column 1 = benchmark type column 2 = benchmark name column 3 = machine column 4 = algorithm column 5 = number of factors column 6 = number of variables to eliminate column 7 = number of variables column 8 = size of conjunction of factors column 9 = avg size of a factor column 10 = avg number of variables per factor column 11 = avg number of variables to eliminate per factor column 12 = max factor size column 13 = min factor size column 14 = max number of variables to eliminate in a factor column 15 = min number of variables to eliminate in a factor column 16 = avg number of factors containing the variable to be eliminated column 17 = avg size of Skolem function before reverse substitution column 18 = total time taken in milliseconds after avoiding time taken in size computations column 19 = number of cegar iterations column 20 = total time in reverse substitution in milliseconds column 21 = avg size of Skolem function after reverse substitution column 22 = ordering used column 23 = total time in ordering in milliseconds column 24 = total time mu evaluation in cegar in milliseconds column 25 = total time in interpolant computation in cegar in milliseconds column 26 = total time in dontcare optimization in cegar in milliseconds column 27 = total time in generalizations in cegar in milliseconds column 28 = total time in initial abstraction generation in cegar in milliseconds column 29 = total time in cegar loops in milliseconds column 30 = total time in sat solving cegar loops in milliseconds column 31 = total time in sat solving cegar loops in milliseconds that are satisfiable column 32 = total time in sat solving cegar loops in milliseconds that are unsatisfiable