interface ListI { // Basic primitive operations on mutable lists // Standard implementation uses single linking ListI newList(); int length(); void insertFront(Object o); void insertRear(Object o); void remFront(); boolean isEmpty(); IteratorI newIterator(); } interface BiListI extends ListI { // Extra operation required for bi-directional traversal // Standard implementation uses double linking void remRear(); BiIteratorI newBiIterator(); // typically identical to newIterator() but with more precise type } interface IteratorI { void first(); void next(); boolean atEnd(); Object currentItem(); /* Destructive operations */ void insert(Object o); // inserts before current item; never faults, even atEnd() void remove(); } interface BiIteratorI extends IteratorI { // extended iterator for BiListI void last(); void prev(); } class ListException extends RuntimeException { ListException(String s) { super(s); } } class IteratorException extends RuntimeException { IteratorException(String s) { super(s); } } class BiList implements BiListI { Node head = new Node(); // allocate circularly linked header node int length = 0; // relying on default constructor public String toString() { BiIteratorI i = new BiIterator(this); String result = "("; for (i.first() ; ! i.atEnd(); result = result + " " + i.currentItem(); return result + " )"; } public ListI newList() { return new BiList(); } public BiListI newBiList() { return new BiList(); } public int length() { return length; } public void insertFront(Object o) { Node oldSucc = head.succ; Node newNode = new Node(o,head,oldSucc); // allocate new Node // insert new Node head.succ = newNode; oldSucc.pred = newNode; length++; } public void insertRear(Object o) { Node oldPred = head.pred; Node newNode = new Node(o,oldPred,head); // allocate new Node // insert new Node head.pred = newNode; oldPred.succ = newNode; length++; } public void remFront() { if (isEmpty()) throw new ListException("remFront() applied to EmptyList"); else { Node newSucc = head.succ.succ; head.succ = newSucc; newSucc.pred = head; length--; } } public void remRear() { if (isEmpty()) throw new ListException("remRear() applied to EmptyList"); else { Node newPred = head.pred.pred; head.pred = newPred; newPred.succ = head; length--; } } public boolean isEmpty() { return head == head.succ; } public IteratorI newIterator() { // weaker typing for BiIterator when viewed as Iterator return new BiIterator(this); } public BiIteratorI newBiIterator() { return new BiIterator(this); } } class Node { Object item; Node pred,succ; Node(Object i, Node p, Node s) { item = i; pred = p; succ = s; } Node() { // allocate header item = null; pred = this; succ = this; } } class BiIterator implements BiIteratorI { BiList listThis; Node current; BiIterator(BiList l) { listThis = l; // associated List instance current = listThis.head.succ; // current is first item (if one exists) } public void first() { current = listThis.head.succ; // current is first item (if one exists) } public void last() { current = listThis.head.pred; // current is last item (if one exists) } public void next() { current = current.succ; // wraps around end } public void prev() { current = current.pred; // wraps around end } public Object currentItem() { if (current == listThis.head) throw new IteratorException("No current element in " + listThis); return current.item; } public boolean atEnd() { return current == listThis.head; } public void insert(Object o) { // pre: true // post: Node containing o is inserted before current item, // current is unchanged Node oldPred = current.pred; Node newNode = new Node(o, oldPred, current); // allocate new node current.pred = newNode; // insert it oldPred.succ = newNode; listThis.length++; } public void remove() { // pre: current is valid // post: current becomes current.succ if (current == listThis.head) throw new IteratorException( "BiIterator.remove() applied at end of BiList " + listThis); Node cPred = current.pred; Node cSucc = current.succ; cPred.succ = cSucc; cSucc.pred = cPred; current = cSucc; listThis.length--; } } class Test { static int max(BiList l) { if (l.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("max applied to empty List"); BiIteratorI i = l.newBiIterator(); i.last(); int max = ((Integer) i.currentItem()).intValue(); for (i.prev(); !i.atEnd(); i.prev()) { int current = ((Integer) i.currentItem()).intValue(); if (max < current) max = current; } return max; } public static void main(String[] args) { BiList l = new BiList(); BiIteratorI it = l.newBiIterator(); for (int i=0; i < 10 ; i++) it.insert(new Integer(i)); System.out.println("The maximum of " + l + " is: " + max(l)); l.remFront(); System.out.println("Removed item from front. l is " + l); it.insert(new Integer(10)); System.out.println("Inserted 10 at end. The list " + l + " has length " + l.length()); it.first(); System.out.println("Moved iterator to front; current item is: " + it.currentItem()); it.remove(); System.out.println("Removed current element. current item is: " + it.currentItem());; it.remove(); System.out.println("Advanced current pointer and removed element; current item is: " + it.currentItem()); it.remove(); System.out.println("Removed current element from: " + l + "; current item is: " + it.currentItem()); l.remRear(); System.out.println("Removed element from rear. l is " + l); it.last(); it.remove(); System.out.println("Moved to last element of " + l + " removed it"); } }