The dddmp package Functions to read in and write out BDDs, ADDs and CNF formulas from and to Gianpiero Cabodi and Stefano Quer BDDs, ADDs and CNF formulas from and to files. ˜7 e. Dh ‰
Dddmp_cuddHeaderLoad() a> 1 p Bp Bctions for the dddmp package r D0 0 rintCubeCnf r y de ecur ecur inalCheck ion.) d§ @ w . e. y, ( ‰ Memory Free Macro for DDD MP DDDMP he DDDMP_FAILURE flag. the error. r. . on. er of its inc oming BDD edges. of the file. e. } ™
() ntCubeCnf() ODE> ODE> Check() q Gianpi ero Cabodi and Stefano Quer BDD s, ADDs and CNF formulas from and to files. ˜7 e. Dh ‰
Dddmp_cuddHeaderLoad() a> 1 p Bp Bctions for the dddmp package r D0 0 rintCubeCnf r y de ec ur ecur inalCheck ion.) d§ @ w . e. y, ( ‰ Memory Free Macro for DDD MP DDDM P he DDDMP_FAILURE flag. the erro r. r. . on. er of its inc oming B DD edges. of the file. e. } ™
() ntCubeCnf() < /A> ODE> ODE> Check( ) q Gianpi ero Ca bodi and Stefano Quer BDD s, AD Ds and CNF formulas from and to files. ˜7 e. Dh ‰
< a href="dddmpAllDet.htm l#Dddm p_ cuddHeaderLoad" TARGET="M AIN"> < code>Dddmp_cuddHeaderLoad() ./doc/dddmpAllFile.html MP 9 til.c a ôÝ < s ° @ A ) h ï superscriptsandsubs bscripts InSuppl2 « ) ׶r ry supplementalarrowsa ¬ ð« InSupple ¬ ) ˜ Sf supp lementalarrowsb   Œ  InSup pl5 ª 1 X\q5! supplementalma thematicaloperators InSuppl 3 ¬ 1 ² œ supplementarypri vateuseareaa p­ InSuppl4 ­ 1 #K supplementarypriva teuseareab ð® Cs BH BP¯ ŸäÇö surrogate S BH H BŒ  Fu symbol « Syriac B`« ëI[n syriac ð« Tagalog P¬ +ӏå tagal tagalog ¬ Tagbanwa ­ zâß8 tagbanwa InTags B0® ® ·¿dùtags À® Tamil mil B ¯ ôµÔ tamil °¯ Telugu B ° ä£Ò) telugu gu  ° Terminal ± ) ®Ÿ4 terminalpunctuation ² ð± T Thaana BP² ÌÞí thaana ಠಠThai B@³ à5å thai thai г Tibetan 0´ ž8 8+ tibetan ´ Lt BH B µ ! Ù^ÿtitlecaseletter   Cn BH B Cn BH BŒ  Ê¡¤W unass signed InUnifie « 1 ÿíœt"unifiedca unifiedcanadianaboriginalsylla bics UnifiedI ¬ ! ªßN  unifiedideograph Uppercas ® èñê? uppercase Lu u BH Bð®! è Ý uppercaseletter etter ¯ InVariat ° ! , variationselectors Whit eSpa ± Áå;Á whitespace Yi BH B ² as¡½ yi InYiRadi ² èsÒ< yiradical als InYiSyll ³ ! Åé€ yis yisyllables ´ ´ ********************************************************************** Dddmp_Bin2Text() Converts from binary to ASCII format DDDMP_FAILURE flag. the error. r. . on. er of its incoming BDD edges. of the file. e. } ™
() ntCubeCnf()< /CODE> ODE> ODE> Check() q ˆ Bˆ Bo Cabodi and Stefano Quer BDDs, ADDs and CNF formulas from and to files. ˜7 e. Dh ‰
< a href="dddmpAllDet.htm l#Dddmp_cudd HeaderLoad" TARGET="M AIN">Ddd mp_cuddHeaderLoad() a> 1 p Bp Bctions for the dddmp package r D0 0 rintCu beCnf r y de ecur ecur inalCheck io n.) d§ @ w . e. y, ( ‰ Memory Free Macro for DDD MP DDDMP he DDDMP_FAILURE flag. the err or. r. . on. er of its inc oming BDD edges. of the file. e. } ™
