import junit.framework.*; /** Attempts to test the correctness of the ReaderWriterLock class, which allows multiple reader and writer threads to * safely access a shared resource. (Multiple readers can be active at a time, but only one writer can be active, * during which time no readers can be active.) This can be difficult to test because there is little control over * how the threads are actually scheduled. * @version $Id: 4447 2008-04-18 16:06:34Z rcartwright $ */ public class ReaderWriterLockTest extends MultiThreadedTestCase { protected ReaderWriterLock _lock; /** Creates a new lock for the tests. */ public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); _lock = new ReaderWriterLock(); } /** Number of notifications expected before we actually notify. */ private int _notifyCount = 0; /** Object to provide semaphore-like synchronization. */ private final Object _notifyObject = new Object(); /** Notifies the _notifyObject (semaphore) when the _notifyCount reaches 0. (Decrements the count on each call.) */ private void _notify() { synchronized(_notifyObject) { _notifyCount--; if (_notifyCount <= 0) { _notifyObject.notify(); _notifyCount = 0; } } } /** Tests that multiple readers can run without causing deadlock. We can't really impose any ordering on their output. */ public void testMultipleReaders() throws InterruptedException { final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); // Create three threads ReaderThread r1 = new PrinterReaderThread("r1 ", buf); ReaderThread r2 = new PrinterReaderThread("r2 ", buf); ReaderThread r3 = new PrinterReaderThread("r3 ", buf); // Init the count _notifyCount = 3; // Start the readers synchronized(_notifyObject) { r1.start(); r2.start(); r3.start(); _notifyObject.wait(); } r1.join(); r2.join(); r3.join(); } /** Tests that multiple writers run in mutually exclusive intervals without causing deadlock. */ public void testMultipleWriters() throws InterruptedException { final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); // Create three threads WriterThread w1 = new PrinterWriterThread("w1 ", buf); WriterThread w2 = new PrinterWriterThread("w2 ", buf); WriterThread w3 = new PrinterWriterThread("w3 ", buf); // Init the count _notifyCount = 3; // Start the readers synchronized(_notifyObject) { w1.start(); w2.start(); w3.start(); _notifyObject.wait(); } String output = buf.toString(); //System.out.println(output); w1.join(); w2.join(); w3.join(); // Writer output should never be interspersed. assertTrue("w1 writes should happen in order", output.indexOf("w1 w1 w1 ") != -1); assertTrue("w2 writes should happen in order", output.indexOf("w2 w2 w2 ") != -1); assertTrue("w1 writes should happen in order", output.indexOf("w3 w3 w3 ") != -1); } /** Ensure that a single thread can perform multiple reads. */ public void testReaderMultipleReads() throws InterruptedException { // Simulate a reader that performs multiple reads in one thread _lock.startRead(); _lock.startRead(); _lock.endRead(); _lock.endRead(); // Test that a reading thread can perform an additional read even if // a writing thread is waiting. _lock.startRead(); Thread w = new Thread() { public void run() { synchronized(_lock) { _lock.notifyAll(); _lock.startWrite(); // Waits here and releases _lock... _lock.endWrite(); } } }; synchronized(_lock) { w.start(); _lock.wait(); } _lock.startRead(); _lock.endRead(); _lock.endRead(); w.join(); } /** Ensure that a reading thread cannot perform a write. */ public void testCannotWriteInARead() { try { _lock.startRead(); _lock.startWrite(); fail("Should have caused an IllegalStateException!"); } catch (IllegalStateException ise) { // Good, that's what we want } } /** Ensure that a writing thread cannot perform an additional write. */ public void testCannotWriteInAWrite() { try { _lock.startWrite(); _lock.startWrite(); fail("Should have caused an IllegalStateException!"); } catch (IllegalStateException ise) { // Good, that's what we want } } /** Ensure that a writing thread cannot perform a read. */ public void testCannotReadInAWrite() { try { _lock.startWrite(); _lock.startRead(); fail("Should have caused an IllegalStateException!"); } catch (IllegalStateException ise) { // Good, that's what we want } } /** We would like to test the following schedule. * *
      * W1 |***********|
      * W2   |..........*****|
      * R1     |..............********|
      * R2       |............****|
      * W3         |...................***|
      * R3           |.....................****|
      * R4                |................*******|
      * R5                                   |***|
