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COMP 402: Production Programming

  Scala Inheritance and the Scala Type System  

Building Acumen

  1. Make sure you have JDK 6
  2. Download required files
    1. Get the latest version of the Acumen source. [link]
    2. Get sbt v0.7.7. [link]
    3. Rename the sbt JAR file to remove the version number: sbt-launch.jar
  3. Unpack the files
    1. Unzip the Acumen source code in a convenient location.
    2. Move the sbt-launch.jar file you downloaded to the acumen-10.12.13/sources directory.
  4. Build with sbt
    1. Open a terminal and navigate to sources in your Acumen directory.
    2. Run this command to launch sbt: java -jar sbt-launch.jar
    3. Once the sbt prompt appears run the update command. This is very important—the code will not compile if you skip this step!
    4. After the update command completes, run the compile command.
  5. You're done! You can try the commands test or run to verify your build.

For more info see: http://code.google.com/p/acumen-language/wiki/DevSetup

Building DrJava

  1. Make sure you have JDK 6
  2. Make sure you have Apache Ant (a utility like make, but for building Java projects). [link]
  3. Make sure you have SVN
  4. Check out the DrJava codebase
    1. Navigate to a convenient directory in your terminal and check out the latest version of the DrJava source code with this command:
      svn co https://drjava.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/drjava/trunk/drjava
    2. You can replace the build.xml file in the root directory with this edited copy if you don't want to set as many environment variables (it only requires JAVA_HOME).
  5. Build DrJava
    1. Navigate to your DrJava directory in your terminal and run ant jar to build the project.
    2. If ant is in your path then it should automatically load the build.xml file and build the jar target.
    3. If you get errors you might need to set some environment variables, such as JAVA_HOME, JAVA5_HOME and JAVA6_HOME for the build script to work correctly.
      • On OSX /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6.0/Home/ seems to work.
      • On Windows it should be a directory like \Program Files\Java\java_1.6.*
      • In BASH you can set the environment variable like this:
        export JAVA_HOME=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6.0/Home/
      • To set the value permanently you can add it to your Environment Variables in Windows, or in BASH add a line to your ~/.bash_profile file. (Both methods require you to restart your terminal / command prompt.)
  6. You're done! You should be able to run your newly-built drjava.jar using the java -jar command.

For more info see: http://www.drjava.org/docs/developer/ch02s03.html

  Scala Inheritance and the Scala Type System  

URL: http://www.cs.rice.edu/~javaplt/402/12-spring/lectures/build/index.shtml