00010 #undef QT_NO_COMPAT
00011 #include "oprof_start.base.h"
00012 #include <qmetaobject.h>
00013 #include <qapplication.h>
00015 #include <private/qucomextra_p.h>
00016 #if !defined(Q_MOC_OUTPUT_REVISION) || (Q_MOC_OUTPUT_REVISION != 26)
00017 #error "This file was generated using the moc from 3.3.8b. It"
00018 #error "cannot be used with the include files from this version of Qt."
00019 #error "(The moc has changed too much.)"
00020 #endif
00022 const char *oprof_start_base::className() const
00023 {
00024 return "oprof_start_base";
00025 }
00027 QMetaObject *oprof_start_base::metaObj = 0;
00028 static QMetaObjectCleanUp cleanUp_oprof_start_base( "oprof_start_base", &oprof_start_base::staticMetaObject );
00030 #ifndef QT_NO_TRANSLATION
00031 QString oprof_start_base::tr( const char *s, const char *c )
00032 {
00033 if ( qApp )
00034 return qApp->translate( "oprof_start_base", s, c, QApplication::DefaultCodec );
00035 else
00036 return QString::fromLatin1( s );
00037 }
00038 #ifndef QT_NO_TRANSLATION_UTF8
00039 QString oprof_start_base::trUtf8( const char *s, const char *c )
00040 {
00041 if ( qApp )
00042 return qApp->translate( "oprof_start_base", s, c, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8 );
00043 else
00044 return QString::fromUtf8( s );
00045 }
00046 #endif // QT_NO_TRANSLATION_UTF8
00048 #endif // QT_NO_TRANSLATION
00050 QMetaObject* oprof_start_base::staticMetaObject()
00051 {
00052 if ( metaObj )
00053 return metaObj;
00054 QMetaObject* parentObject = QDialog::staticMetaObject();
00055 static const QUMethod slot_0 = {"languageChange", 0, 0 };
00056 static const QUMethod slot_1 = {"choose_kernel_filename", 0, 0 };
00057 static const QUParameter param_slot_2[] = {
00058 { 0, &static_QUType_ptr, "QListViewItem", QUParameter::In }
00059 };
00060 static const QUMethod slot_2 = {"event_over", 1, param_slot_2 };
00061 static const QUMethod slot_3 = {"event_selected", 0, 0 };
00062 static const QUMethod slot_4 = {"on_reset_sample_files", 0, 0 };
00063 static const QUMethod slot_5 = {"on_flush_profiler_data", 0, 0 };
00064 static const QUParameter param_slot_6[] = {
00065 { 0, &static_QUType_int, 0, QUParameter::In }
00066 };
00067 static const QUMethod slot_6 = {"on_separate_kernel_cb_changed", 1, param_slot_6 };
00068 static const QUMethod slot_7 = {"on_start_profiler", 0, 0 };
00069 static const QUMethod slot_8 = {"on_stop_profiler", 0, 0 };
00070 static const QMetaData slot_tbl[] = {
00071 { "languageChange()", &slot_0, QMetaData::Protected },
00072 { "choose_kernel_filename()", &slot_1, QMetaData::Protected },
00073 { "event_over(QListViewItem*)", &slot_2, QMetaData::Protected },
00074 { "event_selected()", &slot_3, QMetaData::Protected },
00075 { "on_reset_sample_files()", &slot_4, QMetaData::Protected },
00076 { "on_flush_profiler_data()", &slot_5, QMetaData::Protected },
00077 { "on_separate_kernel_cb_changed(int)", &slot_6, QMetaData::Protected },
00078 { "on_start_profiler()", &slot_7, QMetaData::Protected },
00079 { "on_stop_profiler()", &slot_8, QMetaData::Protected }
00080 };
00081 metaObj = QMetaObject::new_metaobject(
00082 "oprof_start_base", parentObject,
00083 slot_tbl, 9,
00084 0, 0,
00085 #ifndef QT_NO_PROPERTIES
00086 0, 0,
00087 0, 0,
00088 #endif
00089 0, 0 );
00090 cleanUp_oprof_start_base.setMetaObject( metaObj );
00091 return metaObj;
00092 }
00094 void* oprof_start_base::qt_cast( const char* clname )
00095 {
00096 if ( !qstrcmp( clname, "oprof_start_base" ) )
00097 return this;
00098 return QDialog::qt_cast( clname );
00099 }
00101 bool oprof_start_base::qt_invoke( int _id, QUObject* _o )
00102 {
00103 switch ( _id - staticMetaObject()->slotOffset() ) {
00104 case 0: languageChange(); break;
00105 case 1: choose_kernel_filename(); break;
00106 case 2: event_over((QListViewItem*)static_QUType_ptr.get(_o+1)); break;
00107 case 3: event_selected(); break;
00108 case 4: on_reset_sample_files(); break;
00109 case 5: on_flush_profiler_data(); break;
00110 case 6: on_separate_kernel_cb_changed((int)static_QUType_int.get(_o+1)); break;
00111 case 7: on_start_profiler(); break;
00112 case 8: on_stop_profiler(); break;
00113 default:
00114 return QDialog::qt_invoke( _id, _o );
00115 }
00116 return TRUE;
00117 }
00119 bool oprof_start_base::qt_emit( int _id, QUObject* _o )
00120 {
00121 return QDialog::qt_emit(_id,_o);
00122 }
00123 #ifndef QT_NO_PROPERTIES
00125 bool oprof_start_base::qt_property( int id, int f, QVariant* v)
00126 {
00127 return QDialog::qt_property( id, f, v);
00128 }
00130 bool oprof_start_base::qt_static_property( QObject* , int , int , QVariant* ){ return FALSE; }
00131 #endif // QT_NO_PROPERTIES