/* JamVal and Token Data Definitions */ import java.util.NoSuchElementException; /** A data object representing a Jam value. * JamVal := IntConstant | BoolConstant | JamList | JamFun */ interface JamVal { ResType accept(JamValVisitor jvv); } /** A visitor for the JamVal type (Jam values). */ interface JamValVisitor { ResType forIntConstant(IntConstant ji); ResType forBoolConstant(BoolConstant jb); ResType forJamList(JamList jl); ResType forJamFun(JamFun jf); // ResType forJamVoid(JamVoid jf); // Supports the addition of recursive let to Jam; change impacts JamVal comment } /** JamVal classes */ /** A Jam integer constant, also used to represent an integer token for parsing. */ class IntConstant implements Token, Constant, JamVal { private int value; IntConstant(int i) { value = i; } // duplicates can occur! public int value() { return value; } public ResType accept(ASTVisitor v) { return v.forIntConstant(this); } public ResType accept(JamValVisitor v) { return v.forIntConstant(this); } /** redefines equals so that equal integers are recognized as equal */ public boolean equals(Object other) { return (other != null && this.getClass() == other.getClass()) && (value == ((IntConstant)other).value()); } /** computes the obvious hashcode for this consistent with equals. */ public int hashcode() { return value; } public String toString() { return String.valueOf(value); } } /** A Jam boolean constant, also used to represent a boolean token for parsing. */ class BoolConstant implements Token, Constant, JamVal { private boolean value; private BoolConstant(boolean b) { value = b; } /** Singleton pattern definitions. */ public static final BoolConstant FALSE = new BoolConstant(false); public static final BoolConstant TRUE = new BoolConstant(true); /** A factory method that returns BoolConstant corresponding to b. It is atatic because * it does not depend on this. */ public static BoolConstant toBoolConstant(boolean b) { if (b) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } public boolean value() { return value; } public BoolConstant not() { if (this == FALSE) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } public ResType accept(ASTVisitor av) { return av.forBoolConstant(this); } public ResType accept(JamValVisitor jv) { return jv.forBoolConstant(this); } public String toString() { return String.valueOf(value); } } /* Immutable List and Binding Classes */ /** Interface for all Pure Lists. * PureList := Empty | Cons */ interface PureList { abstract PureList cons(ElemType o); abstract PureList empty(); abstract ResType accept(PureListVisitor v); abstract String toStringHelp(); abstract PureList append(PureList addedElts); } /** The visitor interface for the type PureList */ interface PureListVisitor { ResType forEmpty(Empty e); ResType forCons(Cons c); } /** An abstract class that factors out code common to classes Empty and Cons */ abstract class PureListClass implements PureList { public PureList cons(ElemType o) { return new Cons(o,this); } public PureList empty() { return new Empty(); } public abstract ResType accept(PureListVisitor v); // preceding DICTATED BY BUG IN JSR-14 } /** The empty PureList class */ class Empty extends PureListClass { public ResType accept(PureListVisitor v) { return v.forEmpty(this); } public PureList append(PureList addedElts) { return addedElts; } /** overrides inherited equals because Empty is not a singleton! */ public boolean equals(Object other) { return (other != null && other.getClass() == this.getClass()); } public String toString() { return "()"; } public String toStringHelp() { return ""; } } /** The non-empty PureList class */ class Cons extends PureListClass { ElemType first; PureList rest; Cons(ElemType f, PureList r) { first = f; rest = r; } public ResType accept(PureListVisitor v) { return v.forCons(this); } public PureList append(PureList addedElts) { return new Cons(first, rest.append(addedElts)); } public ElemType first() { return first; } public PureList rest() { return rest; } public boolean equals(Object other) { if (other == null || this.getClass() != other.getClass()) return false; Cons otherCons = (Cons) other; return first.equals(otherCons.first) && rest.equals(otherCons.rest); } public String toString() { return "(" + first + rest.toStringHelp() + ")"; } public String toStringHelp() { return " " + first + rest.toStringHelp(); } } /** The Jam List class representing JamVals that are PureLists. * JamList := JamEmpty | JamCons */ interface JamList extends PureList, JamVal { JamEmpty empty(); JamCons cons(JamVal v); } /** A singleton class extending Empty representing the empty JamList. */ class JamEmpty extends Empty implements JamList { public static final JamEmpty ONLY = new JamEmpty(); private JamEmpty() {} public JamEmpty empty() { return ONLY; } public JamCons