TCEA Area IV '97 Slides

Methodology, III:
The Program and Algebra

Our example used a fairly mathematical notation, of the sort usually found in algebra texts. This is an informal notation, but not very far removed from an actual program. We could re-write the function to look more conventional and program-like:

in-list? (i, sl) =
  if (empty? (sl))
    if (i = first (sl))
      in-list? (i, rest (sl))
We've just assumed the existence of a few primitive functions and written the program in terms of them. These primitive functions behave in a very algebraic manner. For example,
empty? (empty) = true
empty? (put (i, sl)) = false
first (put (i, sl)) = i
rest (put (i, sl)) = sl

In flavor, these equations are no different from those students are exposed to already:

(x + y)2 = x2 + 2 x y + y2
x (y + z) = x y + x z
Using the algebraic rules, students can compute the result of their programs exactly as they would reduce an algebraic term to a value. For this reason, our methodology is a natural extension of high-school algebra. If both capitalizes on the knowledge they already have, and broadens their understanding of that knowledge.

One final puzzle: what should the algebraic rules be for equations like?

first (empty)
rest (empty)
These expressions are faulty: There is no meaningful value they can return. They reflect an error in the program, and must be reported immediately so that the student understands where the mistake is, and can correct it. Unfortunately, most programming languages blithely ignore these situations and continue to compute, producing meaningless answers. These languages destroy most of the advantages of this systematic methodology. We will have more to say on the choice of programming language later.

Now let's summarize this process.


Last modified at 10:48:40 CST on Monday, November 10, 1997