package model.board; import GameIO.*; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.*; import model.*; /** * An abstract implementation of IBoardModel that uses the state design pattern * to represent the game states. * A 2-dimensional array of int represents the game board. * Mapping is done randomly across the applicable rows and cols. */ public abstract class ABoardModel implements IBoardModel { protected static final int EMPTY = 0; /** * The game board. */ protected int[] [] cells; /** * State pattern! */ protected ABoardState state = DrawState.Singleton; /** * "Vectors" pointing to different directions in the game board. Used to * facilitate board traversal and other operations. */ protected int[][] directions = {{1,0},{0,1},{1,1},{1,-1}}; /** * The constructor for the class. * @param nRows The number of rows in the board. * @param nCols The number of columns in the board. */ public ABoardModel(int nRows, int nCols) { cells = new int[nRows][nCols]; } /** * Uitility method to convert a board value {-1, 0, +1} to a player value * {0, 1}, assuming that the value is non-zero. * @param value * @return */ public int valueToPlayer(int value) { return (value + 1) / 2; } /** * Utility method to convert a player number {0,1}, to a boardvalue (-1, +1). * @param player * @return */ public int playerToValue(int player) { return 2 * player - 1; } public Dimension getDimension() { return new Dimension(cells[0].length, cells.length); } public abstract IUndoMove makeMove(int r, int c, int plyr, ICheckMoveVisitor cm, IBoardStatusVisitor bs); public void reset() { mapAll(0, new IBoardLambda() { public boolean apply(int player, IBoardModel host, Object param, int row, int col, int value) { cells[row][col] = EMPTY; return true; } public void noApply(int player, IBoardModel host, Object param) { } }, null); state = NonTerminalState.Singleton; } /** * Returns an array of arrays, representing board. The token at (row, col) is given by * (board.getCells())[row][col] = -1 (player #0), 0 (no player), or +1 (player #1). * @return */ int[][] getCells() { return cells; } public void map(int player, IBoardLambda lambda, Object param) {, lambda, param, this); } public void mapAll(int player, IBoardLambda lambda, Object param) { int[][] idx = randomizeIdx(cells.length, cells[0].length); for (int i = 0; i < idx.length; i++) { if(!lambda.apply(player,this, param, idx[i][0], idx[i][1], cells[idx[i][0]][idx[i][1]])) return; } } public int playerAt(int row, int col) { return cells[row][col]; } public Object execute(IBoardStatusVisitor visitor, Object param) { return state.execute(visitor, param, this); } protected abstract boolean isValidMove(int player, int row, int col); public void redrawAll(final ICommand command) { mapAll(0, new IBoardLambda() { public boolean apply(int player, IBoardModel host, Object param, int row, int col, int value) { value = cells[row][col]; if(value == EMPTY) command.clearTokenAt(row, col); else command.setTokenAt(row, col, valueToPlayer(value)); return true; } public void noApply(int player, IBoardModel host, Object param) { throw new IllegalStateException( "ABoardModel.redrawAll(): noApply() should be unreachable!"); } }, null); } public boolean isSkipPlayer(int player) { final boolean[] result = new boolean[]{false}; map(player, new IBoardLambda(){ public boolean apply(int player, IBoardModel host, Object param, int row, int col, int value) { return false; } public void noApply(int player, IBoardModel host, Object param) { result[0] = true; } }, null); return result[0]; } /** * Utility method that creates a randomized traversal across nRows and nCols. * @param nRows * @param nCols * @return An array of the random (row, col) indices that will completely * traverse the nRows and nCols. */ final int[][] randomizeIdx(int nRows, int nCols) { int[][] idx = new int[nRows * nCols][2]; for (int i = 0; i < nRows; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < nCols; j++) { idx[i * nCols + j][0] = i; idx[i * nCols + j][1] = j; } } for (int i = 0; i < idx.length; i++) { int[] temp = idx[i]; int j = (int)(idx.length * Math.random()); idx[i] = idx[j]; idx[j] = temp; } return idx; } }