Programming Assignment 1:
Parsing and Abstract Syntax




Assigned: Friday, January 16, 2015
Due: 12:00 noon, Monday, January 26, 2015
Points: 100



Preparation   If you are using a Windows or Linux machine, we suggest that you download and install the latest version of the Java 7 JDK and the latest version of DrJava on your preferred computing platform. On Windows and Linux, the best Java 7 JDK is provided by Oracle. If you are using a Mac and DrJava, we suggest that you download and install the latest version of DrJava and use the last version of Java 6 provided by Apple. You can use newer versions of Java on the Mac, but you must start DrJava from the command line exactly as described below for Linux. If you use Java 6, you can simply click on the DrJava icon. Nothing in this course depends on Java 7 or Java 8. Older Java 5 and Java 6 JDKs and early releases of the Java 8 JDK will suffice, but the performance of Java 5 and 6 is not quite as good as Java 7. Early releases of Java 8 may perform better than Java 7 and they support explicit lambda notation, but they presumably have more bugs than the latest Java 7 JDK and the DrJava interactions pane does not support the language extensions added in Java 8. (Of course, you can still use these extensions in any source files that you compile because the Java 8 compiler translates all Java 8 source code to standard Java byte code.)

The latest version of the Sun Java 7 SE JDK systems can be obtained at We recommend downloading and installing only the JDK, not the JDK with NetBeans (which greatly increases the size of the download). The latest version of DrJava can be obtained from

We will try to maintain the latest versions of the Java 7 JDK and DrJava on CLEAR, but CLEAR is under the control of Rice IT, which limits our ability to configure what software is available. We recommend using CLEAR only to submit your programs. On CLEAR, we are providing a turnin411 script, which submits your program to our repository. Unfortunately, the IT submission facilities will not permit us to run a script testing that submitted programs pass the trivial unit tests in (including in our supporting library files.

On CLEAR, you may need to use the path ~comp411/bin/turnin411 to access the turnin command.

Please create a comp411 directory in your home directory on both your development machine and on CLEAR. Each programming team should submit their solution under the userid one team member. For this assignment, please create a programs/1 directory within the directory comp411. All of your files for this assignment should be stored in the programs/1 subdirectory.

DrJava is distributed as a Java .jar file at the web site You can run DrJava on a Linux or Mac system (with Java JDK 5/6/7/8 installed) by typing

java -jar drjava.jar

assuming that drjava.jar is located in the current directory. On Windows machines (with a properly installed Java JDK 5/6/7/8), you can run the drjava.jar file simply by double-clicking on the icon. If the Registry has the wrong file type associated the .jar files, then double-clicking .jar icons will not work. In this case, you can download an executable drjava.exe file for Windows from the DrJava web site. This file wraps the drjava.jar in a script that runs the .jar file.

Documentation for DrJava is available at If you have further questions about DrJava, ask a question on Piazza or send email to

All of your files for this assignment should be stored in the programs/1 subdirectory.

Teamwork   You are strongly encouraged to do this assignment and all other programming assignments using pair programming. When you submit your assignment, indicate the composition of your team (names, student ids, and email addresses) in your README file.

If you cannot find a partner and would like one, send an email to and we will try to find one for you. Teams of more than two members are not permitted.

Testing   You are expected to write unit tests for all of your non-trivial methods or functions. DrJava provides integrated support for JUnit which makes this task easy.

Task   Your task is to write a parser in Generic Java (Java 5/6/7) that recognizes expressions in the pedagogic functionallanguage Jam, which will be defined subsequently. The course staff has provided a lexer in Java for this assignment. This lexer returns a larger set of symbols than what appears in the Jam definition. These extra symbols anticipate future extensions to Jam. At this point, your parser should simply reject any program containing one of these extra symbols as ill-formed, just like it would for any other syntax error.

