The binaries and the Javadoc for the extended annotation API are available for download here. Acceptance of the Java Research License is not necessary.

The source code will be released soon.

Below is the source and a Windows binary for a tool that allows you to replace the original javac executable and redirect calls to any other program, for example xajavac.jar.

I have also created a compiler adapter for Apache Ant 1.7.0. The single Java source file and the jar file created from it are available for download below. To use the compiler adapter, first make the class available to Ant by adding the -lib path/to/ant-xajavac.jar parameter to the Ant command line. Then set the following two properties:

The compiler adapter can also be used to launch other Java compilers as long as they are contained in a jar file and have as main class, just like the original Java compiler.

Here are two presentations I gave in a PLT seminar:

And here is my poster for the Corporate Affiliates Meeting at the Computer Science Department of Rice University: