[PLT logo] TeachScheme! 2000

July 10-14, 2000

LAB for Monday afternoon

  Recap: conditional expression syntax

  Recap: designing conditions (p43):
                boundary points (in some cases)
	        focus on one case at a time
	        design tests to hit all cases

  Practice together: pick largest of three numbers: x, y, z

  Assignments:	4.4.2, p44
		5.1.2, p48
		5.1.3 [if time]
		5.1.4 [if time]

  [Assignments 4.2.1 and 4.3.1 were dropped after the July 2000 Rice 
   workshop because the lab grew far too long.]
  [Utah lab didn't get to the following part at all.
   Strangely, it didn't seem to matter later on.]

  [For long labs like this, we need to either make more problems
   if-time or announce that people aren't expected to finish most of
   the problems.  Otherwise, they get frustrated early]

  Recap:    posn

  Pragmatics: place (start w h) at end of buffer

  Assignments:   section 6.1 & 6.2 
		6.1.1, p53
		6.2.4 [if time]
		6.2.5 [if time]

Generated on: Thu Aug 31 09:41:36 CDT 2000