Java Support Library   In our Java library, the parser's input token stream is provided by a Lexer object supporting the parameterless method readToken(). The readToken() method produces a stream of Token objects belonging to various subclasses of the Token interface. The Lexer class supports two constructors: a zero-ary constructor that converts standard input to a Lexer and a unary constructor Lexer(String fileName) that converts the specified file to a Lexer. The file contains the definition of the Lexer class and the collection of classes representing tokens (the Java interface Token) and abstract syntax trees (the java interface AST).

All classes should be in the default (top-level) package.

Your parser should be expressed as a class Parser with constructors Parser(Reader stream) and Parser(String filename) which create parsers reading the specified stream or file. The Reader form of these constructors is very convenient when you are testing your parser from the DrJava read-eval-print loop or from unit test methods.

The Parser class should contain a public method AST parse() that returns the abstract syntax tree for the Jam expression in the input stream. Our grading program will print the output using the method System.out.println, which invokes the toString method on its argument. All of the requisite abstract syntax classes including toString methods are defined in the file This library files are available on the web in the directory ../../Assignments/1/java.

If your parser encounters an erroneous input, simply print an explanation of the syntax error and abort parsing the file by throwing a ParseException. Recovering from a syntax error to continue parsing is a complex problem with many special cases. It is not a realistic goal for this assignment.

Input Language Specification

The following paragraphs define the parser's input language and the subset that your parser should recognize as legal Jam programs.

The Meta Language The parser's input language is described using Backus-Naur Form (BNF). When reading the notation, keep the following in mind:

The Input Language   The parser's input language is Input where:

Input ::= Token*
Token ::= AlphaOther AlphaOtherNumeric* | Delimiter | Operator | Int

The lexer recognizes keywords, delimiters (parentheses, commas, semicolons), primitive operations, identifiers, and numbers.

Adjacent tokens must be separated by whitespace (a non-empty sequence of spaces, tabs, and newlines) unless one of the tokens is a delimiter or operator. In identifying operators, the lexer chooses the longest possible match. Hence, <= is interpreted as a single token rather than < followed by =.

Lower             ::= a | b | c | d | ... | z
Upper             ::= "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | ... | "Z"
Other             ::= ? | _
Digit             ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
Alpha             ::= Upper | Lower
AlphaOther        ::= Alpha | Other
AlphaOtherNumeric ::= AlphaOther | Digit
Delimiter         ::= ( | ) | [ | ] | , | ;
Operator          ::= "+" | - | ~ | "*" | / | = | != | < | > | <= | >= | & | "|" | :=

Jam   The set of legitimate Jam phrases is the subset of the potential inputs consisting the expressions Exp defined by the following grammar:


Exp         ::= Term { Binop Exp }
              | if Exp then Exp else Exp
              | let Def+ in Exp
              | map IdList to Exp
Term        ::= Unop Term
              | Factor { ( ExpList ) }
              | Null
              | Int
              | Bool
Factor      ::= ( Exp ) | Prim | Id
ExpList     ::= { PropExpList }
PropExpList ::= Exp | Exp , PropExpList
IdList      ::= { PropIdList }
PropIdList  ::= Id | Id , PropIdList


Def ::= Id := Exp ;

Primitive Constants, Operators, and Operations

Null  ::= null
Bool  ::= true | false
Unop  ::= Sign | ~
Sign  ::= "+" | -
Binop ::= Sign | "*" | / | = | != | < | > | <= | >= | & | "|"
Prim  ::= number? | function? | list? | null? | cons? | cons | first | rest | arity


Id ::= AlphaOther {AlphaOther | Digit}*

Please note that Id does not contain the anything that matches Prim or the keywords if, then, else, map, to, let, in, null, true, and false.


Int ::= Digit+

The preceding grammar requires one symbol lookahead in a few situations. The Java lexer in our support code includes a method Token peek() that behaves exactly like the method Token readToken() except for the fact that it leaves the the scanned token at the front of the input stream (in contrast readToken() removes the scanned token from the input stream).

The Java file defines all of the abstract syntax classes required to represent Jam programs using the composite design pattern. There is one constructor for each fundamentally different form of expression in the definition of Jam syntax given above. Some primitive (non-recursive) abstract syntax classes are the same the corresponding token classes.