* * Key: "." means waiting, "*" means running * * This is next to impossible to set up in Java. What we'd really * like is a unit-testing framework that allows us to easily specify * such a schedule in a test. (Conveniently, Corky Cartwright has * applied for a Texas ATP grant to develop just such a framework.) * * * So, instead, we'll just set up these threads, let them run, and * enforce that no one interferes with output from a writer. */ public void testMultipleReadersAndWriters() throws InterruptedException { final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); // Create threads WriterThread w1 = new PrinterWriterThread("w1 ", buf); WriterThread w2 = new PrinterWriterThread("w2 ", buf); WriterThread w3 = new PrinterWriterThread("w3 ", buf); ReaderThread r1 = new PrinterReaderThread("r1 ", buf); ReaderThread r2 = new PrinterReaderThread("r2 ", buf); ReaderThread r3 = new PrinterReaderThread("r3 ", buf); ReaderThread r4 = new PrinterReaderThread("r4 ", buf); ReaderThread r5 = new PrinterReaderThread("r5 ", buf); // Init the count _notifyCount = 8; // Start the readers synchronized(_notifyObject) { w1.start(); w2.start(); r1.start(); r2.start(); w3.start(); r3.start(); r4.start(); r5.start(); _notifyObject.wait(); } String output = buf.toString(); //System.out.println(output); w1.join(); w2.join(); w3.join(); r1.join(); r2.join(); r3.join(); r4.join(); r5.join(); // Writer output should never be interspersed. assertTrue("w1 writes should happen in order", output.indexOf("w1 w1 w1 ") != -1); assertTrue("w2 writes should happen in order", output.indexOf("w2 w2 w2 ") != -1); assertTrue("w1 writes should happen in order", output.indexOf("w3 w3 w3 ") != -1); } /** Test that even a steady stream of readers can not starve writers. */ public void testReaderFlood() throws InterruptedException { final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); // Create threads java.util.ArrayList threads = new java.util.ArrayList(); WriterThread w1 = new PrinterWriterThread("w1 ", buf); threads.add(w1); ReaderThread r1; ReaderThread r2; // Init the count _notifyCount = 1001; // Start the readers synchronized(_notifyObject) { for(int i=0; i<500; ++i) { r1 = new PrinterReaderThread("r1 ", buf); r1.start(); threads.add(r1); } w1.start(); for(int i=0; i<500; ++i) { r2 = new PrinterReaderThread("r2 ", buf); r2.start(); threads.add(r2); } _notifyObject.wait(); } String output = buf.toString(); //System.out.println(output); for(Thread t: threads) { t.join(); } // Writer should not be starved by many readers assertTrue("w1 writes should happen before all reads are over", !output.endsWith("w1 w1 w1 ")); } /** A reader thread. */ public abstract class ReaderThread extends Thread { public ReaderThread() { setUncaughtExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandler.ONLY); } public abstract void read() throws Throwable; public void run() { _lock.startRead(); try { read(); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } _lock.endRead(); } } /** A writer thread. */ public abstract class WriterThread extends Thread { public WriterThread() { setUncaughtExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandler.ONLY); } public abstract void write() throws Throwable; public void run() { _lock.startWrite(); try { write(); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } _lock.endWrite(); } } /** A ReaderThread which repeatedly prints to a buffer. */ public class PrinterReaderThread extends ReaderThread { PrintCommand _command; public PrinterReaderThread(String msg, final StringBuilder buf) { _command = new PrintCommand(msg, buf); } public void read() { _command.print(); } } /** A WriterThread which repeatedly prints to a buffer. */ public class PrinterWriterThread extends WriterThread { PrintCommand _command; public PrinterWriterThread(String msg, final StringBuilder buf) { _command = new PrintCommand(msg, buf); } public void write() { _command.print(); } } /** Command pattern class to print to a buffer. */ public class PrintCommand { /** Number of times to print */ int _numIterations = 3; /** Number of milliseconds to wait between iterations */ int _waitMillis = 5; /** Buffer to print to */ final StringBuilder _buf; /** Message to print */ final String _msg; /** Creates a new command to print to a buffer during a read or write. */ public PrintCommand(String msg, StringBuilder buf) { _msg = msg; _buf = buf; } /** Prints the message to the buffer. */ public void print() { for (int i=0; i < _numIterations; i++) { _buf.append(_msg); try { Thread.sleep(_waitMillis); } catch (InterruptedException e) { _buf.append(e); } } _notify(); } } }