[PLT logo] Lecture 11, Comp 311

Modeling State Through Allocation


The technique called store-passing arises from the following challenge: implement an interpreter for LC including Cons, Car, Cdr, set-Car! and set-Cdr! using allocation but no side-effecting operations.

The technique we will use is to make the store a parameter to all the procedures, record changes in the store through functional update, and to return the updated store from any procedure that might change it. These changes are reflected in the following abstract specification for our store operations:

   setup: ()                -> store
allocate: store x val x val -> loc x store
  lookup: store x loc       -> val
  update: store x loc x val -> store
We now present an implementation of this specification, representing stores as a list of two elements: the next-use pointer and an association list of ``mutations'' made to the store.

(define make-store ; int x (int,value) list -> store
  (lambda (next-use allocations)
    (list next-use allocations)))

(define next-use-of ; store -> int
  (lambda (store)
    (car store)))

(define table-of ; store -> (int,value) list
  (lambda (store)
    (cadr store)))

(define setup
  (lambda ()
    (make-store 0 '())))

(define allocate
  (lambda (s a b)
    (let ((first-free (next-use-of s)))
      (list first-free               ; location
	(make-store (+ first-free 2) ; store
	  (cons (list (+ first-free 1) b)
	    (cons (list first-free a)
	      (table-of s))))))))
lookup extracts the association list and looks up the value corresponding to the given location in that list. Finally, the implementation of update is
(define update
  (lambda (s l v)
    (make-store (next-use-of s)
      (cons (list l v)
	(table-of s)))))

In harmony with the above changes, we need to also change MEval to pass the store around. We will call this new evaluator SMEval. It needs to take an expression, an environment and a store, and return a value and a store. First, let us see how the evaluation of simple things like numerals changes (where st is the name for the store argument):

((numeral? M) (list (make-Num (numeral-n M)) st))
We have chosen to represent the two returned values -- the result of evaluation, and the store -- as a list. Other representations, such as Scheme's multiple-value mechanism, are also possible.

Now we consider a slightly more complex example, the primitive plus:

((plus? M) (let* ((L (SMEval (plus-lhs M) env st))
		   (R (SMEval (plus-rhs M) env (store-of L))))
	     (list (add (value-of L) (value-of R)) (store-of R))))
Note how converting to store-passing style makes explicit the dependence on the order of evaluation. Finally, we need to adapt the implementation of the mutating primitives, such as set-Car!:
((set-Car!? M) (let* ((p (SMEval (set-Car!-pair M) st))
		       (v (SMEval (set-Car!-value M) (store-of p))))
		 (list your-favorite-value
		   (update (store-of v) (value-of p) (value-of v)))))
Hence, we have explained in a fairly different way what it means to add side-effects to the language; in particular, we have done so without relying on side-effects in the meta-language.

When the store is propagated in this manner, it is said to be threaded. The environment, in contrast, is not threaded; it is, in theory, duplicated across its various uses.

Question: What is the difference between the environment and the store?

Answer: The environment corresponds to the lexical scoping structure of the program, while the store captures the program's data creation behavior.

While converting an implementation to store-passing style requires an extensive re-write of the interpreter, there are also some benefits to be derived from using this style. These include:

Exercise: What do the environment and the store contain during and after the evaluation of
(let ((x (malloc ...)))
and what does this tell us about the relationship between lexical scope and dynamic extent?

Mutation vs. Allocation

The previous lecture and this one are duals. In the previous lecture, we assumed that our language had mutation operators, and showed how we may use these to model allocation (and mutation) in LC. This corresponds quite closely to the architecture of most modern computers, where a certain fixed amount of virtual memory is present at start-up, and allocation is modeled by apportioning fragments of this memory to individual processes upon request. Indeed, the implementation of allocate presented in the previous lecture is conceptually quite similar to that of Unix's sbrk primitive, which is used by C's malloc library routine.

In contrast, in this lecture, we have shown how to model mutation by assuming only the presence of dynamic allocation routines in our language. This is unlike the architectural model of most stock hardware. We found that under this assumption, we were required to make fairly extensive changes to our implementation of LC, but in return, we gained fine-grained control over the effect of mutations, and were able to understand better the distinction between static scope and dynamic extent.