Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 package edu.rice.cs.hpc.traceviewer.spaceTimeData;
00003 import;
00005 import;
00008 /***********************************************************************************
00009  * 
00010  * Frame class to store ROI (process and time range) and cursor position 
00011  *      (time, process and depth)
00012  *
00013  ***********************************************************************************/
00014 public class Frame implements Serializable
00015 {
00017     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
00020     public long begTime, endTime;
00023     public int begProcess, endProcess;
00025     public Position position;
00028     public int depth;
00030     public Frame()
00031     {
00032         begTime = endTime = 0L;
00033         begProcess = endProcess = 0;
00034         position = new Position(0,0);
00035         depth = 0;
00036     }
00038     /****
00039      * initialize frame with ROI and the cursor position (time, process and depth)
00040      * if the position is not within the range, it will automatically adjust it
00041      * into the middle of ROI
00042      * 
00043      * @param timeBeg
00044      * @param timeEnd
00045      * @param ProcBeg
00046      * @param ProcEnd
00047      * @param depth
00048      * @param time
00049      * @param process
00050      */
00051     public Frame(long timeBeg, long timeEnd, int ProcBeg, int ProcEnd,
00052             int depth, long time, int process)
00053     {
00054         position    = new Position(time, process);
00055         set(timeBeg, timeEnd, ProcBeg, ProcEnd);
00057         this.depth  = depth;
00058     }
00060     /****
00061      * initialize frame by copying with the specified frame
00062      * if the position is not within the range, it will automatically adjust it
00063      * into the middle of ROI
00064      * 
00065      * @param frame
00066      */
00067     public Frame(Frame frame)
00068     {
00069         this.begProcess = frame.begProcess;
00070         this.endProcess = frame.endProcess;
00071         this.begTime    = frame.begTime;
00072         this.endTime    = frame.endTime;
00073         this.depth      = frame.depth;
00074         this.position   = new Position(frame.position.time, frame.position.process);
00075     }
00077     public Frame(Position position)
00078     {
00079         this.position = position;
00080     }
00082     /*****
00083      * set new value of the frame
00084      * 
00085      * @param begTime : begin time
00086      * @param endTime : end time
00087      * @param begProcess : begin process
00088      * @param endProcess : end process
00089      *****/
00090     public void set(long begTime, long endTime, int begProcess, int endProcess)
00091     {
00092         this.begProcess = begProcess;
00093         this.endProcess = endProcess;
00094         this.begTime    = begTime;
00095         this.endTime    = endTime;
00097         fixPosition();
00098     }
00100     public boolean equals(Frame other)
00101     {
00102         return (begProcess == other.begProcess
00103             && begTime == other.begTime
00104             && endProcess == other.endProcess
00105             && endTime == other.endTime
00106             && depth == other.depth
00107             && position.isEqual(other.position) );
00108     }
00110     public boolean equalDimension(Frame other) {
00111         return (begProcess == other.begProcess
00112                 && begTime == other.begTime
00113                 && endProcess == other.endProcess
00114                 && endTime == other.endTime
00115                 && depth == other.depth);
00116     }
00119     public void fixPosition(){
00120         if (position.process >= endProcess
00121                 || position.process < begProcess ) {
00122             // if the current process is beyond the range, make it in the middle
00123             position.process = (begProcess + endProcess) >> 1;
00124         }
00125         if (position.time <= begTime || position.time >= endTime) {
00126             // if the current time is beyond the range, make it in the middle
00127             position.time = (begTime + endTime ) >> 1;
00128         }
00129         if (position.time < 0 || position.process < 0 || begTime < 0 || endTime < 0)
00130             Debugger.printDebug(1, "Error: negative attribute(s) " + position + 
00131                     ", t0=" + begTime + " , t1=" + endTime);
00132     }
00134     @Override
00135     public String toString() {
00136         String time = "[ " + (begTime/1000)/1000.0 + "s, " + (endTime/1000)/1000.0+"s ]";
00137         String proc = " and [ " + begProcess + ", " + endProcess + " ]";
00138         return time + proc;
00139     }
00140 }

Generated on 5 May 2015 for HPCVIEWER by  doxygen 1.6.1