
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* { dg-do run } */
00002 /* { dg-options "-O2 -fopenmp" } */
00003 /* { dg-require-effective-target tls_runtime } */
00005 #include <omp.h>
00006 #include <stdio.h>
00007 #include <string.h>
00009 int cnt;
00010 #pragma omp threadprivate (cnt)
00012 void
00013 nqueens (char *a, int n, int pos)
00014 {
00015   /* b[i] = j means the queen in i-th row is in column j.  */
00016   char b[pos + 1];
00017   int i, j;
00018   memcpy (b, a, pos);
00019   for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
00020     {
00021       for (j = 0; j < pos; j++)
00022     if (b[j] == i || b[j] == i + pos - j || i == b[j] + pos - j)
00023       break;
00024       if (j < pos)
00025     continue;
00026       if (pos == n - 1)
00027     /* Found a solution.  Could output it here.  */
00028     ++cnt;
00029       else
00030     {
00031       b[pos] = i;
00032       #pragma omp task
00033         nqueens (b, n, pos + 1);
00034     }
00035     }
00036 }
00038 int
00039 main (int argc, char **argv)
00040 {
00041   int n = 8;
00042   if (argc >= 2)
00043     n = strtoul (argv[1], NULL, 0);
00044   if (n < 1 || n > 127)
00045     {
00046       fprintf (stderr, "invalid count %d\n", n);
00047       return 1;
00048     }
00049   cnt = 0;
00050   double stime = omp_get_wtime ();
00051   nqueens ("", n, 0);
00052   printf ("serial   N %d solutions # %d time %f\n", n, cnt, omp_get_wtime () - stime);
00053   #pragma omp parallel
00054     cnt = 0;
00055   stime = omp_get_wtime ();
00056   int tempcnt = 0;
00057   #pragma omp parallel reduction (+:tempcnt)
00058     {
00059       #pragma omp single
00060     nqueens ("", n, 0);
00061       tempcnt = cnt;
00062     }
00063   cnt = tempcnt;
00064   printf ("parallel N %d solutions # %d time %f\n", n, cnt, omp_get_wtime () - stime);
00065   return 0;
00066 }

Generated on Fri Apr 5 05:38:10 2013 for Libgomp by  doxygen 1.4.7