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COMP 501: Production Programming

  Final Report  

Final Report

Each team of students (you have been working in pairs throughout this semester) should turn in a final report on your work in Comp 402 this semester. Your report should cover the following topics:

Assigned Projects/Tasks

Discuss each of the assigned small projects/tasks that you've worked on this semester. If the task was done individually, specify which group member did the task. Please include the revision numbers of the commits you made corresponding to each of these tasks.

While working on these tasks, what challenges did you encounter? What were the design issues, and what engineering concepts did you use?

Unit Tests

Part of any good development cycle is testing. How much of the new functionality added by your tasks is covered in your unit tests? Which unit tests are covering your code? For tests that you added or modified, which SVN revisions correspond to these edits?

Experience with Existing Code

Discuss your experience with the existing DrJava/DrHJ codebase. What did you find helpful? If you were going to TA this course next year, what would you recommend students do to familiarize themselves with the codebase? Are there any practical things we could do (i.e. things that don't require massive refactorings) to improve the usability of the code?

Experience with Agile Programming

In lecture we emphasized agile programming and encouraged you to use pair programming for this class. How did that work for you? Which concepts did you find helpful/unhelpful and why? Did pair programming work well for your team? Why or why not?


Please submit your report on Owlspace. Only one member of the team needs to submit the report, so make sure that both of your names are on the report!

  Final Report  

URL: http://www.cs.rice.edu/~javaplt/501/15-fall/hw/final/index.shtml