GRACE Tutorial

This is a quick step-by-step of how to use GRACE to create a simple ruler compass construction, and a proof of it's correctness. The tutorial will demonstrate some of GRACE's basic features. In the first part of the tutorial, you will define the midpoint construction; in the second, you will prove the correctness of the construction. The latter parts of the tutorial introduce some of the more abstract concepts in GRACE. The tutorial will make the most sense if you follow the steps in order.


  1. The Midpoint Construction
  2. The Midpoint Theorem
  3. Angle Sum Axiom
  4. Sum of the Angles in a Quadrilateral Theorem

Part One: The Midpoint Construction

In this exercise, you will create the midpoint construction.

  1. Start GRACE
    To begin, click here: (Sorry, your browser doesn't support Java. You must use a Java-compatible browser, such as Netscape 3.0, to proceed.) The main GRACE window will appear after a few minutes, depending on the speed of your network connection. Please be patient.

  2. The main GRACE window
    The center of the main GRACE window is white drawing area, called the Construction area where you will create the construction. You can make this window larger by resizing the main GRACE window. (How you do this depends on what system you are using.) The other parts of the GRACE window will be explained later.

  3. Place input points
    Click on the Place Points button at the lower left of the window. Then click in the construction area once. A small box will appear near where you clicked; this is an input point. Click again somewhere else in the Construction area to place another input point. The construction we define will find the point halfway between these two points.

  4. Place a line segment connecting the input points
    On the right side of the window is a list of construction primitives, such as Circle and Line. Click on Line Segment, and then click on one of the input points. It will turn magenta to indicate that it is selected. Click on the second input point, and a line segment will appear, connecting the two input points.

  5. Place two circles
    Click on Circle. Click on each of the input points, and a circle will appear in the Construction area. The first input point you selected determines the center for this circle, and the second point is a point on the circumference of the circle. Place another circle, by clicking the inputs points in the opposite order. Now you should have two circles, each centered at one of the input points.

  6. Intersect the circles
    To find the intersection of the circles, click on Intersect, and then click on each of the circles. A filled dot will appear at each of the intersection points. These dots represent points like the input points, except that they are determined by the steps of the construction. You can apply primitives and constructions to input points and to dependent points.

  7. Find the midpoint
    Place another line segment, this time between the two filled circles. This line segment is the perpendicular bisector of the previous segment. (There is also a perpendicular bisector primitive, which makes the midpoint construction trivial, but for now we'll do it by the more elaborate method.) Intersect these two line segments; the intersection point is the midpoint.

  8. Move the construction around
    Click on the Drag input button in the lower-left corner of the GRACE window, and drag one of the input points around the construction area. Notice that all other steps of the construction move in order to maintain their original relationship with the input point, and the midpoint is always halfway between the two input points. We'll prove that this is the case in the second part of the tutorial.

  9. Select outputs
    Click on the Select outputs button and then select the midpoint. This marks the midpoint as the sole output of the midpoint construction.

  10. Save the construction
    Select Name current... from the Construction menu and type in a name for this construction (such as "Midpoint") in the window that appears, and press OK. The new construction will appear in the list of available constructions, after the list of primitives.

    Now you can use the midpoint construction in other constructions. For example, select Clear workspace from the Edit to clear the Construction area and start over. Place two input points. Select the new construction, and apply it to the two input points. The midpoint will appear between these two points. When you apply the midpoint construction, GRACE internally goes through each step of the construction, and then displays the output shapes. (In this case, only the midpoint was output.)

  11. View the labels and the textual representation
    Select the Labels option from the Edit menu. Note that GRACE has given each shape a name. For instance, the input points have been labelled P0 and P1. Select the Text option from the Windows menu. The Text window shows a textual representation of the current construction in progress. As you place input points, apply constructions, and select outputs, the textual representation is updated.

  12. View the Midpoint construction
    Select your midpoint construction, and then select View from the Construction menu. The Construction area will be erased and all the steps of the midpoint construction reappear as if they had just been entered. The contents of the Text window will also be updated. This feature allows you to see how a construction was made, and to added more steps to a construction.

Part Two: The Midpoint Theorem

In this exercise, you will elaborate on the construction of the previous step, to prove the midpoint construction is valid.

  1. The constraint window
    Clear the construction place a line and a line segment, and intersect them. Select Constraints from the Windows menu. The constraints window will appear, with three portions. The top portion, representing input constraints is empty, since there are no requirements on the inputs to the midpoint construction. The bottom portion, "Output constraints", is also empty because we have not selected any constraints as outputs.

    The middle portion of the Constraints window, "Intermediate constraints" contains all of the constraints that have been proven to be true. Currently, only one constraint has been derived; it asserts that the sum of the distances from the intersection point to the endpoints of the line segment is equal to the length of the line segment; in other words, the intersection point lies on the line segment. No corresponding constraint has been generated for the line, because the intersection point does not necessarily lie between the points that define the line.

    The number before the constraint indicates which step in the construction generated the constraint. The "A" indicates that the constraint was generated automatically.

  2. Check if we have proven midpoint already
    View the midpoint construction again. We want to prove that the distance from the midpoint to each of the input points is the same. The Constraints window lists several constraints that have been automatically generated so far. Let us test to see if these constraints together imply the constraint we want.

    Select Expressions from the Windows menu. The Expressions window will appear, and can be used to build up constraints. Click on "New Distance," and then click on P0 and I8 in the main window. This creates an expression for the distance between these points in the expression window. Below the text of the expression is a line, representing the value of the expression. Click "New Distance" again (or right-click in the main draw area), and then select the points P1 and I8. Note that you can drag the input points and watch the values of the expressions change.

    Click "Test intermediate" and then select each of the new expressions to test if they are equal. (To select an expression, click on the visual representation, not the expression text.) Unfortunately, we have not yet proven this constraint.

  3. Load the tutorial library
    Close the Expression window and select Tutorial from the Libraries menu. Two new axioms will appear in the construction list.

  4. Apply Side-Side-Side
    We can show that the triangle(P0,I4,I5) is congruent to the triangle(P1,I4,I5). (This is because any two points on a circumference of a circle are equidistant from the center of the circle. Automatic constraints were generated based on this fact). Select "Axiom - SSS" and select the vertices of the triangles, in the following order: P0, I4, I5, P1, I4, I5. Note the new step in the Text window, and the new constraints in the Constraint window. One of the new constraints, angle(P0,I4,I5) = angle(P1,I4,I5), will be used implicitly in the next step.

  5. Apply Side-Angle-Side
    Now we can prove that the triangle(P0,I4,I8) is congruent to the triangle(P1,I4,I8). Note that the SAS axiom requires that angle(P0,I4,I5) = angle(P1,I4,I8), but the constraint proven in the previous step used I8 instead of I5. This is not a problem, since GRACE treats angle(P0,I4,I5) as identical to angle(P0,I4,I8). GRACE can infer this equality because I5 and I8 must be collinear and on the same side of I8. This inference is a consequence of the sidedness rules, which will be discussed later.

    Select "Axiom - SAS", and select the vertices in the following order: I4, I8, P0, I4, I8, P1.

  6. Finish the theorem
    Notice that one of the newly generated constraints, dist(I8,P0) = dist(I8,P1), is exactly what we were seeking to prove. Click "Create output", and click that constraint. It will be added to the "Output constraints" portion of the window. Select Name current... from the Construction menu to save the new construction. Apply the new midpoint construction to some pair of points, and notice that the output constraint has been added to the set of intermediate constraints.

Part Three: Angle Sum Axiom

In this exercise, we will create an axiom which asserts that (1) the sum of two angles on a line is PI, and (2) an angle is equal to the sum of its parts. Axioms in GRACE are treated the same as theorems; we consider an axiom to be a theorem stated without proof. This will be explained in the following steps.

  1. Create the inputs
    Clear the workspace and place three input points in a line, such that the second input point is between the first two.

    Place a fourth input point somewhere off the line.

