TeachScheme 1998: Thursday
TeachScheme! 1998
- The Design Recipe Revisited:
- data-driven
- templates (patterns) as intermediate steps
- design and diagnostic
- Deep recursion: Web Pages:
word-count, contains-word?
Lab Session:
- Designing programs that process Web pages
- Designing programs that process arithmetic expresssions:
count-nums, value, subst
- How to convince your department head, principal, board (Mike Hunt)
- Experience with TeachScheme! in the classroom (Mike Hunt)
- Layered Design of Programs: Sorting
Lab Session:
- Designing an elevator controller
- Action Plan: Is this material feasible for my school/classes?
- Yes: Can I implement it? Do I have the time to test my class?
- No: Why does it not fit? What are the obstactles?