Here's the lesson plan that I use: Begin with generative recursion. This is in the file Many of them are itching to see "real" sorting. Walk through the example, then explain why we didn't show it earlier. Explain also how fractals, etc fall under this rubric. Newton's method is a good example of how you need domain expertise to understand convergence. (Sorting isn't such a good example, because the domain there is CS itself.) I found GCD was a good example to ask them to think about, because many had never considered convergence. Also, the quicksort code includes an example of a mistake that I made while writing it, which failed to converge. I did not discuss the generative "recipe". While doing quicksort, I ask them to humor me by walking through both the number filters -- "just to be sure we can write this in our sleep". This goes off on one edge of the board -- space that I can afford to not use for the next topic. The second topic is higher-order functions. I walk them through d/dx. The first surprise if that you can pass in an operator at all. The second is that you can construct anonymous functions. Appeal to their distrust of anonymous other things earlier in the week (eg, anonymous lists). I introduce lambda by first asking them imagine how nice and simple it would be if we could introduce an anonymous function just by writing (function (h) ...) -- of course we can't, but let's conceptually imagine we can. This comforts them some. Then erase function with lambda, unveil our logo, hear the trumpets from the sky, etc. Be sure to revise the contracts *after* they've understood the function itself. Now we can return to abstractions. Repeat the experiment of operator abstraction with your code from the first topic. From here talk them through filter and map. This is a nice order not only because there is an immediate need for filter, but also because when you consider the contracts, filter has only one variable whereas map has two, so conceptually it's easier for them to understand filter's contract before map's. Note that the grades example comes from Thursday night's gradebook construction. It's useful to tie things together for those who were at that session. (As our group concluded, "It's true -- you *can* write every program in just four lines!") I made a point throughout the week of letting them know we *would* see Scheme's looping constructs on Friday. When Friday came, I unleashed filter and map (fold would be pure overload at this point) and said these were Scheme's looping constructs. Happily, by that point in the course they seemed able to appreciate (a) why these were loops, and (b) how much nicer these were. There was still a mystical sense about it all, but it's good to leave them in a daze.