import java.util.StringTokenizer; import junit.framework.TestCase; import*; public class Assign2Test extends TestCase { public Assign2Test (String name) { super(name); } /** * The following 3 check methods create an interpreter object with the * specified String as the program, invoke the respective evaluation * method (callByValue, callByName, callByNeed), and check that the * result matches the (given) expected output. If the test fails, * the method prints a report as to which test failed and how many * points should be deducted. */ private void valueCheck(String name, String answer, String program) { Interpreter interp = new Interpreter(new StringReader(program)); assertEquals("by-value " + name, answer, interp.callByValue().toString()); } private void nameCheck(String name, String answer, String program) { Interpreter interp = new Interpreter(new StringReader(program)); assertEquals("by-name " + name, answer, interp.callByName().toString()); } private void needCheck(String name, String answer, String program) { Interpreter interp = new Interpreter(new StringReader(program)); assertEquals("by-need " + name, answer, interp.callByNeed().toString()); } private void allCheck(String name, String answer, String program) { valueCheck(name, answer, program); nameCheck(name, answer, program); needCheck(name, answer, program); } public void testNumberP() { try { String output = "number?"; String input = "number?"; allCheck("numberP", output, input ); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail("numberP threw " + e); } } //end of func public void testMathOp() { try { String output = "18"; String input = "2 * 3 + 12"; allCheck("mathOp", output, input ); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail("mathOp threw " + e); } } //end of func public void testParseException() { try { String output = "haha"; String input = " 1 +"; allCheck("parseException", output, input ); fail("parseException did not throw ParseException exception"); } catch (ParseException e) { //e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail("parseException threw " + e); } } //end of func public void testEvalException() { try { String output = "mojo"; String input = "1 + number?"; allCheck("evalException", output, input ); fail("evalException did not throw EvalException exception"); } catch (EvalException e) { //e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail("evalException threw " + e); } } //end of func public void testAppend() { try { String output = "(1 2 3 1 2 3)"; String input = "let Y := map f to " + " let g := map x to f(map z1,z2 to (x(x))(z1,z2)); " + " in g(g); " + " APPEND := map ap to " + " map x,y to " + " if x = null then y else cons(first(x), ap(rest(x), y)); " + " l := cons(1,cons(2,cons(3,null))); " + "in (Y(APPEND))(l,l)"; allCheck("append", output, input ); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail("append threw " + e); } } //end of func public void testFib() { try { String output = "((0 1) (1 1) (2 2) (3 3) (4 5) (5 8) (6 13) (7 21) (8 34) (9 55) (10 89))"; String input = "let Y := map f to " + " let g := map x to f(x(x)); " + " in g(g); " + " pair := map x,y to cons(x, cons(y, null));" + " FIBHELP := map fibhelp to map k,fn,fnm1 to if k = 0 then fn else fibhelp(k - 1, fn + fnm1, fn); " + "in let FFIB := map ffib to map n to if n = 0 then 1 else (Y(FIBHELP))(n - 1,1,1); " + " in let FIBS := map fibs to map k,l to " + " let fibk := (Y(FFIB))(k);" + " in if k >= 0 then fibs(k - 1, cons(pair(k,fibk), l)) else l; " + " in (Y(FIBS))(10, null)"; needCheck("fib-need", output, input); nameCheck("fib-name", output, input); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail("[3.00] fib threw " + e); } } //end }