TCEA Area IV '97 Slides

Where Next?

``Advanced'' Data Structures
Armed with this methodology, students can easily progress to advanced data structures such as linked lists, trees, stacks, queues and so forth. Indeed, our example in the methodology section illustrated a use of linked lists! Since these features are supported by the language with a minimum of fuss (no need to worry about allocation, de-allocation, pointers, and so forth), students can approach this material from a very early stage.
Recursion is presented as one of the most mysterious topics the student of programming encounters. Yet recursion is just as natural as advanced data structures; indeed, the two go hand-in-hand. As evidence, consider again our example: the function defined is recursive! Our methodology takes the mystery out of recursion. Hence, students can use it from the very beginning, instead of waiting a semester, or year, or longer to encounter this immensely important, and natural, idea.
Graphics, Games, etc
To animate the learning process, we present our exercises in exciting scenarios such as completing games, animating graphical objects, or processing Web pages. Our libraries (and our programming environment) make graphics easy to manipulate. Thus students get visual feedback for their work, without having to spend a long time understanding and debugging graphical routines.
Other Disciplines
One of the reasons computer science has become such a prominent field is that it provides tools which can be used in a wide variety of disciplines. Unfortunately, many programming courses do not draw on these connections, and also fail to give students enough knowledge to apply in other interesting realms. In contrast, we regularly relate material to mathematics, physics, political science, the stock market, and other interesting topics that students encounter in classes and in everyday life. This enlivens the material; more imporantly, it helps students understand how to use computer science in other areas.


Last modified at 10:49:08 CST on Monday, November 10, 1997