TeachJava 2002 Workshop Evaluation!
Please answer the following questions.
About you:
- What programming languages have you
- What courses have you taught over the past two years?
Format and organization of the workshop:
- Did you prefer individual work or team work in the labs?
- Would you have preferred a different ratio of lab work to lecture
presentations? If so, what ratio?
- Would you prefer a two-week format over a one-week format?
- What time of the year is best for our workshop?
- Do you have any comments about format or organization?
Content of the workshop
- Did the workshop affect your thinking/teaching about teaching C++/Java?
About Computer Science?
- Did our workshop affect your thinking about computing and/or programming?
If yes, what do you consider the most significant insight?
- For teachers who have taught CS: what is the most significant difference
between our approach and what you have used or seen to teach object-oriented
- Our approach is emphasizes program design. Do you think that it is
suitable for AP students at your school? If yes, at what level?
If no, what is the major obstacle?
Your Java comfort-level
- Are you comfortable
- translating the Scheme design recipe to Java?
- using the basic design patterns that we covered (Union, Composite,
Interpreter, Singleton, Command, Factory Method, Visitor, MVC)?
- Are you comfortable designing
- simple Java programs akin to the Scheme exercises in TeachScheme?
- programs that use the visitor pattern?
- programs that use the model-view-controller pattern?
- If you had no constraints (district, administrator), would you use the
material from this workshop as the core of an AP level course in Java?
- If constraints prevent from teaching any of our material, what are
- Will you recommend it to a friend or colleague? Why or why not?
- Would you be interested in becoming a master teacher for subsequent
TeachJava workshops?