< A HREF="dddmpAllDet. html#" TARGET=" MAIN">() ntCubeCn f() ODE> ODE> Check() q Gianpi ero Cabodi and Stefano Quer BDD s, ADDs and CNF formulas fro m and to files. ˜7 e. Dh ‰
Dddmp_cuddHeaderLoad() ./doc/dddmpAllFile.html MP 9 til.c a ôÝ < s ° @ A ) h ï superscriptsandsubscripts InSuppl2 « ) ׶ry supplement talarrowsa ¬ ð« InSupple ¬ ) ˜ Sf supplementalarrowsb   Œ   InSuppl5 ª 1 X\q5! suppl ementalmathematicaloperators I nSuppl3 ¬ 1 ² œ supplementary privateuseareaa p­ InSuppl4 ­ 1 #K supplementaryprivateu seareab ð® Cs BH BP¯ ŸäÇö äÇö surrogate S BH BŒ  Fu symbol « Syriac B` « ëI[n syriac ð« Tagalog P¬ og P¬ +ӏå tagalog ¬ Tagb agbanwa ­ zâß8 tagbanwa InTags B0® ·¿dùtags À® ® Tamil B ¯ ôµÔ tamil °¯ Telugu B ° ä£Ò) tel elugu  ° Terminal ± ) ®Ÿ4 terminalpunctuation ² ð± Thaa haana BP² ÌÞí thaana ಠTh Thai B@³ à5å thai г ³ Tibetan 0´ ž8+ tibet an ´ Lt BH B µ ! Ù^ÿtitlecaselette itlecaseletter   Cn BH BŒ  Ê¡¤W unassigned InUnifie « « 1 ÿíœt"unifiedcanadianaboriginalsyllabic inalsyllabics UnifiedI ¬ ! ª ßN  unifiedideograph Upperc cas ® èñê? uppercase Lu u BH Bð®! è Ý uppercaseletter ¯ er ¯ InVariat ° ! , v ariationselectors WhiteSpa ± Áå;Á whitespace Yi BH B ² ² as¡½ yi InYiRadi ² èsÒ< yiradicals InYiSyll ³ ³ ! Åé€ yisyllables ´ ´ Dddmp_Text2Bin() Converts from ASCII to binary format Dddmp_cuddAddArrayLoad() Reads a dump file representing the argument ADDs. Dddmp_cuddAddArrayStore() Writes a dump file representing the argument Array of Dddmp_cuddAddLoad() Reads a dump file representing the argument ADD. a b c d e f g h i Dddmp_cuddAddStore() Writes a dump file representing the argument ADD. l m n o p q r s t u v Dddmp_cuddBddArrayLoadCnf() Reads a dump file in a CNF format. u v w x y z Dddmp_cuddBddArrayLoad() Reads a dump file representing the argument BDDs. Dddmp_cuddBddArrayStoreBlif() Writes a dump file representing the argument BDD in a Blif/Exlif notation. Dddmp_cuddBddArrayStoreCnf() Writes a dump file representing the argument array of BDDs in CNF format. Dddmp_cuddBddArrayStorePrefix() Writes a dump file representing the argument BDD in a prefix notation. Dddmp_cuddBddArrayStoreSmv() Writes a dump file representing the argument BDD in a prefix notation. Dddmp_cuddBddArrayStore() Writes a dump file representing the argument Array of Dddmp_cuddBddDisplayBinary() Display a binary dump file in a text file x t4  ¨« ”  Œ4 Î À« ¤ Î ¤4 8Î 8¬ t9 8Î ¼4 ¼4 `! P¬ ԏ `! Ô4 x! Ȭ l= x! ! ì4 I à¬ ì® I 5 (I X­  T  T (I 5 `M p­ ¤9 `M 45 xM è­ @ xM L5 