/* OO-Lexer for Assignment 1, Comp 311, August 2010 * Notes: * 1. This lexer accommodates OO parsing but it is essentially identical the recursive descent lexer. The ast.java * file contains the OO code including a Token interface with an accept method. * 2. This lexer will be slightly refactored in Assignment 2 to accommodate visitor based dispatch on the operator in * UnOpApp or BinOppApp. * */ import java.io.*; import java.util.*; /** Jam lexer class. * Given a Lexer object, the next token in that input stream being * processed by the Lexer is returned by static method readToken(); it * throws a ParseException (a form of RuntimeException) if it * encounters a syntax error. Calling readToken() advances the cursor * in the input stream to the next token. * * The static method peek() in the Lexer class has the same behavior as * readToken() except for the fact that it does not advance the cursor. */ class Lexer extends StreamTokenizer { /* short names for StreamTokenizer codes */ public static final int WORD = StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD; public static final int NUMBER = StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER; public static final int EOF = StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF; public static final int EOL = StreamTokenizer.TT_EOL; /* operator Tokens */ // ::= | ~ | ! // ::= | "*" | / | = | != | < | > | <= | >= | & | "|" | // <- // ::= "+" | - // Note: there is no class distinction between and at // lexical level because of ambiguity; belongs to both public static final Op PLUS = new Op("+", true, true); public static final Op MINUS = new Op("-", true, true); public static final Op TIMES = new Op("*"); public static final Op DIVIDE = new Op("/"); public static final Op EQUALS = new Op("="); public static final Op NOT_EQUALS = new Op("!="); public static final Op LESS_THAN = new Op("<"); public static final Op GREATER_THAN = new Op(">"); public static final Op LESS_THAN_EQUALS = new Op("<="); public static final Op GREATER_THAN_EQUALS = new Op(">="); public static final Op NOT = new Op("~", true, false); public static final Op AND = new Op("&"); public static final Op OR = new Op("|"); /* Used to support reference cells. */ // public static final Op BANG = new Op("!", true, false); // public static final Op GETS = new Op("<-"); // public static final Op REF = new Op("ref", true, false); /* Keywords */ public static final KeyWord IF = new KeyWord("if"); public static final KeyWord THEN = new KeyWord("then"); public static final KeyWord ELSE = new KeyWord("else"); public static final KeyWord LET = new KeyWord("let"); // public static final KeyWord LETREC = new KeyWord("letrec"); // Used to support letrec extension public static final KeyWord IN = new KeyWord("in"); public static final KeyWord MAP = new KeyWord("map"); public static final KeyWord TO = new KeyWord("to"); public static final KeyWord BIND = new KeyWord(":="); // wordtable for classifying words in token stream public HashMap wordTable = new HashMap(); // Lexer peek cannot be implemented using StreamTokenizer pushBack // because some Tokens are composed of two StreamTokenizer tokens Token buffer; // holds token for peek() operation /* constructors */ /** Constructs a Lexer for the specified inputStream */ Lexer(Reader inputStream) { super(new BufferedReader(inputStream)); initLexer(); } /** Constructs a Lexer for the contents of the specified file */ Lexer(String fileName) throws IOException { this(new FileReader(fileName)); } /** Constructs a Lexer for the default console input stream System.in */ Lexer() { super(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))); initLexer(); } /* Initializes lexer tables and the StreamTokenizer that the lexer extends */ private void initLexer() { // configure StreamTokenizer portion of this resetSyntax(); parseNumbers(); ordinaryChar('-'); commentChar('#'); wordChars('0', '9'); wordChars('a', 'z'); wordChars('A', 'Z'); wordChars('_', '_'); wordChars('?', '?'); whitespaceChars(0, ' '); // `+' `-' `*' `/' `~' `=' `<' `>' `&' `|' `:' `;' `,' '!' // `(' `)' `[' `]' are ordinary characters (self-delimiting) initWordTable(); buffer = null; // buffer initially empty } /** Reads tokens until next end-of-line */ public void flush() throws IOException { eolIsSignificant(true); while (nextToken() != EOL) ; // eat tokens until