpression(int exprImplType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager* eimInstance); /** * This function modifies the current value so as to incorporate the new update at unknown index value. * The old value can be an ite or another expression. if alreadyITE is true, then we consider that the * ite expression of old value is what we have generated. otherwise it was generated from the verilog. * if the oldvalue is generated by us, then we extract the original value from the then part of the expression * Otherwise, we use the oldvalue as original value * we modify the expression as *
     * ite( oldValueCondition ^ originalValue == newValue, originalValue, X)
* @param oldValue the oldvalue in the update expression * @param newValue the new value i.e. value of the new update at unknown index expression * @param alreadyITE if the ite expression was generated by us * @param exprImplType * @param eimInstance * @param evaluator * @return the new ite expression value */ t_Expression* getNewUpdateValue(t_Expression* oldValue, t_Expression* newValue, bool alreadyITE, int exprImplType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager* eimInstance, t_ExpressionEvaluator* evaluator); /** * This function modifies the update expression's value so that it incorporates the update at the unknown index. * It also recursively calls itself for nested update expressions. Finally, this expression also adds an update * at unknown index at the lowset level if not already present. If it is already present, we simply modify that * expression's value by generating an ite. * @param updExpr the update expression to modify * @param newValue the value set by the new update at unkniown index expression * @param exprImplType * @param eimInstance * @param evaluator * @return a tuple with first element as the new expression generated, and the second value is true if the * update at unknown index was already present in the expression DAG, false otherwise. */ pair modifyUpdateForUnknownIndex(t_Expression* updExpr, t_Expression* newValue, int exprImplType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager* eimInstance, t_ExpressionEvaluator* evaluator); /** * Build the update expression from the given operands and also sets the boolean value to return in the pair. * This function is only used as a helper function for modifyUpdateForUnknownIndex. * @see #modifyUpdateForUnknownIndex * @param arrayExpr the expression for array * @param index the index for update * @param value the value to set * @param booleanVal the boolean value to return * @param exprImplType * @param eimInstance * @param evaluator * @return a pair of update expression and the boolean val */ pair makeUpdateExpression(t_Expression* arrayExpr, t_Expression* index, t_Expression* value, bool booleanVal, int exprImplType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *eimInstance, t_ExpressionEvaluator *evaluator); /** * Checks whether this expression is invalid. * @param exprImplType * @param eimInstance * @return true if this expression is definitely invalid (i.e. InvalidBit is CONSTANT 1) else false */ bool isInvalidExpression(int exprImplType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager* eimInstance); /** * This function creates memory array that is the same size as the size of expr. The only difference is that all the * values in the array are unknown. * @param expr the expression whose unknown copy we need. * @return the new expression similar in soze to expr but all values unknown */ t_Expression* createUnknownMemoryArraySimilarTo(string label, t_TypeOfValueStoredInExpressionLabel labelType, t_Expression* expr, int exprImplType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *eimInstance); t_Expression* createASelectOverConcat(t_Expression* concat_expression, unsigned int upper_bound, unsigned int lower_bound, int expressionImplementationType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager* &expressionImplementationManagerInstance, t_ExpressionEvaluator* &evaluator); t_Expression* createASelectOverConcat(t_Expression* concat_expression, unsigned int upper_bound, unsigned int lower_bound, TypeOfExpressionTuple typeInfo, int expressionImplementationType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager* &expressionImplementationManagerInstance, t_ExpressionEvaluator* &evaluator); // Check whether a leaf expression already exists, or not t_Expression * checkIfExpressionExists ( string &label, int expressionImplementationType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *&expressionImplementationManagerInstance ); // Check whether a operator expression with given leaf expressions is already present t_Expression *checkIfExpressionExists ( string &label, vector &operandExpressions, int expressionImplementationType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *&expressionImplementationManagerInstance ); // Check for the structural equivalence of two expressions ( Current , e2) bool checkStructuralEquality ( t_Expression *e2, int expressionType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *expressionImplementationManagerInstance ); // Get number of Expressions under current expression int getSizeOfExpression ( int expressionType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *expressionImplementationManagerInstance ); // Get the type of expression tuple (width,type) TypeOfExpressionTuple *getTypeOfExpression ( int expressionImplementationType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *expressionImplementationManagerInstance ); // Delete an expression bool removeExpression ( int expressionType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *expressionImplementationManagerInstance ); // Print current expression into constraint format. // Must have atleast one operator. bool printExpressionAsYicesExpression ( string &expression_symbol, ofstream *fout, int expressionImplementationType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *expressionImplementationManagerInstance ); // Set and get temporary names assigned while printing bool