HÕ ® E HÕ d5 `Õ x® ìä `Õ |5 àÕ ® dH àÕ H àÕ ”5 øÕ¯ ðUøÕ ¬5 èº ¯ 4¬ èº ¯ 4¬ èº Ä5 » ˜¯ p: » Ü5 Ü5 Ў °¯ G Ў ô5èŽ (° ˆçèŽ 6 èŽ 6 Èû @° <‘ Èû $6 àû ¸° @: ° @: àû <6 8‘ а Tæ8‘ T6 P‘ P‘ H± ÜE P‘ l6 . `± L¬ . „6 8. ر ðB8. œ6 x ð±Pž x Pž x ´6  h² ¤>  Ì6    €² Û   ä6 ¸ ø²Đ ¸ ü6ý ³ ü6ý ³ àž ý 7 ýˆ³ ´8 ý th 03 € ý th 03 € BÔh @7 0ý ³ Äâ 0ý X7 ÐL Äâ 0ý X7 ÐL ´ ,ëÐL p7 èL 0´  èL L 0´  èL ˆ7 M ¨´ |d M  7 ˜ À´  A ˜ ¸7 ° 8µ ä= ° ° Ð7 È Pµ H¡ È è7 Ð÷ ,F ÈV ,F ÈV Ð÷ 8 è÷ DF èà è÷ 8 ø¼F T 8 ø¼F T= ø 08 8÷ÔF |¬ 8÷ H8 P÷LG H8 P÷LG Àè P÷ `8 h÷dG ̎ h÷ ̎ h÷ à5 Äf @¤ i 8 Èê ôGXŸ Èê ôGXŸ Èê ¨8 àê lH ¸5 àê À8 ê À8 ê W d ê Ø8 0êˆW 8 0ê 0ê ð8Ý  W ¨áÝ 9 ¨Ý X ¡ ¨ X ¡ ¨Ý 9 øÜ0X À3 øÜ 89 Ý ¨X 89 Ý ¨X äê Ý P9 ˆo ÀX ¼c ˆo o h9  o 8Y Ø6  o €9 ÐÈ PY ? 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" x> € / 0 h= D E P/ E F XE â ÐG ÐG – pH €¯ ' ( `l 4 Û (E % & ¨¹ - . à( ) @ P ü` ¸= D E À~   ) T Hj 7 Ä P÷) * €÷ ÷ H= È5 Øÿ Dddmp_cuddBddLoadCnf() Reads a dump file in a CNF format. àà ' ( Èý ! `! 9 : : pƒ X˜ 1 ˜ G H ÐL J K X Ða Ã Ä È S T ˆ C D ȵ ˜d ¸p 4 5 ¨I P Q ˆ$ " # R = > PüH I P. a b ¸" Q R R w * ðö ( ) P" ø^ _ ˆo G o G H È~ pü# $ È{ i È{ i j (> , - § (âF G ˜j øÜH I   I  º ) * X` J K ¨ª R ðÓ 0h hB 7 7 8 8÷G H H© úû ፠Ž ፠Ž ; Ù Z Dddmp_cuddBddLoad() Reads a dump file representing the argument BDD. « Dddmp_cuddBddStoreBlif() Writes a dump file representing the argument BDD in a Blif/Exlif notation. Dddmp_cuddBddStoreCnf() Writes a dump file representing the argument BDD in a CNF format. Dddmp_cuddBddStorePrefix() Writes a dump file representing the argument BDD in a prefix notation. Dddmp_cuddBddStoreSmv() Writes a dump file representing the argument BDD in a prefix notation. Dddmp_cuddBddStore() Writes a dump file representing the argument BDD. ) )« + . Dddmp_cuddHeaderLoadCnf() Reads the header of a dump file representing the argument BDDs Dddmp_cuddHeaderLoad() Reads the header of a dump file representing the argument BDDs ********************************************************************** int Dddmp_Bin2Text( char * filein, IN: name of binary file of the variables creat ed le a > OUT: maximu m identifier of the var iables created i> /i> H B Util Func tions for the dddmp pac kage

fixed and in Blif form.

rmul a from a BDD or an arra y of BDDs

ˆ Ba char * fileout IN: name of ASCII file < ) Converts from binary to ASCII format. A BDD array is loaded and and stored to the target file. Side Effects: None ! ˆó¨óг @ Ž ) ˆôˆô€È @ t ‹ t ‹ Àò ò ! ! Èí Èí €µ @ ˆ A Àò ˜ò@´ @ ® ‡ ® ‡ @ó óp p S î ! /diskUse ser/ext-1.3/extdoc main ) ð÷ à @ ­ àò 0ö :utf8 :u tf8 ! @ô °´ @ @  ! @ô Pµ @ ˆó! d§ @ w sent! 0 ¦ @ f a Bl Side Effe cts: None ! 0õ