Accelerated MPEG Compression of Dynamic Polygonal Scenes
- Authors
- Dan S. Wallach
- Sharma Kunapalli
- Michael F. Cohen
- Abstract
This paper describes a methodology for using the matrix-vector
multiply and scan conversion hardware present in many graphics
workstations to rapidly approximate the optical flow in a scene. The
optical flow is a 2-dimensional vector field describing the on-screen
motion of each pixel. An application of the optical flow to MPEG
compression is described which results in improved compression with
minimal overhead.
- Published
- Computer Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH 1994), July 1994
- Text
- Compressed postscript version of the paper
(greyscale figures) (180k)
PDF version of the paper (greyscale figures) (171k)
- Color Figures (1056 x 720 pixels at full size)
Plate 1
1172k, 24-bit TIFF (exact original)
262k, 8-bit GIF (dithered)
74k, 24-bit JPEG (lossy)
Plate 2
601k, 24-bit TIFF (exact original)
90k, 8-bit GIF (dithered)
18k, 24-bit JPEG (lossy)
- Graphs
- Postscript graphs showing more results than the paper, plus more info on the figures
- Sample MPEG Video (653k)
- a description of the video
- Credits
Back up to papers index
Dan Wallach,
CS Department,
Princeton University