cons(JamVal v) { return new JamCons(v, this); } public ResType accept(JamValVisitor v) { return v.forJamList(this); } public ResType accept(ASTVisitor v) { return v.forJamEmpty(this); } } class JamCons extends Cons implements JamList { public JamCons(JamVal v, JamList vList) { super(v, vList); } public JamEmpty empty() { return JamEmpty.ONLY; } public JamCons cons(JamVal v) { return new JamCons(v, this); } public ResType accept(JamValVisitor v) { return v.forJamList(this); } public JamList rest() { return (JamList) super.rest(); } } /** The basic Jam Binding class. Can be extended to support lazy (CBN) bindings. */ abstract class Binding { Variable var; JamVal value; Binding(Variable v, JamVal jv) { var = v; value = jv; } public Variable var() { return var; } public JamVal value() { return value; } public void setValue(JamVal v) { value = v; } } /* Other JamVal classes */ /** The class representing a Jam function (closure or primitive function). * JamFun := JamClosure | PrimFun */ abstract class JamFun implements JamVal { public ResType accept(JamValVisitor jvv) { return jvv.forJamFun(this); } abstract public ResType accept(JamFunVisitor jfv); } /** The visitor interface for the JamFun type */ interface JamFunVisitor { ResType forJamClosure(JamClosure c); ResType forPrimFun(PrimFun pf); } /** The class representing a Jam Closure. */ class JamClosure extends JamFun { private Map body; private PureList env; JamClosure(Map b, PureList e) { body = b; env = e; } Map body() { return body; } PureList env() { return env; } public ResType accept(JamFunVisitor jfv) { return jfv.forJamClosure(this); } } /** The class representing a Jam Primitive Function. * PrimFun := FunctionPPrim | NumberPPrim | ListPPrim | ConsPPrim | NullPPrim | * ArityPrim | ConsPrim | FirstPrim | RestPrim */ abstract class PrimFun extends JamFun implements Token, Term { private String name; PrimFun(String n) { name = n; } public String name() { return name; } public ResType accept(ASTVisitor v) { return v.forPrimFun(this); } public ResType accept(JamFunVisitor v) { return v.forPrimFun(this); } abstract public ResType accept(PrimFunVisitor pfv); public String toString() { return name; } } ///** A dummy Jam value used to implement recursive let. */ // class JamVoid implements JamVal { // public static final JamVoid ONLY = new JamVoid(); // private JamVoid() {} // public ResType accept(JamValVisitor jvv) { return jvv.forJamVoid(this); } //} /** A visitor for the singleton PrimFun classes. */ interface PrimFunVisitor { ResType forFunctionPPrim(); ResType forNumberPPrim(); ResType forListPPrim(); ResType forConsPPrim(); ResType forNullPPrim(); ResType forArityPrim(); ResType forConsPrim(); ResType forFirstPrim(); ResType forRestPrim(); } /* The singleton Classes Representing Primitive Function Values */ /** A singleton class representing the primitive operation 'function?'. */ class FunctionPPrim extends PrimFun { public static final FunctionPPrim ONLY = new FunctionPPrim(); private FunctionPPrim() { super("function?"); } public ResType accept(PrimFunVisitor pfv) { return pfv.forFunctionPPrim(); } } /** A singleton class representing the primitive operation 'number?'. */ class NumberPPrim extends PrimFun { public static final NumberPPrim ONLY = new NumberPPrim(); private NumberPPrim() { super("number?"); } public ResType accept(PrimFunVisitor pfv) { return pfv.forNumberPPrim(); } } /** A singleton class representing the primitive operation 'list?'. */ class ListPPrim extends PrimFun { public static final ListPPrim ONLY = new ListPPrim(); private ListPPrim() { super("list?"); } public ResType accept(PrimFunVisitor pfv) { return pfv.forListPPrim(); } } /** A singleton class representing the primitive operation 'cons?'. */ class ConsPPrim extends PrimFun { public static final ConsPPrim ONLY = new ConsPPrim(); private ConsPPrim() { super("cons?"); } public ResType accept(PrimFunVisitor pfv) { return pfv.forConsPPrim(); } } /** A singleton class representing the primitive operation 'null?'. */ class NullPPrim extends PrimFun { public static final NullPPrim ONLY = new NullPPrim(); private NullPPrim() { super("null?"); } public ResType accept(PrimFunVisitor pfv) { return pfv.forNullPPrim(); } } /** A singleton class representing the primitive operation 'ref?'