setTempName(string &name); string getTempName(); // Print the expression into the implementaion format. bool printExpressionToFileAsTree ( string &expression_symbol, int expressionImplementationType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *expressionImplementationManagerInstance, ofstream *outfile ); // Set the value of the expression bool setValue ( t_ExpressionValue *value, bool resetAncestors, int expressionType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *expressionImplementationManagerInstance, t_ExpressionEvaluator* evaluatorObject ); // Get value of the expression t_ExpressionValue *getValue ( int expressionType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *expressionImplementationManagerInstance ); // Clear valid flags of all ancestor expressions for the current expression. bool clearAllValidFlagsofAllAncestorExpressions ( t_Expression *expr, int expressionType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *expressionImplementationManagerInstance ); // Clear all valid flags of a given expression ( all childs of the expression) bool clearAllValidFlagsOfAnExpression ( t_Expression *expr, int expressionType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *expressionImplementataionManagerInstance ); // Set the valid flag of the expression ( As already evaluated ) bool setValidFlag(bool valid); // Is this current expression is already evaluated or assigned a value. bool isValidValue(); // Get Label of the current expression. string getLabelOfExpression ( int expressionType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *expressionImplementationManagerInstance ); // Get acutal expresssion value as string.( Converts to string bv to string, int to string etc..) string getActualExpressionValueAsString ( int expressionImplementationType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *expressionImplementationManagerInstance ); // Clear valid flags of the expressions given in expressions_tobe_evaluated bool clearAllEvaluatorFlagsForExpressions ( vector &expressions_tobe_evaluated, int expressionType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *expressionImplementationManagerInstance ); /** * Part of evaluation assign values to leaves */ bool setValuesOfLeaves(map &leaf_values, bool clearValidityOfAncestors, int expressionImplementationType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *expressionImplementationManagerInstance, t_ExpressionEvaluator* &evaluator ); /** * Shift the actual value of this expression to given expression with the given label */ bool copyValueFromExpressionToLeafWithLabel(t_Expression *toExpr, t_Expression *fromExpr, int expressionImplementationType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *expressionImplementationManagerInstance, t_ExpressionEvaluator* evaluator ); // Get the operand expressions of the current expression vector getVectorOfLeafExpressions ( int expressionType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *expressionImplementataionManagerInstance ); // Print the value of the expression bool printValueInExpressionNode ( int expressionType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *expressionImplementationManagerInstance ); // Copy the expressions using suffix for leaf nodes t_Expression *copyExpressionUsingSuffixForLeafNodes ( t_Expression *expression_to_copy, string &suffix, int Expressionimplementationtype, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *expressionImplementationManagerInstance, t_ExpressionEvaluator* &evaluator ); //Copy the expression using suffix for leaf nodes recursively t_Expression *copyExpressionUsingSuffixForLeafNodesRecursively ( t_Expression *node, string &suffix, int Expressionimplementationtype, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *expressionImplementationManagerInstance, t_ExpressionEvaluator* &evaluator, map ©_expr_map ); // Replave leaf of an expression by the given expression bool replaceLeafOfAExpressionByExpression ( t_Expression *expression_to_replace, t_Expression *expression_replace_by, int expressionImplementationType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *expressionImplementationManagerInstance ); // Simplify given expression bool SimplifyExpression ( t_Expression * &expression_to_simplify, int Expressionimplementationtype, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *expressionImplementationManagerInstance, t_DAGSimplifier *ds ); // Get Expression with label (Only searches for the leaf nodes) t_Expression *getExpressionWithLabel ( string &label, int ExpressionImplementationType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager * expressionImplementationManagerInstance ); // Evaluate a given expression, for which the leaf nodes values are alrady assigned. t_ExpressionValue *evaluateExpression ( int expressionType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *expressionImplementataionManagerInstance, t_ExpressionEvaluator* &evaluator ); // EvaluateExpression helper function recursive. t_ExpressionValue* evaluateExpressionRecursively ( int expressionType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *expressionImplementataionManagerInstance, t_ExpressionEvaluator* &evaluator ); // clear all visited flags under an expression bool clearVisitedFlagsUnderAnExpression ( t_Expression *expr, int expressionType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *expressionImplementataionManagerInstance ); // evaluate a vector of expressions // Must be assigned values to leaf nodes which are not constants bool evaluateAVectorOfExpressions ( vector &expressions_tobe_evaluated, int expressionType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *expressionImplementataionManagerInstance, t_ExpressionEvaluator* &evaluator ); // Get operands of this expression vector getVectorOfOperands ( int ExpressionImplementationType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager * expressionImplementationManagerInstance ); // Check whether adding an edge between nodeFrom to nodeTo forms a cycle bool checkWhetherCreatingEdgeFormsCycle ( t_Expression *nodeFrom, t_Expression *nodeTo, int expressionType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *expressionImplementataionManagerInstance ); // Garbage collector of DagManager(Expression Implementation manager) will be called here. bool gc ( int expressionImplementationType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *expressionImplementataionManagerInstance ); // Print the expression into a file ( Should be readable back) bool printExpressionToFile ( ofstream *outfile, int expressionImplementationType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *expressionImplementationManagerInstance ); bool printExpressionWithSet( t_Expression *expr_to_print, ofstream *fout, int expressionImplementationType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *expressionImplementationManagerInstance ); bool printExpressionWithSetRecursively( t_Expression *expr_to_print, set& expressions_set, int expressionImplementationType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *expressionImplementationManagerInstance ); bool printExpressionToFileAsDAG(const string &expression_symbol, int expressionImplementationType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *expressionImplementationManagerInstance, ostream &outfile); bool printExpressionToFileAsDAG(string &expression_symbol, int expressionImplementationType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *expressionImplementationManagerInstance, ofstream *outfile); // Parse the expression printed from printExpressionToFile,and generate the expression again. bool buildExpressionFromFile ( ifstream *infile, int expressionImplementationType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager *expressionImplementationManagerInstance ); inline bool clearVisitedFlagsOfAllExpressions(int expressionImplementationType,t_ExpressionImplementationManager* expressionImplementationManagerInstance) { if(expressionImplementationType==DAG_EXPRESSION) { return this->m_dagExpression->clearVisitedFlagsOfAllDagNodes(expressionImplementationManagerInstance->dagmanager); } else { return false; } } t_ExpressionValue* getAnInitialValueForMemory(string sMemoryName,t_ExpressionEvaluator* &evaluator); t_Expression* getMostRecentRestructuredExpression(int expressionImplementationType,t_ExpressionImplementationManager* expressionImplementationManagerInstance); bool replaceExpressionRepresentation(t_Expression* old_expression,t_Expression* new_expression,int expressionImplementationType,t_ExpressionImplementationManager* expressionImplementationManagerInstance); int getConstantValuePresentInExpression( int expressionImplementationType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager* expressionImplementationManagerInstance); private: t_Expression* modifyExpressionForSelectOfRead(string &label, vector &operandExpressions, int Expressionimplementationtype, t_ExpressionImplementationManager* expressionImplementationManagerInstance, t_ExpressionEvaluator* evaluator, bool doSelectConcatSimplification); /** * Returns the indices to perform the read. LIRA may linearize constant selects on multidimensional arrays, * This function undos that operation and returns the indices for which the selection is to be applied. * for e.g. for memory mem[4:0][1:0] and select(mem,4,4) can be simplified to mem[2][0] * while select(mem,4,5) is mem[2] and the result is the entire final dimension. * @param arrayExpr the expr on which the select is applied * @param lb lb of select * @param ub ub of select * @return the indices for select, empty vector if none required and bool value which will say whether we read from last dimension i.e. * there is a select on all the dimensions or some dimensions are skipped. (This will be true, if we select one bit from the memory) */ pair,bool> getIndicesForRead(t_Expression* arrayExpr,int lb,int ub); public: t_Expression* createABitVectorConstantZeroExpression(int expressionImplementationType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager* expressionImplementationManagerInstance); t_Expression* createABitVectorConstantOneExpression(int expressionImplementationType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager* expressionImplementationManagerInstance); string getLabelOfExpression ( int expressionType ); inline void setRestructuredFlag(bool flag) { this->m_isRestructured = flag; } inline bool getRestructuredFlag() { return this->m_isRestructured; } inline int getID() { return m_dagExpression->m_dag->getNodeID(); } bool clearVisitedFlagsUnderThisExpression(); bool assignVisitedFlagRecursively(bool val, t_HashTable&visited) { return this->m_dagExpression->m_dag->assignVisitedFlagRecursively(val, visited); } template static bool setVisitedFlagsUnderTheseExpressions(T&vec, bool val); inline t_TypeOfValueStoredInExpressionLabel getTypeOfValueStoredInExpressionLabel(t_Expression* expr, int expressionImplementationType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager* expressionImplementationManagerInstance) { if(expressionImplementationType!=DAG_EXPRESSION || expr == NULL) { return INVALID; } else { t_ExpressionValue* value_in_expr = expr->getValue(expressionImplementationType, expressionImplementationManagerInstance); return value_in_expr->getTypeOfValueStoredInExpressionLabel(); } } int getAtomNumberFromPositionOfABitInConcat(unsigned int position, int expressionImplementationType, t_ExpressionImplementationManager*& expressionImplementationManagerInstance); // friends to make use of all functionality from here. friend class t_ExpressionManager; friend class t_ExpressionAsDag; friend class t_InvalidBitManager; }; struct isLessThan{ inline bool operator()(t_Expression* expr1, t_Expression* expr2) { //if(expr1 == NULL && expr2 == NULL) return false; if(expr1 == NULL) return true; if(expr2 == NULL) return false; return expr1->getID() < expr2->getID(); } }; struct isEqual{ inline bool operator()(t_Expression* expr1, t_Expression* expr2) { if(expr1 == NULL && expr2 == NULL) return true; if(expr1 == NULL || expr2 == NULL) return false; return expr1->getID() == expr2->getID(); } }; #endif /* EXPRESSION_H */