For example, suppose the Jam program under consideration is

f(x) + (x * 12))

The abstract syntax representation for this program phrase is:

new BinOpApp(
       new Op("+"),
       new App(new Variable("f"), new AST[] { new Variable("x") }),
       new BinOpApp(new Op("*"), new Variable("x"), new IntConstant(12))

This construction does not tell the whole story. The lexer is guaranteed to always return the same object for a given operator. Similarly, there is only copy of each variable encountered by the lexer. Hence, there is only one copy of the Operator "+", one copy of the Operator "*", one copy of the Variable "x", etc. Note that the Operators "+" and "-" can be used either as unary or binary operators.

The file OriginalSyntaxDiagrams contains a collection of syntax diagrams corresponding to the grammar given above where simple right recursive productions (PropExprList and PropIdList) have been expressed using iteration. Some productions of the grammar have been "inlined" in the diagrams to make them simpler (e.g., PropExprList and PropIdList).

Testing and Submitting Your Program

The directory tests/ contains a sample input programs.

Create a README file in the your directory program/1 that

Make sure that your README file is structured correctly:

  1. It has to be named README (all upper case, no .txt or anything)
  2. It has to be in the assignment's "root directory", e.g. ~/comp411/programs/1
  3. The first two lines should only contain your usernames and nothing else. The third line should be blank (if you're working alone, leave lines 2 and 3 blank), e.g.:

    This is where the readme text starts.

Your test data files should be stored in the programs/1 directory.

Each procedure or method in your program should include a short comment stating precisely what it does. For routines that parse a particular form of program phrase, give grammar rules describing that form.

To submit your program, make sure that everything that you want to submit is located in the directory programs/1 and type the command

turnin411 1

from within the comp411/programs directory.

The command will inform you whether or not your submission succeeded. Only submit one copy of your program per team. If you need to resubmit an improved version your program, submit it from the same account as the original so that the old version is replaced.

Note if turnin411 is not on your path, you will need to add ~comp411/bin to your path:

export PATH=$PATH:~comp411/bin

Implementation Hints

Use an "unparser" to print a concrete representation for an abstract syntax tree. Then you can directly compare test input strings and output strings (up to differences in whitespace and parentheses using for grouping).

Extra Credit (10 points)

The preceding grammar for Jam has an annoying flaw. To make the language easy to parse using recursive descent (top-down) parsing, we used right recursion in the definition of arithmetic expressions. (Left recursion forces infinite looping.) But right recursion yields right-associative ASTs (where computation must be performed right to left), while the usual mathematical convention for arithmetic expression is for binary operators to be left-associative (where computation must be performed left to right). There is a widely used trick in writing grammars for top-down parsing that avoids this problem. The trick is replace right recursion in a simple production (only one alternative on the right hand side) by iteration: an edge looping back to the input edge of the diagram. We used this trick in generating the syntax diagrams for ExprList and IdList for our original grammar. Given our original Jam grammar, we can convert the production

Exp         ::= Term { Binop Exp } | ...
Exp         ::= BinaryExp | ...
BinaryExp   ::= Term { Binop BinaryExp }
at the cost of excluding chains of binary operations terminating in an expression other than a term. Then this revised grammar can be represented using syntax diagrams that define BinaryExp iteratively (just like PropExpList in the original grammar). The code that recogizes program text conforming to the iterative syntax diagram for BinaryExp can incrementally build a left associative AST for such an Exp. The file RevisedSyntaxDiagrams contains iterative syntax diagrams for the extra credit version of the language. Of course, this language eliminates a few quirky inputs from the original language. Our test data for the extra credit assignment will not use any of the quirky inputs that are part of the orginal language but not part of the revised language.

It is possible to write syntax diagrams that treat binary expressions iteratively and still allow arbitrary expressions at the end of the binary expression. But the grammar and syntax diagrams become much more complex. So I do not recommend this design choice.

For extra credit, revise your parser to produce left-associative ASTs for arithmetic expressions.

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