Leuven, Belgium. March 1997.

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Drew and I were invited to teach a course on Java and Security at K.U. Leuven (in Leuven, Belgium). Hey, free European vacation, plus we're both big fans of Belgian beer. How could you go wrong?

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Can't travel without doing laundry.

The city of Leuven dates back very early. They recently unearthed a crypt from the eleventh century (graffiti and all).

Leuven is a college town. I have no idea how they bike over the rough cobblestones, but it's interesting to see how they share doorbells.

Lions guarding the quad

After it was all over, Jan explained to me the intricacies of proper Belgian frites (French Fries are actually Belgian, you see). He also invited me to his apartment (which has an amazing cellar), where he and his wife Tania are expecting a more interactive experience than my computer.

Drew and I agree: we both loved De Wiering (Wieringstraat 2). Open until 11pm, four beers on tap, and 53 beers in bottles. The food was amazing, too. I had a strange pancake creation (Gevuld flensje met feta, spek en groentjes) and Drew has lasagna. Note that the Belgians have a special glass for each and every beer, i.e., De Wiering has 57 different beer glasses.

Dan Wallach, CS Department, Rice University
Last modified: Wed Sep 2 13:39:56 EDT 1998