Research Positions

I'm always interested in working with Rice undergraduate students. If you are interested, I recommend you to register to either COMP 459: Machine Learning with Graphs or COMP 640: Graduate Seminar on Machine Learning.

I'm also looking for Ph.D. students interested in doing research on the following topics: In case you are a prospective Ph.D. student interested in working with me, I recommend you to apply to the Computer Science Ph.D. Program at Rice. This is a strong program with many succesful faculty and a good track record of supporting students (a one-year fellowship is given to all admitted students). Please add my name to your list of potential advisors. I am not able to interview prospective students before the application process starts. I also apologize for being unable to answer every email about this topic.

I currently don't have any funding or the time to advise Master's students and students from other institutions during summer internships.