EOL eolIsSignificant(false); } /** Returns the next token in the input stream without consuming it */ public Token peek() { if (buffer == null) buffer = readToken(); return buffer; } /** Reads the next token as defined by StreamTokenizer in the input stream (consuming it). */ private int getToken() { // synonymous with nextToken() except for throwing an unchecked // ParseException instead of a checked IOException try { int tokenType = nextToken(); return tokenType; } catch(IOException e) { throw new ParseException("IOException " + e + "thrown by nextToken()"); } } /** Reads the next Token in the input stream (consuming it) */ public Token readToken() { /* Uses getToken() to read next token and constructs the Token object representing that token. * NOTE: token representations for all Token classes except IntConstant are unique; a HashMap * is used to avoid duplication. Hence, == can safely be used to compare all Tokens except * IntConstants for equality (assuming that code does not gratuitously create Tokens). */ if (buffer != null) { Token token = buffer; buffer = null; // clear buffer return token; } int tokenType = getToken(); switch (tokenType) { case NUMBER: int value = (int) nval; if (nval == (double) value) return new IntConstant(value); throw new ParseException("The number " + nval + " is not a 32 bit integer"); case WORD: Token regToken = wordTable.get(sval); if (regToken == null) { // must be new variable name Variable newVar = new Variable(sval); wordTable.put(sval, newVar); return newVar; } return regToken; case EOF: return null; case '(': return LeftParen.ONLY; case ')': return RightParen.ONLY; case '[': return LeftBrack.ONLY; case ']': return RightBrack.ONLY; // case '{': return LeftBrace.ONLY; // case '}': return RightBrace.ONLY; case ',': return Comma.ONLY; case ';': return SemiColon.ONLY; case '+': return PLUS; case '-': return MINUS; case '*': return TIMES; case '/': return DIVIDE; case '~': return NOT; case '=': return EQUALS; case '<': tokenType = getToken(); if (tokenType == '=') return LESS_THAN_EQUALS; // if (tokenType == '-') return GETS; // Used to support reference cells pushBack(); return LESS_THAN; case '>': tokenType = getToken(); if (tokenType == '=') return GREATER_THAN_EQUALS; pushBack(); return GREATER_THAN; case '!': tokenType = getToken(); if (tokenType == '=') return NOT_EQUALS; else throw new ParseException("!" + ((char) tokenType) + " is not a legal token"); /* this else clause supports reference cells */ // pushBack(); // return wordTable.get("!"); case '&': return AND; case '|': return OR; case ':': { tokenType = getToken(); if (tokenType == '=') return wordTable.get(":="); // ":=" is a keyword not an operator pushBack(); throw new ParseException("`:' is not a legalken"); } default: throw new ParseException("`" + ((char) tokenType) + "' is not a legal token"); } } /** Initializes the table of Strings used to recognize Tokens */ private void initWordTable() { // initialize wordTable // constants // ::= null // ::= true | false wordTable.put("null", NullConstant.ONLY); wordTable.put("true", BoolConstant.TRUE); wordTable.put("false", BoolConstant.FALSE); // Install keywords wordTable.put("if", IF); wordTable.put("then", THEN); wordTable.put("else", ELSE); wordTable.put("let", LET); wordTable.put("in", IN); wordTable.put("map", MAP); wordTable.put("to", TO); wordTable.put(":=", BIND); // Install primitive functions // ::= number? | function? | list? | null? // | cons? | cons | first | rest | arity wordTable.put("number?", new PrimFun("number?")); wordTable.put("function?", new PrimFun("function?")); // wordTable.put("ref?", new PrimFun("ref?")); // used to support Jam references wordTable.put("list?", new PrimFun("list?")); wordTable.put("null?", new PrimFun("null?")); wordTable.put("cons?", new PrimFun("cons?")); wordTable.put("arity", new PrimFun("arity")); wordTable.put("cons", new PrimFun("cons")); wordTable.put("first", new PrimFun("first")); wordTable.put("rest", new PrimFun("rest")); } /** Provides a command line interface to the lexer */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { // check for legal argument list Lexer in; if (args.length == 0) { in = new Lexer(); } else in = new Lexer(args[0]); do { Token t = in.readToken(); if (t == null) break; System.out.println("Token " + t + " in " + t.getClass()); } while (true); } }