#ifdef ascii ## ## do the include during the second pass ##
#include sample.hdr
############################################################################ #output sample.hdr ############################################################################ Subject: FAQ: Uses For Bellybutton Lint From: Dan Wallach Reply-To: Dan Wallach Newsgroups: alt.lint.bellybutton Summary: Lynx can't properly output the header, even if you surround it with
, because it tries to break lines like this.
Content-type: text/x-usenet-FAQ;
	title="FAQ: Uses for Bellybutton Lint"

Archive-name: bellybutton-lint
Version: $Revision: $ $Date: 1994/11/30 10:06:41 $

#output -
## we only want the header on the HTML document -- it's unnecessary in
## the news article.  Likewise, we only want the news headers on the
## ASCII version, and we don't want lynx to molest them.
#ifdef html
Bellybutton Lint FAQ

Bellybutton Lint FAQ

#endif ## ## If we want to move the directory, we only need to change the ## pre-processor macro ## Here are some pointers to bellybutton lint repositories: ## ## these signatures will likely be shared by multiple FAQ documents ## #ifdef html #include sig.xhtml #else ## ## do the include during the second pass ##
#include sig.plain