. */ class RefPPrim extends PrimFun { public static final RefPPrim ONLY = new RefPPrim(); private RefPPrim() { super("ref?"); } public ResType accept(PrimFunVisitor pfv) { return pfv.forNullPPrim(); } } /** A singleton class representing the primitive operation 'arity'. */ class ArityPrim extends PrimFun { public static final ArityPrim ONLY = new ArityPrim(); private ArityPrim() { super("arity"); } public ResType accept(PrimFunVisitor pfv) { return pfv.forArityPrim(); } } /** A singleton class representing the primitive operation 'cons'. */ class ConsPrim extends PrimFun { public static final ConsPrim ONLY = new ConsPrim(); private ConsPrim() { super("cons"); } public ResType accept(PrimFunVisitor pfv) { return pfv.forConsPrim(); } } /** A singleton class representing the primitive operation 'first'. */ class FirstPrim extends PrimFun { public static final FirstPrim ONLY = new FirstPrim(); private FirstPrim() { super("first"); } public ResType accept(PrimFunVisitor pfv) { return pfv.forFirstPrim(); } } /** A singleton class representing the primitive operation 'rest'. */ class RestPrim extends PrimFun { public static final RestPrim ONLY = new RestPrim(); private RestPrim() { super("rest"); } public ResType accept(PrimFunVisitor pfv) { return pfv.forRestPrim(); } } /* The Jam Token classes */ /** The interface for Jam Tokens. Most Token classes are singletons. * Token := JamEmpty | Variable | OpToken | KeyWord | LeftParen | RightParen | LeftBrack | RightBrack | * Comma | Semicolon | EndOfFile */ interface Token {} /** Null constant class. Part of AST and Token composite hierarchies. */ class NullConstant implements Token, Constant { public static final NullConstant ONLY = new NullConstant(); private NullConstant() {} public T accept(ASTVisitor v) { return v.forNullConstant(this); } public String toString() { return "null"; } } /** A class representing a Jam Variable. Each distinct variable name is uniquely represented by a Variable object. */ class Variable implements Token, Term { private String name; Variable(String n) { name = n; } public String name() { return name; } public ResType accept(ASTVisitor v) { return v.forVariable(this); } public String toString() { return name; } } /* A class representing a Jam operator Token. */ class OpToken implements Token { private String symbol; private boolean isUnOp; private boolean isBinOp; /** the corresponding unary operator in UnOp */ private UnOp unOp; /** the corresponding binary operator in BinOp */ private BinOp binOp; private OpToken(String s, boolean iu, boolean ib, UnOp u, BinOp b) { symbol = s; isUnOp = iu; isBinOp = ib; unOp = u; binOp = b; } /** factory method for constructing OpToken serving as both UnOp and BinOp */ public static OpToken newBothOpToken(UnOp u, BinOp b) { return new OpToken(u.toString(), true, true, u, b); } /** factory method for constructing OpToken serving as BinOp only */ public static OpToken newBinOpToken(BinOp b) { return new OpToken(b.toString(), false, true, null, b); } /** factory method for constructing OpToken serving as UnOp only */ public static OpToken newUnOpToken(UnOp u) { return new OpToken(u.toString(), true, false, u, null); } public String symbol() { return symbol; } public boolean isUnOp() { return isUnOp; } public boolean isBinOp() { return isBinOp; } public UnOp toUnOp() { if (unOp == null) throw new NoSuchElementException("OpToken " + this + " does not denote a unary operator"); return unOp; } public BinOp toBinOp() { if (binOp == null) throw new NoSuchElementException("OpToken " + this + " does not denote a binary operator"); return binOp; } public String toString() { return symbol; } } class KeyWord implements Token { private String name; KeyWord(String n) { name = n; } public String name() { return name; } public String toString() { return name; } } class LeftParen implements Token { public String toString() { return "("; } private LeftParen() {} public static final LeftParen ONLY = new LeftParen(); } class RightParen implements Token { public String toString() { return ")"; } private RightParen() {} public static final RightParen ONLY = new RightParen(); } class LeftBrack implements Token { public String toString() { return "["; } private LeftBrack() {} public static final LeftBrack ONLY = new LeftBrack(); } class RightBrack implements Token { public String toString() { return "]"; } private RightBrack() {} public static final RightBrack ONLY = new RightBrack(); } ///* Supports the addition of blocks to Jam. Uncommenting affects the comment for Token. */ // class LeftBrace implements Token { // public String toString() { return "{"; } // private LeftBrace() {} // public static final LeftBrace ONLY = new LeftBrace(); //} // //class RightBrace implements Token { // public String toString() { return "}"; } // private RightBrace() {} // public static final RightBrace ONLY = new RightBrace(); //} class Comma implements Token { public String toString() { return ","; } private Comma() {} public static final Comma ONLY = new Comma(); } class SemiColon implements Token { public String toString() { return ";"; } private SemiColon() {} public static final SemiColon ONLY = new SemiColon(); } class EndOfFile implements Token { public String toString() { return "*EOF*"; } private EndOfFile() {} public static final EndOfFile ONLY = new EndOfFile(); }