TCEA State 1998 Slides

Who Programs?

Think back to the fifties, if you will, and the prototypical image of a programmer is probably as follows: a man; dark suit; crew cut; briefcase; probably worked for a large corporation like IBM. In short, a specialist.

Today's programmer is very different. In particular, today's programmer fits almost no stereotypes. This is because just about everyone who uses computers in their daily work programs, so programmers are as diverse as society itself. Consider these examples:

In short, programs (and programmers) are all around us. Teachers who want to prepare their students to succeed in this kind of society must teach them principles, not just the specific details of some particular language. The most important question is, therefore, which programming language will best illustrate these principles.


Last modified at 22:30:17 CST on Sunday, February 08, 1998