  2. Make an assumption
    This axiom will require that the point P1 is on the line segment between P0 and P2. To ensure this condition, we must create an input constraint (also called an assumption) that asserts dist(P0,P1)+dist(P1,P2) = dist(P0,P2). Open the Expression window and select "New Distance." Select P0 and P1, then P1 and P2. Note that selecting two distances, one right after the other, sets the expression to be the sum of the distances. You can add as many distances as you want this way. This action creates the expression on the left side of the assumption. Select "New Distance" again and click P0 and P2. This is the right side.

    Select "Create input" in the Constraint window, and then click each of the two new expressions. The input constraint will appear in the Constraint window. Note that the actual positions of the points in the draw area do not have to match the assumption; enforcing this requirement is a very difficult problem. Instead, this assumption represents a symbolic relationship between the points; if the points do meet the assumption, then anything we prove based on the assumption will also be true.

    The input constraint is also a requirement that must be met before the axiom can be applied. This will be discussed more later.

  3. Force some constraints
    Next, we want to assert the constraint angle(P0,P3,P2) = angle(P0,P3,P1) + angle(P1,P3,P2) . Click "New Angle", and then select P0, P3, and P2. Then create the right side of the expression as before and click "Force intermediate." Select the two new expressions. The constraint has now been forced - GRACE accepts it without proof. Unlike Unlike an input constraint (which also does not require proof), the forced constraint will not require any additional conditions before the axiom can be applied.

    Force the constraint PI=angle(P0,P1,P3)+angle(P3,P1,P2). To create an expression for PI, click "New Angle" and then "Add PI". Notice that each of these constraints appears with an "F" in the Constraint window.

  4. Finish the axiom
    Click "Create output" and click each of the forced constraints in the Constraint window. The constraints will become outputs. Name the construction "Axiom - Angle Sum"

  5. Test the axiom
    Clear the workspace and place four points at random. Try applying the new axiom to these points. Since the axiom's input constraint is not met, the axiom cannot be applied.

    To create a situation where the input constraint is met, we could introduce another assumption. Instead, construct two intersecting line segments (you may have to move the input points), and intersect them. Since these are line segments, the intersection points must lie between the endpoints, and GRACE will automatically generate new constraints for the intersection point. Now apply the angle sum axiom with two endpoints of a line segment as the first and third inputs, the intersection point as the second input, and any other point as the fourth input. Two new constraints appear in the constraint window.

    Try intersecting different primitives and seeing what constraints are generated. For more information on automatic constraints, click here.

Part Four: Sum of the Angles in a Quadrilateral Theorem

In this exercise, we will prove that the sum of the angles in a quadrilateral is 2 * PI.

  1. Create the inputs and some line segments
    Clear the workspace and create four input points. The points should represent a convex quadrilateral, with P0 opposite P2 and P1 opposite P3. Place a line segment from P0 to P2 and a line segment from P1 to P3. Intersect the line segments.

  2. Apply some theorems
    Apply the "SumAngleTri=Pi" theorem to the points P0, P1, and P2, and to the points P2, P1, and P3. This shows that the sums of the angles in two triangles composing the quadrilateral is PI. Apply "Axiom - Angle Sum" to the points P0, I6, P2, P3; and the to points P1, I6, P3, P0. These are all the steps we need before we finish the proof; take a moment to understand what you have just done.

  3. Finish the theorem
    The constraint we want to prove is 2*PI = angle(P0,P2,P3) + angle(P2,P3,P1) + angle(P0,P1,P3) + angle(P1,P0,P2). Notice that this constraint does not appear in the intermediate constraints; however, it is a direct consequence of them. GRACE recognizes this. Build the constraint using the expression window and "Create output". Name the theorem.

  4. Make the construction fail
    The theorem we have just proved is really only true for a convex quadrilateral, although this assumption appears nowhere explicitly in the theorem. Drag the input points around until the quadrilateral is no longer convex. Notice that the diagonals no longer intersect, and the Status in the lower right corner of the main window has changed to "Failed." Drag the points back to a convex arrangement; the Status becomes "Successful." Because the Intersect step did not produce the right number of outputs (zero instead of one), the construction failed. A construction fails when any intersection does not produce the expected number of outputs, or any sub-construction fails.

    GRACE theorems are guaranteed to be true on two conditions: The input constraints must be met, and the construction must succeed. For more details, click here

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