TeachScheme 1998: Monday
TeachScheme! 1998
- Welcome to TeachScheme!
- Goals:
- to create a course for future CS students, curious students, and allothers
- to strengthens the mathematical problem solving skills of all
- to focus on principles, not on ever-changing APIs and algorithms
- What is a program? What is a computation?
- From information to data
- Expressions and programs:
area-of-circle, fahrenheit->celsius, wages
- The Design Recipe
- Program reuse and function composition:
inches-to-cm, feet-to-inches, feet-to-cm
Lab Session:
- Develop functions according to recipe
- Play Ping-Pong
- Booleans and conditional expressions
- Designing conditional programs: numbers (intervals), graphics (shapes)
- Compound Data: Lists from
cons, first, rest
- Structures as short lists:
points, dates
Lab Session:
- Develop conditional programs
- Experiment with conditionals
- Develop simple programs on structures as short lists
- Draw simple things with library functions