This is the complete list of members for Analysis::Flat::Driver, including all inherited members.
clearRawBatch(ProfToMetricsTupleVec &batchJob) | Analysis::Flat::Driver | private |
computeDerivedBatch(Prof::Struct::Tree &structure, const Prof::Metric::AExpr **mExprVec, uint mBegId, uint mEndId) | Analysis::Flat::Driver | private |
computeDerivedMetrics(Prof::Metric::Mgr &mMgr, Prof::Struct::Tree &structure) | Analysis::Flat::Driver | private |
computeRawBatchJob_LM(const string &lmname, const string &lmname_orig, Prof::Struct::Tree &structure, ProfToMetricsTupleVec &profToMetricsVec, bool useStruct) | Analysis::Flat::Driver | private |
computeRawMetrics(Prof::Metric::Mgr &mMgr, Prof::Struct::Tree &structure) | Analysis::Flat::Driver | private |
correlateMetricsWithStructure(Prof::Metric::Mgr &mMgr, Prof::Struct::Tree &structure) | Analysis::Flat::Driver | private |
correlateRaw(Prof::Metric::ADesc *metric, const Prof::Flat::EventData &profevent, VMA lm_load_addr, Prof::Struct::Tree &structure, Prof::Struct::LM *lmStrct, BinUtil::LM *lm, bool useStruct) | Analysis::Flat::Driver | private |
Driver(const Analysis::Args &args, Prof::Metric::Mgr &mMgr, Prof::Struct::Tree &structure) | Analysis::Flat::Driver | |
dump() const | Analysis::Flat::Driver | |
getNextRawBatch(ProfToMetricsTupleVec &batchJob, Prof::Metric::Mgr::StringToADescVecMap::const_iterator &it, const Prof::Metric::Mgr::StringToADescVecMap::const_iterator &it_end) | Analysis::Flat::Driver | private |
hasStructure(const string &lmname, Prof::Struct::Tree &structure, StringToBoolMap &hasStructureTbl) | Analysis::Flat::Driver | private |
m_args | Analysis::Flat::Driver | private |
m_mMgr | Analysis::Flat::Driver | private |
m_structure | Analysis::Flat::Driver | private |
openLM(const string &fnm) | Analysis::Flat::Driver | private |
populateStructure(Prof::Struct::Tree &structure) | Analysis::Flat::Driver | private |
profileBatchSz | Analysis::Flat::Driver | privatestatic |
ProfToMetricsTuple typedef | Analysis::Flat::Driver | |
ProfToMetricsTupleVec typedef | Analysis::Flat::Driver | |
readProf(const string &fnm) | Analysis::Flat::Driver | private |
readProf(Prof::Flat::ProfileData *prof) | Analysis::Flat::Driver | private |
replacePath(const char *path) | Analysis::Flat::Driver | |
replacePath(const std::string &path) | Analysis::Flat::Driver | inline |
run() | Analysis::Flat::Driver | |
StringToBoolMap typedef | Analysis::Flat::Driver | |
toString() const | Analysis::Flat::Driver | |
Unique() | Unique | protected |
Unique(const char *theClassName) | Unique | protected |
write_config(std::ostream &os=std::cout) const | Analysis::Flat::Driver | |
write_csv(std::ostream &os) const | Analysis::Flat::Driver | |
write_experiment(std::ostream &os) const | Analysis::Flat::Driver | |
write_txt(std::ostream &os) const | Analysis::Flat::Driver | |
write_txt_annotateFile(std::ostream &os, Analysis::TextUtil::ColumnFormatter &colFmt, const Prof::Struct::File *fileStrct) const | Analysis::Flat::Driver | private |
write_txt_hdr(std::ostream &os, const std::string &hdr) const | Analysis::Flat::Driver | private |
write_txt_secSummary(std::ostream &os, Analysis::TextUtil::ColumnFormatter &colFmt, const std::string &title, const Prof::Struct::ANodeFilter *filter) const | Analysis::Flat::Driver | private |
~Driver() | Analysis::Flat::Driver | |
~Unique() | Unique | protectedvirtual |