Dan Wallach / Talks

Java Security, October 1999
An overview of Java security including recent bugs and current research being done in the area.
Posgrados y Estancias Sab�ticas, October 1999 (with Eyal de Lara)
An introduction to the Rice Department of Computer Science with availble research and post-doctoral opportunities. (This talk is half English, half Spanish.)
Puppeteer: Component-based adaptation for mobile computing, October, 1999 (with Eyal de Lara and Willy Zwaenepoel)
An introduction to the Puppeteer project with some preliminary results from our Web characterization.
The Risks of E-Voting Machines (2004)
Modern "direct recording electronic" (DRE) voting machines have no safeguards against faulty or fradulent programming by their designers.
Hack-a-Vote: Demonstrating Security Issues with Electronic Voting Systems (2004)
An in-class project allows students to "hack" a voting system and to try to discover their colleagues hacks.
Adventures in Electronic Voting Research (2007)
This talk discusses several topics, including our observations in Webb County, Texas's 2006 primary, the design of the Auditorium networked voting system, and the California Top-to-Bottom review. The slides, below, also include some discussion of Sarasota's CD13 confusion in the November '06 election (not in the YouTube link due to time constraints).
The Wørd (2010)
Rump session talk, EVT/WOTE 2010
STAR-Vote: A Secure, Transparent, Auditable, and Reliable Voting System
Invited talk at the National CyberWatch Center Mid-Atlantic Regional Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (CCDC) (2013)
Invited talk at the Rice University Scientia lecture series (2017)
Invited talk at Dartmouth University (2017)
Efficient Tamper-Evident Structures for Untrusted Servers (2016)
Lecture at SecAppDev (a Belgian computer security workshop).
Android Security (2016)
Keynote speech at SecAppDev (a Belgian computer security workshop).
GitHub Classroom and Rice University's Comp215 (Introduction to Software Design) (2019)
Invited talk at SIGCSE 2019.
Encrypting and Tabulating Big Elections (2020)
Invited talk for Anyscale Connect (a user group for the Ray open-source distributed computing framework).
ElectionGuard: Enabling Voters to Verify Elections (2021)
Invited talk for Microsoft Research Summit (joint with Josh Benaloh).

Dan Wallach, CS Department, Rice University
Last modified: Fri 30-Sep-2022 9:12