
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 extern void abort (void);
00003 char buf[8] = "01234567";
00004 char buf2[8] = "23456789";
00006 int
00007 main (void)
00008 {
00009   char *p, *q;
00010   int sum = 0;
00011   #pragma omp parallel for collapse (2) reduction (+:sum) lastprivate (p, q)
00012   for (p = buf; p < &buf[8]; p++)
00013     for (q = &buf2[0]; q <= buf2 + 7; q++)
00014       sum += (*p - '0') + (*q - '0');
00015   if (p != &buf[8] || q != buf2 + 8 || sum != 576)
00016     abort ();
00017   return 0;
00018 }

Generated on Fri Apr 5 05:38:10 2013 for Libgomp by  doxygen 1.4.7